Clip Description: Jamie thinks Gary’s the next to go, but his own paranoia proves to be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Watch each Survivor cast a vote in the Tribal Council poll that sends Jamie packing.
JAMIE : It's easier to judge somebody than to understand them. I hate when you judged me with Brandon, thinking he was a better person than me. I want you to know I can forgive you, and I know we can be friends one day. But it's either me or you tonight, buddy. Take care.
CINDY : Just wanna say your mama's a lucky lady with a son like you, and if your twin brother is anything like you, she's double lucky. Hope you get to see her soon, and see her more often.
JUDD : Gary, thanks for sharing this experience with me, buddy. I gotta let you go. I don't want to, but I gotta save my own ass, buddy. Thanks for everything, God bless you.
LYDIA : Wow. What an awesome young man you are. You've been a loyal friend, protector and companion in this game since day one for me. Tonight's a difficult night for me to have to do this. I just hope you realize I cherished every moment we spent together, and in my eyes and my heart, you're a champion. I'll see you on the outside.
GARY : Jamie, you helped me out with your quick tongue, but I still think you got a big heart, and I'd want you on my team any day of the year.
DANNI : Jamie, sorry once again, you little peckerhead, but not getting immunity makes you an easy target.
RAFE : Jamie, you asked me when I voted you out to blindside you and say a mean comment. You're getting blindsided, but I'm not going to take you up on the mean comment. I think you're a great guy, and I think you let this game take you away from who you really are. Through it all we'll be friends when this is all over. I love you, babe.
STEPHENIE : This is a really difficult vote for me. I'm sorry I have to vote for you, but you kind of dug your own grave, you've been talking way too much, you've been telling way too many lies, and I just can't trust an alliance with you. So I'm sorry, but it's time for you to go.
Clip Description: Jamie thinks Gary’s the next to go, but his own paranoia proves to be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Watch each Survivor cast a vote in the Tribal Council poll that sends Jamie packing.
JAMIE : It's easier to judge somebody than to understand them. I hate when you judged me with Brandon, thinking he was a better person than me. I want you to know I can forgive you, and I know we can be friends one day. But it's either me or you tonight, buddy. Take care.
CINDY : Just wanna say your mama's a lucky lady with a son like you, and if your twin brother is anything like you, she's double lucky. Hope you get to see her soon, and see her more often.
JUDD : Gary, thanks for sharing this experience with me, buddy. I gotta let you go. I don't want to, but I gotta save my own ass, buddy. Thanks for everything, God bless you.
LYDIA : Wow. What an awesome young man you are. You've been a loyal friend, protector and companion in this game since day one for me. Tonight's a difficult night for me to have to do this. I just hope you realize I cherished every moment we spent together, and in my eyes and my heart, you're a champion. I'll see you on the outside.
GARY : Jamie, you helped me out with your quick tongue, but I still think you got a big heart, and I'd want you on my team any day of the year.
DANNI : Jamie, sorry once again, you little peckerhead, but not getting immunity makes you an easy target.
RAFE : Jamie, you asked me when I voted you out to blindside you and say a mean comment. You're getting blindsided, but I'm not going to take you up on the mean comment. I think you're a great guy, and I think you let this game take you away from who you really are. Through it all we'll be friends when this is all over. I love you, babe.
STEPHENIE : This is a really difficult vote for me. I'm sorry I have to vote for you, but you kind of dug your own grave, you've been talking way too much, you've been telling way too many lies, and I just can't trust an alliance with you. So I'm sorry, but it's time for you to go.
Clip Description: Just after being blindsided by his tribe, Jamie isn't very pleased about having to leave the game. Get his full final words here.
"I could tell today that everybody was lying, I have a sixth sense for it. So I kinda knew I was going out. I'm not too mad about Stephenie, because she is a liar, always has been since Palau, but Rafe gave me his word as a man, so I don't think a million dollars is worth losing that. It really hurts that Lydia voted against me; I took her so far and took care of her so much, and lost challenges with her. That's going to be hard for me to forgive her for that. But all in all, people are funny, I guess I trusted the wrong people. That's how the game plays, and the jungle does crazy things to you.
I'm just gonna appreciate things more. The whole time I was out here I missed my twin brother a ton. I'm gonna appreciate the little things. I made it almost 4 weeks out - I wanted to make it a month. I'm in a way disappointed I didn't go farther, but I'm just gonna take - honesty is a huge thing, and I don't think I wanna lie anymore, no matter what it comes down to.
