Clip Description: Xhakum tribe votes out Bobby Jon.
JUDD: Bobby Jon, I love you, kid. I didn't want to do this, man, but I gotta stick to the alliance I have with the 6. I love you, kid.Clip Description: Xhakum tribe votes out Bobby Jon.
CINDY: This vote is just all about the strategy. Gary found the idol so (laughs) I guess this is where fate fell tonight. So, real sorry about it, but it's been awesome playing the game with you.
BOBBY JON: You're just starting to take control of the game. I don't know how long you're gonna last, but better now than never, I guess.
STEPHENIE: I'm glad that you made the jury, if you're the one that goes tonight. I'm just sticking to our plan, could be wrong. If it's not you, congrats.
GARY: Cindy, I thought you blew it when you voted for Brandon, so I gotta take a vote for you.
DANNI: I know you'll forgive me for this tonight because you're in a safe position.
JAMIE: I'm glad we made up before you left. Wow. So back to Alabama with your head raised high, buddy. Sorry.
LYDIA: You're truly an inspiration to me. You're a hard worker, a kind young man with a bright future. I've enjoyed our talks, I've learned so much from you. I hope you go far in the future. You're a great man.
RAFE: Bobby Jon, you're a great guy. I wasn't expecting to make this vote tonight, but that's what happens in this game. Good luck to you.
Clip Description: Bobby Jon may have just seen Jeff Probst snuff out his torch for the second time, but he still keeps it all in perspective.
I have to tip my hat off to Gary because he kept fighting, he fought to the very end. He found the idol...I don't know if he had it for a while, but just a great move by Gary. You know, the only thing I can...there's nobody to fault here, I don't even fault myself right now, just the mere fact that got the chance to do something that was just a remarkable, amazing, amazing adventure. I could've won immunity today, and I didn't. But I'll tell you what, just to be able to come out here and compete is something I'll never forget.
I was very surprised by the outcome tonight, I was. I had no clue Gary was going to pull out the immunity idol. He did, and right when he pulled it out, I knew for a fact that I was going home. You know what, I don't know, I had a coupla hard feelings going into this game, the Good Lord let me stay a few extra days and kinda let me iron 'em out. I think I learned a lot about other people and myself on this trip.
I would like to say that maybe I do have regrets about not finding the idol, but to be honest with you, I got a full plate out of this deal, I really did. I wanted to win the game, but everything happens for a reason and like I said, the Good Lord didn't want me to win, He wanted me to be gone on day 24. And that's all I can really say about that.
I think as far as Palau vs. Guatemala, and what I got out of each experience, I would definitely say I got a lot more about myself, and a lot more about nature, Palau's such a beautiful place that you can't even imagine. I mean you wake up, it's just gorgeous, and right before you go to sleep, it's just gorgeous. It's an amazing place. I really got in tune with nature there, it was a gratifying experience. I would have to sit here and say, in Guatemala, that just being here at these ruins that are just thousands and thousands of years old, that the Mayans built by hand, and carved from pure limestone and different things, just trips me out, because I don't see how they did it, and they did. That's something I really cherish - the history that Guatemala and the Mayan empire has to offer. But also in this experience in Guatemala I learned a lot about myself and communicating with people.
I think this time around on a more personal experience - I've never quit anything in my life and on day 2, I thought...I've never died before, but if I were to die it was gonna be on day 2. I don't know what happened to me - my body completely shut down. I didn't know what was gonna happen to me, but I bounced back and came back. I just learned no matter how tough it is, no matter how hard it is, you can get through it, you can keep going, that's something I'll always take with me forever in this experience. Just to be able to get up when you can't even move your legs, and keep going. When I was told this was gonna be the hardest Survivor yet, it lived up to its expectations.
