čtvrtek 22. května 2014

season 14 episode 3 insider videos

Transcript by James Barber


One by one the Ravu cast their votes at the dreaded Tribal Council. Watch what they really had to say as they voted out one of their own.

MOOKIE (Anthony): It's not your will, it's your attitude. 

EARL (Sylvia): We just need stronger players, Sylvia. Sorry. 

(Anthony): It's just not working out, bro. Fightin' with each other. Driving each other crazy. Sorry, buddy.

ANTHONY (Sylvia): This is because you and I - you're a nice person but I don't think you're what the tribe needs right now. Take care. 

MICHELLE(Sylvia): I've just gotta know if you have the idol or not. 

YAU-MAN (Sylvia): Nothing personal. At this point you're the most dispensible member of our tribe. Good luck.

SYLVIA (Anthony): Anthony, I really really like you. I'm sorry, but you're the next vulnerable person after me. 

RITA (Earl): Earl, because I know for sure you won't be voted off today, and I can't vote for who we agreed on. I know you'll understand. 


Is the Ravu tribe feeling unsympathetic toward the soft-spoken Anthony? Could his head be on the chopping block yet? 

(Mookie lays on the ground watching Anthony sweep the ground) 

MOOKIE (solo): I don't know if I trust Anthony. He's one of the weakest guys on the team, and I haven't talked to him much about alliances, but he said he was going to vote with the majority at Tribal Council and instead he voted against Sylvia. That just proves he doesn't go with the majority. With those kind of people you just gotta kick 'em out. 

(Anthony walks along the shore)

ANTHONY (solo): At the last Tribal Council instead of voting for Erica like everybody wanted to, I voted for Sylvia. I decided I couldn't vote for her [Erica], at the last minute. I'm in this vacuum of fear right now. Right now I'm looking at the people who are here, knowing that everybody is gunning for me. 

(Anthony lays on the ground beside Yau-Man, with Mookie sitting close to them)

MOOKIE: What have you been doing all morning?

ANTHONY: Wandering around back and forth, aimlessly.

ANTHONY (solo): I know there's something working through me and moving through me that allows me to know I'm greater than any of this. 

(Anthony gets up to try to chop a coconut) 

ANTHONY (solo): It's funny, cause I get out here and I know I may not be A #1 Superman out here, but I'm still here and I know I can do this. 


Watch as Lisi reveals just how out of place she actually feels in the game of Survivor. What's her plan of attack to continue in the game? 

"Normally my niche has nothing to do with this. (laughs) Normally I'm not the kind of person that goes camping, I'm not the kind of person who catches her own food. I go to resturants, and gallery openings, make music. That's my world. That's probably as far removed from this as you can have. "


"Yeah, I'm being very selective as to when I apply myself, because this is a marathon, not a sprint. If I'm going to give it my all every day, I'm going to be exhausted. I think only day 8, we're just now getting into it. And furthermore, it doesn't make any sense to my tribe, for me, for the game in general, for everything to go full throttle at once. So yeah, I will pull in my resources when I need to, conserve energy, pull back when I have to. Self-preservation, man. That's what I'm all about."


"Dude, it's all about timing. When I feel like it's my time to come in, I come in. When I feel like I'm not needed, I chill in the background. You have to just take it step by step. You can't think, 'I'm going to be in the front all the time', or , 'I'm going to set the stage for this.' There's too many variables in this game. It's not going to work."


"I mean this whole game is such an example of life in general. Such a microcosm of social Darwinism at its finest sort of thing, you know? The rules that apply in the big world apply right here, right now. You have to find what works for you, what you're good at, and do it. When you're needed in different places, you avail yourself. When you're not needed, you pull back. Again it goes back to knowing yourself. If you don't know yourself you'll stick your foot in your mouth, you'll stick your foot in a hole and break your ankle (laughs). Again you just have to know yourself and know your place."


"As far as the big world and here, it's really just human nature. You're still dealing with people. You're not dealing with people in the city setting or the business world or what have you, but you're still dealing with people that are gonna behave the same way under any circumstance. If I sit here and really start to pick apart people, I could say, 'Oh God, that's the receptionist at my job,' or, 'Oh look, that one has my boss traits,' or, 'That's like my mail dude.' Everyone falls into a pattern regardless of where they are. That's what I meant by it relating to the world at large. Totally there."


Soon after having her torch extinguished, a shocked Sylvia gives her final thoughts as she exits the game. 

"Well, tonight I was really blindsided. Before we got here to Tribal Council I was told by my confidants, Rita and Mookie, that it was going to be 5 votes for Anthony and 2 for me, Earl and Anthony voting for me. What was interesting was I never got a very solid sense about the whole thing, so I came actually kind of prepared. I had a pretty strong sense it was not going to be Anthony. I don't know why, but I did. After the vote happened, I thought, 'Uh-huh.'"