Yeah, I would've worked a little harder today to get rid of Stephenie, I thought about allying with Gary and changing it around, but what can you do? I just wanted to get further than her in the game, but there was a time where we knew we couldn't trust each other and it's messed up. I think what hurts me the most is I asked Lydia today, and all the times I told Lydia she was in trouble, she couldn't tell me I was in trouble, even though I knew she was lying to me. So it hurts, when you see good people go bad, and it's gonna be hardest for me to forgive her. Feels to me like she bit the hand that fed her.
Clip Description – Jamie discusses his near-miss loss in that day’s Immunity Challenge. He's even more suspicious of his tribemates, especially Gary and Rafe. Could Rafe be as sneaky as Jamie suggests?
JAMIE (solo):
We had a challenge today for immunity, and I was in there, I was trying really hard. I got second on the first part, and I got stuck on that last part so it really hurt me pretty bad and I couldn't get back in there; ended up third in that. So I didn't win immunity today, Rafe did. Seems me and him are always meeting up in the finals, I don't know.
Rafe's been pulling the gay card, acting like he's not all that of an athlete, just a friend, a friendly person, but behind that friendly smile is a guy that can run a mile, you know. He's good. Good athlete.
I'm thinking he's a good athlete but not the serious threat right now. That's Gary, and eventually they're going to catch on that I'm the serious threat, so I'm trying to work it where they keep the six that got here together. I'm working that card a lot so let's see if it happens.
Everybody's on the up and up; I think I'm the only one worried because I'm paranoid sometimes that they might get rid of me instead of Gary. But I think they know they need to get rid of Gary first and then the next immunity I probably need to win that one just to make sure I'm not on the chopping block. I talked to Cindy and Rafe and Judd a little bit, just to make sure - I know Judd's gonna be with me, but I'm always worried Stephenie will get her lapdog Rafe to change over, and then I'm outta here. Especially when Gary and Stephenie went on a trip together. I know he tried to talk a little game talk. He's getting sneakier the further this goes in the game.
When I spoke to Rafe, Rafe was like, 'Yeah,' I was like, 'Rafe, am I OK?' He was like, 'Yeah, we're fine.' He acts shaky sometimes, I get scared, but we'll see how it goes. My gameplan today was to solidify the earlier alliance and I think I got that. Cindy sold that for me when she acted like she was going with me. She wanted to keep the six, she said we have to. I was like, 'I'm glad she said that,' it made me feel a lot better. I trust her a little bit. Not a lot, but a little bit.
I think I'm always gonna be nervous about things. I don't think I'll ever be 100% confident that Stephenie hasn't switched Rafe, and hasn't switched Cindy, cause Rafe has Cindy. Me, Judd and Lydia are on our own standing. I need to get to that six before I feel like I got a strong three.
Clip Description: As the tribe wakes up and smells the coffee, Rafe and Cindy find Treemail announcing the dreaded and desired Immunity Challenge.
(The tribe is waking up. Jamie sits in front of the fire, Stephenie huddles with a blanket, Rafe makes coffee)
(Rafe and Cindy walk to get treemail)
RAFE: OK, here we go.
CINDY: What have we here?
RAFE: Oh...
CINDY: Interesting apparatus.
RAFE: Look at that. (reads) In this game, you need to be flexible, adaptable, able to fit in. You sometimes find yourself in a tight spot but there's not much time to ponder it...you better just figure it out quickly and run with it. You may feel like you're tied to things you don't want to be and when you are finally at the end of your rope...it all comes clear - you are either safe or not.
(walks back to camp)
RAFE: You guys, it sounds like a pretty fun one. It has this like maze-type thing with ropes tied in all different...
CINDY: It goes around and under.
RAFE: It's either around and under or over and underneath.
STEPHENIE: Did it say anything about immunity?
RAFE/CINDY (in unison): It says you're either safe or not.
JAMIE (solo): We got treemail today. It's huge for me, cause I never know if people are gonna change on me or not. I want to get Gary out of here.
GARY (solo): Immunity for me is definitely important. I'm in the middle of the playoffs, sudden death, I lose, I'm gone. I've gotta compete harder than anyone; there's no second place.
Clip Description: Georgia boy Jamie weighs in on Southern pride. He's all for it, except when it come to Cindy. He thinks she belongs to Florida, not her native Kentucky.