Stephenie, she was on both sides of the fence with me this whole entire game. Going into the game, I would say she was on my bad side of the fence, because she lied to me in Palau. But I sit here and lie to Blake, so what makes me any better than her? That was a different deal and a totally irrelevant cause. I'm sitting here thinking, 'OK, we've got to get her out, we've got to get her out.' We got over to the merge, that thought is still there. You've got to bury the hatchet sometime, I don't think it's healthy to hold grudges, I don't think it's healthy to be angry. I know I did get angry out here a couple times in Guatemala, I know I did hold a grudge against Stephenie, but to become a complete human being, I don't think holding a grudge or becoming angry is healthy, and I want to be a healthy person inside and out. This experience showed me how to get over those feelings, because you never know in everyday life when you're going to have things approach your way where you can't get angry, where you have to compromise. I really think I learned a lot about those type of feelings, and with Stephenie, I still think she's one of the best players out here; I'll never say she's not. But I do know she's hard competition, and I can't sit here and say I wasn't trying to move her out, but when you're playing the game, you have to get rid of the top players, and I think she's a top player.
My final words to my tribe is just to hang in there and keep going. They're all a bunch of good people, I really got to know a lot of 'em, and I think whoever wins a million dollars is gonna be well deserved and they earned it.
Clip Description: A well rested Bobby Jon has even more perspective on the game after a shower, a good night's sleep and some grub. He's also full of admiration for Gary.
Feeling good, feeling good. You never wanna be the person who says, 'Oh, I'm glad I made the jury, at least I made the jury,' and you never wanna be the person who starts the game and just prays to make the jury, but never having a chance to be on a jury, and now having a chance to be on a jury, is definitely benefiting. I can't say it's not benefiting, because it is. To just leave the game and go home is something I didn't want to be a part of; I definitely wanted to go further. I mean, I still wish I was there right now, but that's life. You have to leave circumstances and situations; you don't have to leave them satisfied, but I think it's better when you do leave satisfied and knowing you did the best you could. You knew you always could've done better, you could've gone harder, you could've won immunity that day, and you could've found the immunity idol, but you didn't, and hey, you know you gave it 110%, but it just didn't work out.
At my Tribal Council, what a clutch move, bottom of the ninth, two outs, World Series, Gary hits a base hit, maybe even a homer. Probably a homer. What a move. That will go down in history, with Gary pulling out the immunity idol and saving hisself. The whole tribe was sitting there practically telling Gary and telling Jeff, 'Hey, Gary's getting voted out.' Everyone's telling Gary, 'You're about to go, you're about to go,' and at the last second, the last pitch, Gary pulls out the idol. That was just a classic game. He's playing the game hard, he's playing the game as honest as he can.
I knew when Gary pulled out the idol, I went ahead and got my stuff cause I knew I was going. Right then I knew I was going, no ifs, ands or butts. I honestly went and pleaded my case, right when we made the merge, the next day, I went to Stephenie and I said, 'Look, I know what's going on,' I just saw it plain as day. 6-4. Just the way people were interacting with each other, just behaviors, mannerisms, movements, this and that, it was just obvious. They got 6, we got 4, bam-bam-bam-bam. At that moment, that's what was happening. Later on, it's a free-for-all, who knows, you never know, but at that moment, it was 6-4. Bobby Jon's played this game before, he might go. Brandon's a good athlete, he might go. Which one is it gonna be? Yes, we're all 1 tribe, but we're fighting for individual immunity here. I go straight to Stephenie - I know she's the hard charger around camp right now - I go straight to her and say, 'Look, Stephenie, forget Palau, forget whatever, let's bury the hatchet, I wanna stick around, I wanna stay.' She was positive. She said, 'I'll keep you around as long as I can. I want you to make the jury.' And I said, 'Well, I appreciate that, I just know what's going on.' I went and talked with Judd - in a way you feel a kind of underground humility, like you're trying to lie yourself out of a lie outside of everyday life. You don't feel good doing it, 'Please let me make the jury,' but you gotta stick around. Another day in Survivor is another day closer to a million bucks. So many different things can happen.
