Description: Each member of Yaxha casts a vote and gives a reason for doing so.
LYDIA: This is nothing personal, but only a strong tribe could win these challenges. And we'll see you back home, home girl.
JAMIE: Brianna, you fell off the net in a challenge, you leaned on a pole today in a challenge, you were scared to pick up a ball in a challenge. I don't think you've played a contact sport in your entire life. You're a girly girl, you need go back to the shopping mall when you leave the jungle.
AMY: My vote is for Brianna. It's based on a unified vote. But Brianna, you know as well as I know that we came into this right from the beginning with an alliance, and the fact that I'm voting out somebody in my alliance brings me great concern there might be holes in Yaxha.
RAFE: You're a wonderful person, but I think you and I both know you're ready to go.
STEPHENIE: Brianna, you are a sweet, genuine person, and I'm so sorry it's your time to go, but I have to do what's right for this tribe right now. We gotta win immunities, I can't be on a losing streak anymore. I really liked getting to know you and I hope we can hang on the outside. See ya.
GARY: Brianna, you're a great human being. I just don't think this was your style of game. Best wishes.
BRIANNA (votes for Lydia): You have not looked me in the eye when I've spoken to you, or even attempted conversing when I start a conversation. It's either me or you tonight. I hope it's not me.
BRIAN: I'm sure I'm gonna have a lot of sarcastic things to say about people when I vote them out throughout this game, but you're a sweetheart, Brianna. You're a sweetheart through and through. I'm only voting for you because you are the weakest link on the tribe, and you don't give all, as Lydia does.
Description: Brianna just saw Jeff snuff her torch, and now she's uttering her final words before going off for a bath and a hot meal
Yaxha, I had a great time. You're the strongest bunch of people I've ever met in my life, and I know you're gonna kick some Nakum ass. I had a great time. There's nothing more I can say other than I gave it my all, I tried my hardest, I obviously wasn't strong enough. May the strongest win. You guys rock. Good luck.
It make me very sad to know I was voted off, but it is survival of the fittest out there, and I was the weakest link. It makes me very sad that I have to go home tonight, yes.
I have learned that I am an incredible strong person, stronger than I thought I was. And I've learned to not be so trusting, actually. I've grown up to be a very trusting person and I think that was one of my downfalls in this game. I trusted way too early. I don't feel betrayed at all, I know that they're in this game to win it. Every single one of those players is in this game to win it, and good luck to 'em.
I will take away an incredible amount of strength, wisdom about people, about culture, and about survival. I think I'll take away the experience, the experience was amazing. I couldn't have asked for a better time. Well I was only here for 8 days, but it was the best 8 days of my life, hands down. The toughest, but the best.
I wouldn't have made any promises to anybody if I were to start over again. I would've trained harder before I even came, if I were to play the game again. (this is where it cut off for me, but the Sucks version apparently cut off at, "You’ve got to be athletic to be out here. I am an athlete")
Description: Nakum is plagued by one of the locals, a howler monkey who awakens them with what Judd calls "the most annoyingist noise I've ever heard in my entire life." Zookeeper Cindy, however, loves the monkeys, which seems to irritate her tribemates.
(clips seen on the show of Judd complaining about being woken up by the monkey)
JUDD: I don't know how anybody can sleep through that if they say they're sleeping through that.
BLAKE: No, they are loud.
CINDY (solo): I don't think they're fond of the noise they make. They don't find it as intriguing as myself.
(BRANDON, JUDD, BOBBY JON, MARGARET and BROOKE each do impressions of the howler monkey)
(the clip seen on the show where Judd talks about "annoyingest")
JUDD (watching trees): He's coming down, too? Those sons a bitches. I don't believe such a small monkey has such a big mouth. Maybe they found each other. Maybe they're happy now. Cindy would love this. No, I don't wanna tell her. She might bring 'em over to camp, and we already got 8 monkeys as it is.
MARGARET (solo): Judd wakes up, he's like, 'What were they doin' this morning?' So he probably gets irritated. But Cindy is an incredible naturalist, she just loves the monkeys. She could care less. It goes in one ear and out the other. She climbs like a monkey, she works with monkeys, she's loving it.
JUDD: You'd be amazed when you look.
CINDY: Where are they? Can I see them?
JUDD: They travel in a bunch. There was three of 'em.
CINDY: Were they all dark?
JUDD: They were all dark. They were all this big.
CINDY: Howlers.
JUDD: That's the ones that were screaming.
CINDY (solo): The howler monkeys are neat cause I've never seen one before. I've seen 'em in books and movies, but never in real life, much less the wild. Plus I've been hearing 'em the past week, but never seeing 'em.
CINDY: They're gone. Now I can't see 'em.
JUDD: Oh, they tore ass.
<the part seen on the show where Cindy explains to Judd why the howler monkeys have such loud voices>
CINDY (solo): People probably think I'm a whackjob cause I like animals so much. If I was a mechanic I'd probably talk about cars all the time.
(Blake has a gecko on his shoe, and Cindy tells Judd and Blake all about geckos.)
CINDY (solo): I'm gonna share what I have to share. If anybody wants the information, that's great, if they don't, I'm sorry - I don't know if that's something I can control.
Description: The morning after being voted off of Yaxha, Brianna is rested and refreshed and takes time to reflect on what went right and what went wrong.
BRIANNA: My Survivor Guatemala experience was absolutely amazing. I couldn't have asked for more of a culture shock. It was incredible, there are no words to describe it but absolutely incredible. I think the most real part of it was when you realize you are sitting in the middle of the jungle, and you've got to fend for yourself. I don't really plan on being in that situation again, but just thinking back at the way I felt at that time was so amazing. It was wonderful.