JAMIE (solo):
"Man, I never knew a lot of Southerners end up on the show. I'd say a lot of Southerners probably end up on the show because we're pretty tough. We didn't show it this time, but Southern people are usually pretty smart. Just because we speak slow doesn't mean we're stupid. Me and Bobby Jon, man, it's crazy cause we're the first two out, two Southern guys. Southern pride, man. We wanted to bring it back. I wanted to bring it back more than anything. I guess Southern people are great for this show because we're used to camping, used to living on nothing, used to surviving. We want the ultimate challenge cause most Southerners grow up a little bit poor. They make themselves into people. We're not given anything, we're not born with silver spoons in our mouth. Except for Blake, born with a silver spoon in his mouth, never needed the money. You saw how Bobby Jon get rid of him; he [Blake] didn't need to money so he [Bobby Jon] thought, 'This guy's just here for the attention.'
And then you had Cindy, who the South isn't claiming. She was just weird as hell, with her animals, buying cat litter before she fed herself; I hear stories about this, but I never met anybody who bought cat food before they bought themselves food. The South's not claiming Cindy. She's from Florida, she wants to be called from Florida, let Florida have her. Florida, you have Cindy - take her, cause the South ain't crazy.
Clip Description - A sadder but wiser Jamie is a bit more philosophical about his game play the day after being voted out of Guatemala. He's disappointed, but realizes that he became too focused on paranoia toward the end.
I feel pretty good. I'm a little disappointed where I ended up, placewise. I could tell something was going on the last day; I thought I was just being paranoid, but actually I wasn't being paranoid, my instincts were right. I shoulda trusted my gut. So besides that, I played the game to the best of my ability. I don't think anyone put more into challenges than I did. I wanted to be in the top 2, but things happen and you start to lose yourself in the jungle. At least now I've got my competency back up.
At the beginning of the game I was calm, cool, collected, trying to get my alliance together, felt strong with them, but after like day 15, day 20, you have so much time to think between challenges and you have days off and it's so hot and you just start to wonder, 'Hey, if they went this way, how would it affect you.' And you always constantly have mosquitoes in your ears. You never really just have quiet, like time to just think about things. You can go insane out here if you think too long, and I think I was coming to that. I knew I needed either - I knew if I stayed I had to be more OK with leaving the game than where I was. Day 27, I was too paranoid about leaving, but turns out I wasn't paranoid, they really were trying to get my a out of there.
The Survivor experience itself, you can't really explain it, it just hits you all at once and then when you're gone - I got blindsided and that's the only way to go. If you want the full experience of this, get blindsided. Don't get it where somebody's telling you in your face, 'Yeah, you're going home,' because then the whole time at Tribal Council, you're sad the whole time. I had an idea, but I also trusted my group. I was like, 'Oh, my group is gonna stay, I'm just being paranoid.' Then when I saw 3 votes I was like, 'Yep, somebody turned on me in my group. I'm going.' I got blindsided, but that's the way to go. Don't go 4-3. Don't go where it's close. If I would've had Lydia, would've had Judd, but I wouldn't have had the other 5. You might say blindsiding someone's wrong, but trying to be all nice and being their best friend and tell them, 'You're being voted off.' Why be nice to somebody when you're sending 'em home? There's so many things I'm probably missing out on. I'll never get a chance to win that car. I wanted to do every challenge, I'll never get to do all those challenges, and I'll never get to hug my mom in Guatemala, and that was my visitor. These are things that everyone wants. They're huge. Everyone wants to see their family. I was in the game for 27 days, and all you think is, 'Can I hold on to see my loved one?' I missed out on that, and when you vote somebody out, you're voting for them not to see their loved one. You don't think that. So when you tell them straight to their face, 'Hey, I'm votin' you out,' you're kind of killing their dream in a way. Something they've been hoping for. So it's better to be blindsided at Tribal Council than to have your dream shattered.
Clip Description: Continuing his day-after musings, Jamie shares how his feelings changed over the course of the game, and tells us what he came to crave more and more as the days wore on.