This experience for me this time compared to last time, Palau was such a beautiful place, and I was so intrigued by the capture of the beauty of the beaches and stuff. This go-round was on a more personal level, just for the mere fact that I got into confrontations with people, I bonded with people, and I didn't do that in Palau. I didn't get close to anyone in Palau, maybe 1 or 2 people, but not even them. Being a part of these ruins that were thousands and thousands and thousands of years old - we don't even know how they were built to some extent, by these Mayans, they just were - it was an honor to be asked to come back. Leaving the game, I still wanted to do more, and do better than what I did, but I did my best. I could've won immunity, could've found the immunity idol, and didn't do it, didn't do it. That's life, and in a way I think it'll be a month on down the road before it all sets in; this just happened yesterday and it's still setting in. I wish I could put it into words, but it's tough right now.
I would have to say my best memory of the game was on day 10, doing the tribal switch, because I'd never been part of a tribal switch. I've heard about them in different seasons, but I just never saw it coming. When that happened it was just like, 'Wow.' This is really playing the game here. We don't know what's about to happen, we don't know how it's gonna happen, and that to me was just - there were a lot of great moments and highlights, but for me, this game is not even gonna be projected on how I think it's gonna be projected. That was a moment. But also rewards here and there were good moments, too.
My worst moment was day 2, day 2, the disappointment I felt with my body shutting down. I didn't want to be that person that couldn't do it and on day 2, I couldn't. I just had to be a man and suck it up, and now the objective is to get better and get better quick, and I think I accomplished that.
When someone asks me, 'What's it like?' or 'I'm sure they give you breaks. I'm sure they give you Cheetos and crackers here and there,' I know Survivor is the real deal. It is physically, mentally, spiritually, morally challenging, and you can even better yourself in each of those areas in this game. I'm a firm believer in that. I know I have. I know I did this time, it just happened so quick and so fast. It seems like just yesterday I was walking down the temple, to go stand on the mat, and now, it's the day 2, whatever. When you're trying to grow out here - and that's what I try to do - it really does seem like a blur because it happens so fast. For me to explain that to an individual...I'll never be able to explain it to anybody, and I'm not gonna try to explain it to anybody, because for me that's something I'm always gonna cherish, that's something I'm gonna put in the back of the little box I have. I'm gonna reach into it sometime for strength and support, because there's gonna be things I face a lot tougher than this. I'll know I'll always be able to use this - Survivor: Palau, Survivor: Guatemala, especially the one now, Guatemala - to keep being better and stronger. So I can't explain Survivor to someone, and I'm not gonna try. Because I feel that's for me to know.
Clip Description: Knowing that he's regarded as a threat and thus as a marked man, Gary discusses his options with Rafe and Stephenie.
GARY: Believe what you want to, get rid of me if you want to, just feel good about it.
RAFE: Feel good about it?
GARY: Yeah.
STEPHENIE: I'm never gonna feel good about it. It's only gonna get worse. Whether you go tonight, or next time, or 3 times from now, it's only gonna get worse. Cause if you don't go tonight, Bobby Jon is, and you're going next time cause you're the next biggest threat.
Gary: Well, Bobby Jon's been here before.
Stephenie: So have I.
Gary: You're in the numbers. I'm not.
Rafe: Gary, what we want - what Stephenie and I want - is to have the last time with you and not be fighting about...
Gary: How am I supposed to do that, Rafe?
Rafe: I don't...
Gary: Look at me. You want me to walk out quietly?
Rafe: No.
Gary: I'm a fighter.
Stephenie: I know you are.
Rafe: But you asked us to tell you...
Gary: I know that.
Rafe: ...and it put us in a vulnerable position.
Gary: Let me put it this way. I wanna know if you're lying to me when you tell me I wasn't going. I can read you pretty good.
Stephenie: Right.
Rafe: Did I lie?