When I was having my down and out days, I knew I had to keep in the back of my head the thought of my family praying for me, and knowing that I was going to be fine. And to keep my morale up, I would pray. That was all I could do to get me through the day sometimes - just pray. I knew I would never be given more than I could handle in a day. My faith is very important to me, and that is what got me through to be completely honest with you. It was my faith that got me through.
The first few days out in the jungle, I barely even thought of my family. I was so focused on winning that 11 1/2 mile trek through the jungle, so focused on getting the water, grinding the corn, doing the camp stuff, that I didn't have time to think about my family. It was the times we had down time and I knew I was not going to be talking to my family for 39 days, that it really started to hit me. I broke down, a couple times. It was very difficult. I just have to remember - this is what I thought to myself, 'I just have to remember, right now they are thinking of me.' And to know that someone was rooting for me on the other side that I didn't know brought me comfort. It really helped me get through.
I learned a lot about myself while I was out there. For instance, when I'm faced with a situation, I really learned to step back and look at myself. How is this situation making me react? Am I angry? Am I sad? Am I anxious? What is the result of that ? Is someone else making me angry? And why is that person making me angry? I think I just learned to look at situations in lights that I had never before. I mean there comes a point when you can only hear yourself talk. You're out in the middle of the jungle, your mind is running a million miles a minute.
I bring a lot of aspects to the game. Let's be honest - I'm not the most athletic person, and that was one of my downfalls. I believe I could have brought more to the game, considering how long I was on the tribe, I wasn't allowed to display what I could bring. I showed as much as I could in camp life, but when it comes down to it, in the immunity challenges and the reward challenges, and us losing, it wasn't cutting it. My athletic ability wasn't strong enough for the tribe, and that's what mattered most then and there. And I didn't have it.
Getting your torch put out by Jeff Probst is humbling. You're choking back tears to try to save face, and you want to say parting words to your tribe of 'good luck'. (tears up) But it's sad, knowing your tribe doesn't think you can keep going when you know you can.
I'm am an arty girl. I wear makeup. I shop. I like to talk on the phone. I'm a city girl. That's one side of me. And I was so enthusiastic to show people this other side of me, so adventurous and outgoing, and tough. I'm a tough girl. I've been through a lot. For people to see what kind of person I am in addition to the person they already know, I think it will muster up a bunch of newfound respect that I don't think I necessarily got from my coworkers, from friends I used to have. I know my family loves me, regardless, but they're gonna love me even more now (laughs).
Description: The Survivors are getting pretty tired of corn, corn, corn and that's no joke. Cindy stirs the pot for her Nakum tribemates, who aren't looking forward to the meal. Brandon yearns for potatoes.
(most of Nakum lay around on the ground while Cindy begins to fix a meal)
MARGARET: I'd love a food challenge.
BOBBY JON: Probably gonna be the next reward.
BRANDON: What'd they have for your first food challenge?
DANNI: Beef stew and root beer.
CINDY: It's getting thick. I don't know how it's gonna taste, but we're losing water fast. There might be a piece of stick in here, I'm apologizing in advance.
JUDD (walking up to Cindy): Is that a new recipe?
CINDY: Sat there 4 hours and it didn't go anywhere last night, got all swollen up, and I smushed it this morning, and we're just gonna take it like mush.
JUDD: So we're doin' something a little different. Well, it looks more like corn today, though.
JUDD (solo): The food we're eating out here is just corn. For anyone to say it tastes good, they're full of crap. It tastes horrible. But you have to eat it because it's got about 15% protein in it, so that'll give us a little boost.
JUDD (to Cindy while she cooks): I heard you say last night you guys are trying to make tortillas.
CINDY: We were gonna do that but it didn't turn out the way we wanted it. We thought we could smush it since it was all soaked and water-logged, and it didn't soak.
JUDD (solo): We made corn soup, we made corn oatmeal, we made corn nuts, just about anything you can do with corn, we did it, and it all tastes the same.
CINDY: This is loaded with a crapload (?) of corn.
JUDD: Doing a heck of a job, Cindy.
CINDY: I'm not a chef so if it's crap I can't do anything about it.
CINDY (solo): If you like it, eat it. If you don't eat it, you're probably not very hungry. That's the way we we grew up. Food's on the table. If you're hungry, eat it. If you don't eat it then you're not very hungry. Take it or leave it, this is what we're getting tonight.
(Brooke eats while reading a book)
MARGARET: Is it better?
BROOKE: Mm-hmm.
MARGARET: Just more whole kernels? How is it, Brooke?
MARGARET (solo): The tribe's kinda split. Half like it one way, half like it the other. It's either corn mush, or Guatemala corn nut.
<clip cuts out>
JUDD: I'm about all corned out. I'd rather just suck water all day.
BRANDON: Dude, I'm on the same page.
BRANDON (solo): I wish they could've given us potatoes. You can do all kinds of things with potatoes. You know, mash 'em, bake 'em, cut 'em into french fries or hashbrowns.
CINDY: Anybody wants this corn, you should eat some cause the flies are all over it. I don't know how long it's gonna be good.
MARGARET: We'll have protein from the larva eggs.
CINDY (solo): I think the situation is a little bit ridiculous. They're all, 'well, we want corn nuts.' Well, I'm gonna feel sick if I eat that. And then Bobby Jon wanted the mush, and I wanted the mush, so I made a little bit. And it just sat there with the flies all over it. If it's up to me, I'll eat the whole dang pot like a pig.
shmocodiles, we're hot
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