JAMIE (solo):
My worst day out there would be the hike. That was brutal. I was chafed up and down the legs, still walking. Then 2 days after that I got sick and was still chafed on my legs and I was like, 'Is this what every survivor goes through?' I was like, 'If it is, I don't know how I'm gonna make it to day 39.' But the chafing cleared up, I eventually got better and wasn't sick anymore, and I was just hungry, and I can live with being hungry. But after a while the jungle just wears and tears on ya, and in your mind you just got too much downtime, you think too much. You can't swim, you got the heat on your, you got mosquitoes all over you, and it's just - man, you can see how people go insane so easily when they're out in the desert and things like that.
While I was in the game, more than anything I was constantly craving a conversation that didn't have anything to do with the game, that I didn't think this person was talking to me just to be an ally. I kinda craved a disagreement more than anything because everybody here tries to get along because they want your vote, or they want you to trust 'em so they can go further in the game. I think more than anything I craved a disagreement where I knew I'd still be someone's friend, a disagreement where someone said, 'Well, here's what I believe,' and then we had an intelligent conversation on why we thought different things. That never really happened, everybody's like, 'Yeah, Yeah.' I'm a pretty original person, so I'd always argue with people. I argued with Bobby Jon and Gary two times. Bobby Jon said I had no class, and Bobby Jon knows in the South that's fighting words, and Gary thought that I lied to him, and I didn't lie to him, so me and him had an argument about that, but we saw eye-to-eye afterwards. So I guess if anything I craved trusting people, like really trusting somebody to argue with 'em and know they're still there. It makes me appreciate my twin brother a lot more, because we might not see eye-to-eye on something, we might argue, but I know at the end of the day he's still gonna be my brother, stick by me no matter what. So I guess that's what I crave the most.
Once I heard my name called 3 times, I knew it was over, I knew my alliance had turned on me. You get this feeling like a whole blood rush flows through you. You have a feeling of sadness, like, 'Oh my God,' and you feel kind of faint a little bit. You get up, and it's so hard to grab your torch because you've personalized it, and you go out and you're not gonna try all the challenges and you're not gonna win the million. Your dreams, like each step, slowly start to fade away. You just try to keep your head held high and act like it doesn't affect you, and literally you're holding back the tears, because you put so much into this game and your heart's just bursting. I went up to Jeff, and it was just so hard to find a hole to put my thing in, and try to keep my head held high. I put it in there, and I was like, 'Here I go.' I thought to myself, 'At least I made it to the jury, there's other people that didn't make it this far.' I thought to myself, 'Damn, Jamie, you didn't come here to make jury, you came here for the jury to ask you questions.' Yet, somewhere between that walk down the long path I just came to grips with, 'You're out of the game now.' You can let it bother you, or you can just say, 'Hey, you did the best you could,' and know that the only one who wins it is the only one that didn't get fooled in this game, and I know at least I played as best as I could. I just didn't listen to myself as much as I should have.
Clip Description: Watch Steph, Danni and Gary get the first glimpse of themselves in a mirror since the game began. Not everybody likes what they see.
(Steph/Gary/Danni are in towels)
STEPHENIE (solo): We got to shower and we got to look in a mirror for the first time in 25 days.
STEPHENIE (in front of mirror): I need to get naked to look at my body.
GARY: Look at my shoulders.
STEPHENIE: You're thin.
STEPHENIE (solo): It was NOT a pretty sight.
DANNI (studying her arms and shoulders): Look at those. They are so skinny.
STEPHENIE: Wait'll you see your stomach and your legs.
DANNI: I still have a butt.
DANNI: I've still got a butt.
(Stephenie looks at her butt in the mirror and pats her behind)
DANNI: You do, Stephenie. You have an athletic little rear end.
STEPHENIE: Yeah, I can get rid of that.
STEPHENIE (solo): We kind of stared at ourselves a couple times. Every time we passed a mirror. (jerks her head from side to side)
STEPHENIE: You guys, I look like I have a skin disorder. And an eyebrow disorder.
(Danni laughs)
STEPHENIE (solo): It is not a pretty sight. I feel bad for people that have to look at me every day.
Clip Description – While the Reward winners whoop it up at the mansion, Rafe and Lydia try to make the best of their loss over a meal of ground corn. Jamie's there too, but he seems too glum to contribute much to the conversation.
Lydia: You know what, Rafe?
Rafe: What?
Lydia: You are all that and a bag of chips! I mean, for the past few days, man, oh my god, you went neck to neck with Jamie the other day. Oh my god, and you went so gracefully, plop. And today, you guys were totally awesome.