Gary: No, that's what I'm saying. I'm glad you told me the truth, so I could've...
Rafe: Good, cause I'm a bad liar.
Stephenie: The thing is we don't know what Jamie's doing. Jamie could be aligned over there with them.
Gary: Who?
Stephenie: Bobby Jon and Danni.
Gary: So what if he does?
Stephenie: He could be telling everybody stuff.
Gary: How would that...
Stephenie: We're just trying to trust him and trust our alliance, our new alliance that we...
Gary: Well, you know he's lying to you right now. You know Jamie's lying to you, you know Judd's lying to you. Straight up. The idol is not in the ground, it's in the trees. I saw Judd climbing a tree looking.
Stephenie: Really? Really?
Gary: Yeah.
Stephenie: But that could be part of the game plan. Judd has not lied about anything else.
Gary: I'm going to go tell Judd and Cindy that I did not lie. I didn't say I would vote for Jamie.
(Stephenie talks over Rafe)
Stephenie: You can do what you want. We told Judd and Cindy we were not gonna screw them over.
Gary: I don't care. I'm just saying so they know Jamie's lying to 'em. That's all I'm saying. They need to know that.
Stephenie: OK. I don't know why Jamie...I mean you just came to me and said you'd vote Jamie, or if you just came to Rafe and said you'd vote Jamie. Jamie comes out of nowhere and says...
Gary: How can I do that with 3 people?
Stephenie: That' what I said.
Gary: Well, thank you for (?), for not being dumb.
Clip Description: In a private moment, Judd shares his feelings and his plans at this point in the game. Is Jamie doomed?
JUDD (solo):
"I was telling Steph that Jamie came into where I was laying down before and telling me Stephenie was trying to get me out of the game somehow. But Jamie says some stupid-ass things, man. I just tell Stephenie I don't believe a word he's saying. I don't believe a word he says.
I don't know what kinda strategy Jamie's using, man, he's playing with everybody's head and making things up. I think he's losing it. I think Jamie's going a little AWOL. The game is always in his head, and I think he's losing it, mentally.
Yeah, we were talking about what we were gonna do about it. I personally think we should just stick to our original gameplan and let him keep talking.
A lot of people at this point aren't trusting him too much. He's running over to Gary, running over to Rafe; he's like a loose cannon, you never know what he's saying or doing.
Yeah, I'm not threatened by Jamie's behavior at all. I'm sticking with my gameplan and if he wants to go shooting his mouth off, go ahead, it's not gonna affect me.
It's not that Jamie's making everybody nervous, it's just that he's a loose cannon. The game is in his head 24 hours a day, he never shuts up about it. You never know what he's gonna say, and what he does say is always so dumb and stupid. It's almost like he regrets saying it, but he says it anyway. I think mentally this could be taking a toll on his head.
Jamie shooting his mouth off does spice up the camp, it's something to talk about. It feels good as long as you aren't the target to talk about. Him getting talked about all day every day's fine with me, as long as it ain't me.
Clip Description: In a private moment, Judd shares his feelings and his plans at this point in the game. Is Jamie doomed?
JUDD (solo):
"I was telling Steph that Jamie came into where I was laying down before and telling me Stephenie was trying to get me out of the game somehow. But Jamie says some stupid-ass things, man. I just tell Stephenie I don't believe a word he's saying. I don't believe a word he says.
I don't know what kinda strategy Jamie's using, man, he's playing with everybody's head and making things up. I think he's losing it. I think Jamie's going a little AWOL. The game is always in his head, and I think he's losing it, mentally.
Yeah, we were talking about what we were gonna do about it. I personally think we should just stick to our original gameplan and let him keep talking.
A lot of people at this point aren't trusting him too much. He's running over to Gary, running over to Rafe; he's like a loose cannon, you never know what he's saying or doing.