"Did it happen because someone changed their mind during Tribal Council? That's possible, but more than likely there was some kind of backroom dealing going on to save Anthony. The reason I know that is because they didn't look me in the eye when they were telling me - I would go to Rita and Mookie and say, 'Are we good?' and they would say, 'Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,' and then when I wanted to Yau-Man, and said, 'Is it still on? Are you going to vote for Anthony?' he said, 'At this moment, yeah.' I should have picked up on those clues, but I didn't because I believe in the principle of if you give your word, it is what it is. Rita actually told me she would tell me exactly what would go down, whether it was good news or bad news for me, so I would be prepared. She herself may have been blindsided, since I was only one vote off of Anthony, one vote more than Anthony. Perhaps someone just changed their mind at Tribal Council. So anyway, I've been had..."


"It doesn't feel very good to be blindsided, because I'm a person of integrity, especially with Rita, who is my communication person to the outside world - the tribe - so to speak, she made it clear she would tell me everything, good or bad. So my last line of defense didn't work. The blindsidedness, I don't know what happened. There are a lot of factors that caused it, but I don't know, I really...I was going to try to outwit everyone, and they outwitted me."


"I think they're going to be eaten alive. They're still so hungry. We got one crab, one tiny little crab each, and one tiny little clam each today, and that was it. And lots and lots of water. I think unless something miraculous happens, they're just going to keep getting decimated by the other tribe. I'm telling you that tribe is strong, well-fed, healthy, and they are a well-oiled machine, which our tribe somehow keeps missing."


"You know the problem in this tribe honestly is no one will emerge as a leader and no one will take the position of being a leader. You have this terrible grey area where if you don't have leadership you've got to create leadership, either take it or vote it in or whatever. If indeed tonight or tomorrow they're going to begin this counseling session that they're going to do or really are planning to do, then what I would recommend is to just go ahead and vote a leader. They actually said no one wants to be a leader because they're the first ones on the chopping block. That's dumb. If you're the leader and you take risks, you're not going to be put on the chopping block. It's still going to be somewhat performance-based. I think that their strategy is all wrong and that's why they're not winning."


"I don't know how honest Ravu is going to be able to be with each other. Unless they undertake this very drastic move of having these heart-to-hearts daily. I don't think it's gonna happen. There's a lot of hidden agendas in this group. I just don't know what's going to pop out finally to cause them to speak honestly with each other. I was not able to do it. It seemed like all my motivations, which were for the good of the tribe, were always misread."


"I felt like I was really honest today. I had to do that little apology to everybody for my performance in the challenge. They were all, 'Oh, no big deal, that's fine, that's fine,' but what do they really feel? I don't know! So I decided to grab the bull by the horns and apologize to them ahead of them continuing to just jibber-jabber behind the scenes and not tell the truth to the the person that they were worried about."


"I actually really really like the entire group of both tribes because I had 3 days to get to know everybody. I'm not that angry or resentful right now, I'm just looking forward to seeing them all after they've clawed each other's eyes out later on. (smiles)" 


Watch as Sylvia attempts to put her Survivor experience into perspective after being voted off the island.

"I had a lot of fun playing Survivor. It was...I knew it was a game, I had to remind myself it wasn't life, but I can tell you it was hard to remind myself it wasn't life, for the 9 days or so I was on it. When the game was done, I felt like I was like Alice stepping through the looking glass. It was an immediate transformation from game to real life."


"I really enjoyed best of all in the game the ability to put to practice some of the things I had learned to be a survivor. For example, I took swimming lessons. I didn't really know how to swim. I was deathly afraid of deep water. I was in the water, in deep water, and handled it without panicking. I really made it through. It made me feel powerful for the first time about water. The second thing I learned how to do is make a fire with flint. I learned how to tie and untie knots, make tripods. it was these basic survival skills that you could have asked me a month ago or two months ago and I wouldn't have had a clue. I'm most proud of that."


"Survivor and the setting and everything we were in might have appeared to be paradise to the outside eye, but once you became a member of the tribe and were playing the game, it was as far away from paradise as you could actually be. It was raw. It was elemental. It was exactly the way it would have been had I and my tribe swept up on this beach with nothing. Remember too I and my tribe had no fire. There wasn't a flint handed to us. We had nothing. The fire we created on day 6 or 7 was done through a non-flint method, which is very difficult. Had we not had glasses with us, that would not have worked. So I think our tribe especially much more than the Moto tribe experienced Survivor like it's supposed to be experienced."

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