Jamie: Yeah, we were good at that, Rafe.
Rafe: Yeah, we were.
Jamie: I was glad when it was you and me, ya know.
Lydia: Well, listen, you guys...I never claimed to be an athlete. I don't do very well in challenges. But I tell you what, you know, I'll do anything I can, I push myself and I've got that drive, and the motivation.
Rafe: This mosquito had his entire face buried in my arm. Lydia, you don't have to explain or make excuses for anything. You are who you are and we love you and we want you here. You know what I mean?
Lydia: Thank you, I just feel bad, you know. I wish I was good at something.
Rafe: You are good at lots of things.
Lydia: I mean, athletic-wise. Besides, you know, home life, domestic.
Rafe: I seem to remember you getting a bag at the rope challenge when I didn't.
Lydia: That's just it. Did I not start off very good? Thank you very much. Thank you very much. I think I'm just…
Rafe: I don't think the challenges have been exactly fair for someone who's not as...you could never have gone as fast through that mud even if you were in the best shape in the world, as Steph or Danni or Cindy, because you're shorter.
Lydia: Yeah, it was difficult, it really was. I'm so proud of Cindy though . Every step of the way, you should have heard her. She was like, Lydia, you're doing ok, you're doing ok, ok, just pull your leg up faster. She was so encouraging. She was so kind. She has a heart of gold .
Rafe: She does. She's a great girl.
Lydia: She's a wonderful person .
Rafe: I'm going to leave some crunchies for her. I'll set them aside.
Jamie: I've never really talked with Cindy
Rafe: Really? Well, she's best in one on one conversations.
Lydia: Yeah.
Jamie: I don't think she likes me too much.
Rafe: Really?
Rafe: She's told me she's more comfortable with our group of six than with her friends at home. She really likes everyone.
Jamie: Oh yeah?
Lydia: She's blessed that she's even with us. She says she never had this bonding like the other tribe.
Jamie: That's nice.
Lydia: Yeah.
Clip Description – While the Reward winners whoop it up at the mansion, Rafe and Lydia try to make the best of their loss over a meal of ground corn. Jamie's there too, but he seems too glum to contribute much to the conversation.
Lydia: You know what, Rafe?
Rafe: What?
Lydia: You are all that and a bag of chips! I mean, for the past few days, man, oh my god, you went neck to neck with Jamie the other day. Oh my god, and you went so gracefully, plop. And today, you guys were totally awesome.
Jamie: Yeah, we were good at that, Rafe.
Rafe: Yeah, we were.
Jamie: I was glad when it was you and me, ya know.
Lydia: Well, listen, you guys...I never claimed to be an athlete. I don't do very well in challenges. But I tell you what, you know, I'll do anything I can, I push myself and I've got that drive, and the motivation.
Rafe: This mosquito had his entire face buried in my arm. Lydia, you don't have to explain or make excuses for anything. You are who you are and we love you and we want you here. You know what I mean?
Lydia: Thank you, I just feel bad, you know. I wish I was good at something.
Rafe: You are good at lots of things.
Lydia: I mean, athletic-wise. Besides, you know, home life, domestic.
Rafe: I seem to remember you getting a bag at the rope challenge when I didn't.
Lydia: That's just it. Did I not start off very good? Thank you very much. Thank you very much. I think I'm just…
Rafe: I don't think the challenges have been exactly fair for someone who's not as...you could never have gone as fast through that mud even if you were in the best shape in the world, as Steph or Danni or Cindy, because you're shorter.
Lydia: Yeah, it was difficult, it really was. I'm so proud of Cindy though . Every step of the way, you should have heard her. She was like, Lydia, you're doing ok, you're doing ok, ok, just pull your leg up faster. She was so encouraging. She was so kind. She has a heart of gold .
Rafe: She does. She's a great girl.
Lydia: She's a wonderful person .
Rafe: I'm going to leave some crunchies for her. I'll set them aside.
Jamie: I've never really talked with Cindy
Rafe: Really? Well, she's best in one on one conversations.
Lydia: Yeah.
Jamie: I don't think she likes me too much.
Rafe: Really?
Rafe: She's told me she's more comfortable with our group of six than with her friends at home. She really likes everyone.
Jamie: Oh yeah?
Lydia: She's blessed that she's even with us. She says she never had this bonding like the other tribe.
Jamie: That's nice.
Lydia: Yeah.
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