Yeah, I'm not threatened by Jamie's behavior at all. I'm sticking with my gameplan and if he wants to go shooting his mouth off, go ahead, it's not gonna affect me.
It's not that Jamie's making everybody nervous, it's just that he's a loose cannon. The game is in his head 24 hours a day, he never shuts up about it. You never know what he's gonna say, and what he does say is always so dumb and stupid. It's almost like he regrets saying it, but he says it anyway. I think mentally this could be taking a toll on his head.
Jamie shooting his mouth off does spice up the camp, it's something to talk about. It feels good as long as you aren't the target to talk about. Him getting talked about all day every day's fine with me, as long as it ain't me.
Clip Description: Be there as wily Gary tracks down the hidden immunity idol that will keep him in the game for at least another week.
GARY (solo, in the woods): I've been looking in the Ceiba trees. That's an ancient Maya - they worship these trees. Lo and behold, I see the idol.
(Gary gives a thumbs up and climbs to get the idol)
G: I do have to expose Judd lying to the group about it being in the ground. This is highly secret. I'm gonna keep it 'til I need it, which could be tonight. I'm gonna keep it in my pants pocket until I get back to camp, then I'm gonna try to find a hiding place for it. I'm excited, this is good stuff.
Clip Description: Judd, Bobby Jon and Stephenie enjoy their reward feast while the others watch. Find out how Bobby Jon and Judd tipped the two women who served the food.
(at the reward dinner)
JUDD: I'll give you a kiss. (kisses waitress)
RAFE (solo): Judd and Stephenie are big drinkers. Steph just kept getting vodka cranberry after vodka cranberry, and you could just see the 3 of 'em get happier and rosier-cheeked, more friendly.
(Judd and Stephenie marvel at cigars, and along with Bobby, they light up)
STEPHENIE: Smells good.
JUDD: Guatemalan herb, man. This baby's good.
LYDIA (?): Best of life, huh there, Judd?
STEPHENIE: You think everyone hates us right now?
JUDD: Yeah.
GARY (solo): I would say it got a little out of control with the amount of alcohol and the mixture of alcohol. Judd wanted to thank the waitresses, and he had no money on him, so it ended up kisses and hugs.
(Judd kisses both waitresses)
RAFE (s): By the end of the night, Judd was pretty drunk.
(Judd, Stephenie and Bobby have a group hug with the waitresses)
JUDD (solo): I left a big tip, man. I gave 'em all kisses. All the waitresses a kiss. I gave whatever I could give them. I gave them a little piece of my lips.
(everyone says goodbye to the waitresses and head back to camp)
STEPHENIE: Thanks, girls. (to Rafe) I gotta go to the bathroom.
Clip Description: Judd, Bobby Jon and Stephenie enjoy their reward feast while the others watch. Find out how Bobby Jon and Judd tipped the two women who served the food.
(at the reward dinner)
JUDD: I'll give you a kiss. (kisses waitress)
RAFE (solo): Judd and Stephenie are big drinkers. Steph just kept getting vodka cranberry after vodka cranberry, and you could just see the 3 of 'em get happier and rosier-cheeked, more friendly.
(Judd and Stephenie marvel at cigars, and along with Bobby, they light up)
STEPHENIE: Smells good.
JUDD: Guatemalan herb, man. This baby's good.
LYDIA (?): Best of life, huh there, Judd?
STEPHENIE: You think everyone hates us right now?
JUDD: Yeah.
GARY (solo): I would say it got a little out of control with the amount of alcohol and the mixture of alcohol. Judd wanted to thank the waitresses, and he had no money on him, so it ended up kisses and hugs.
(Judd kisses both waitresses)
RAFE (s): By the end of the night, Judd was pretty drunk.
(Judd, Stephenie and Bobby have a group hug with the waitresses)
JUDD (solo): I left a big tip, man. I gave 'em all kisses. All the waitresses a kiss. I gave whatever I could give them. I gave them a little piece of my lips.
(everyone says goodbye to the waitresses and head back to camp)
STEPHENIE: Thanks, girls. (to Rafe) I gotta go to the bathroom.
Clip Description: Stephenie shares her feelings about having participated in the reward feast and her plans to get rid of fellow alum Bobby Jon.
"Yeah, Judd picked Bobby Jon and I, which was so random, the 2 old Survivors that came back a second time get to eat the feast with Judd (laughs). But Judd made it clear that he picked us and it was completely not game, like not strategy. Bobby Jon made Judd feel really welcome when he walked into camp day 1 and I made him feel really welcome when we had the switch. He just wanted 2 people up there he could eat and drink and enjoy himself with. Jamie got a little out of hand the day before drinking at that other feast. That's why he chose Bobby Jon. I don't think it was part of the game. Bobby Jon had even mentioned, "I don't expect and alliance out of this. I just want to thank you for keeping me in the game and helping me get to the jury at least."
And Judd looked at me and said, 'we're still sticking to the plan, this doesn't change things.' I don't think it reassured Bobby Jon, because he's been nervous all day. He keeps saying to me, like, 'I know my days are numbered, but you can trust me if you ever need to.' Or today he [Bobby Jon] said, 'People are noticing you and Rafe are really close, be careful. If you want to get further in this game, I just want to let you know that.' Stuff like that. So I feel like Bobby Jon thinks he's going, and he's almost OK with it.
I woke up this morning and to Bobby Jon and Jamie talking, and I heard my name and Rafe's name, and I was like , 'What the hell?' I couldn't hear what they were talking about but Jamie is just talking to so many people, he could be saying anything. I went to get firewood and Judd was with me and he was like, 'So I guess Jamie and Bobby Jon are made up, because they're buddies,' and I was like, 'Yeah, Jamie thinks he's buddies with everyone. What's his deal?' He's screwing everything up. He freaks out, like, 'Are we still doing the gameplan, I swear to God you can trust me,' and this and that, and the day before he's telling Judd I'm trying to get rid of him. He freaked Lydia out this morning be cause Lydia was talking to Gary in the middle of the night. Cindy was there, and Cindy was like, 'They didn't say anything about the game.' So I don't know. Judd and I went on this tangent and I was like, 'We'll keep him around for this vote, but if he continues to talk behind our backs and tear apart an alliance we worked so hard to form, we're getting rid of him next, before Bobby Jon.' He was like, 'I'm find with that.' He's just too threatening to all of us, and why should he stick around when everybody else is being loyal, and he's chattering like an idiot all over the place. Judd's whole thing was, 'I just think he's really dumb, he's not going to act on it.' Well, then let him be dumb enough to get voted out, and Judd and I had that conversation. So we'll wait and see. If he wins immunity again he's not going anywhere, or if he gets his act together. But I wouldn't mind getting rid of him because he annoys me really badly, really ba dly.
Jamie stares at me all the time. Not in a sexual way, but almost like he can't stand me, but he knows I get along with everybody so he's gonna keep me around. Almost like he wants to get rid of me or do something to me, and it's weird. I'm always looking at him and going, 'Is everything alright? Have something you want to say?' and he's like, 'No, everything's fine.' Especially after the challenge, he won and I congratulated him, he's like, 'Oh, thanks,' and he just stared at me. I was like, 'You alright?' He's freaking wacky. (laughs)
He's constantly paranoid, and he got 4 votes at the last Tribal Council, which is why he definitely thinks one of us will flip and get rid of him, even though we told him we won't. Even though we want to but we still won't. At the same time he told Gary he wasn't gonna vote for him, but apparently Gary told him today that he was gonna cast a vote against Jamie because he couldn't do it for Bobby Jon or Danni, and that made Jamie flip his lid. He's like, 'That's it, Gary's going, Gary's gotta go tonight.' But 5 minutes before that, Gary said to me, 'Whichever way Jamie votes, I'll vote, because I wanna stick with you guys as much as possible.' And he said the same to Rafe. And then Jamie walks up to me and is like, 'He said he's voting for me tonight.' Which makes no sense - why would you tell someone you're voting for them? Jamie's just like retarded. I really think he's retarded.
Break My Heart
Clip Description: After Tribal Council, Jamie claims to be hurt by Bobby Jon's comments. Is Jamie sincere? Lydia delivers a spirited pep talk.
Jamie: The thing is, people are gonna get screwed in this game and it doesn't bother me but like tonight bothered me.
Clip Description: After Tribal Council, Jamie claims to be hurt by Bobby Jon's comments. Is Jamie sincere? Lydia delivers a spirited pep talk.
Jamie: The thing is, people are gonna get screwed in this game and it doesn't bother me but like tonight bothered me.
Judd: You're gonna be fine, bro.
Lydia: You gotta move on to the next day.
Judd: That's what you gotta do, dude.
Lydia: Jamie, look, if it's any consolation, look, I'm still here. I got a whole bunch of votes in the first Tribal Council, the second one, the third one, I got a fourth one. But you know what, every time I had to take it as a grain of salt. I had to come back to camp, hold my head up high. Oh, I was devastated. I hurt inside here. Mentally, it does something to you, ya know. First tribal, second tribal, third tribal, fourth tribal. I just kept going, kept going, kept going, positive. I keep thinking, never give up. But everybody that voted me off, everybody had my name on the parchment, it's a game. I can't think bad about 'em. It's the way it is.
Lydia: Jamie, look, if it's any consolation, look, I'm still here. I got a whole bunch of votes in the first Tribal Council, the second one, the third one, I got a fourth one. But you know what, every time I had to take it as a grain of salt. I had to come back to camp, hold my head up high. Oh, I was devastated. I hurt inside here. Mentally, it does something to you, ya know. First tribal, second tribal, third tribal, fourth tribal. I just kept going, kept going, kept going, positive. I keep thinking, never give up. But everybody that voted me off, everybody had my name on the parchment, it's a game. I can't think bad about 'em. It's the way it is.
Jamie: It is a game, you know.
Lydia: Yeah, it's just the way it is. But you gotta hold your head up high. You gotta go in and play the game and fight for yourself. Hey, I've been there four times. It's hard, it does something to your mind but you gotta carry yourself into it and forget about it and go on. Hopefully everybody sees that hey, it's not personal. It's a game. I had to carry myself like that. It's hard, it hurts inside, deeply.
Jamie: I'm not blaming Gary. We talked and said, "Brandon, we're voting for Brandon. But for some reason today he said he's going to base his vote on character and then he voted against me. It made me feel like he didn't think I had any character, you know.
Gary: I just didn't like the way it's going down. Ever since I came into this game from Yaxha, I feel like I'm in a concentration camp and I'm working for Jamie.
Jamie: Am I giving you orders what to do?
Gary: No, I just feel like...that's just what I feel like, Jamie. I'm not saying you're giving me orders or anything.
Jamie: I haven't told you to do anything.
Gary: I know, I just said that.
Jamie: So why do you feel like you're working for me?
Gary: You know you come up to me when I come to camp...'Brandon's gone, Bobby Jon's gone, Danni's gone', and then you said nothing. I find out the six are strong, so
Jamie: I told you the honest thing.
Gary: I know but...who's the fourth one out after that?
Jamie: Who knows? It depends on who wins immunity and things like that. You don't know Gary.
Gary: No, I know that. But I just saw my head on the chopping block, Jamie. If you saw your head on the chopping block, how would you feel?
Jamie: My head was on the chopping block, tonight, wasn't it?
Gary: Well, it didn't have to be.
Jamie: (hard to hear Jamie) It was personal tonight. It felt that way. I took it that way. And it voted against me. I thought we were closer than that. I was wrong.
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