pátek 18. dubna 2014

TV Guide Channel Preview

TV Guide Channel 
Survivor: Panama Exile Island Preview

Segment 1

A look at the upcoming 12th season of "Survivor," including the cast and this round's new twists.
Transcript by SurvivorFever.net

Danni Boatwright:  Hi, everyone.  Welcome to "Survivor, Panama, Exile Island" preview.  The cast and crew are headed back to the clear blue sky and white sandy beaches of Panama.
Jeff Probst:  "This season is officially called "Survivor: Panama - Exile Island."  The Exile Island is really the theme of this season. Exile Island is a place where, throughout the season, Survivors will be banished and forced to live on their own.  It's a tiny little island with very little on it in terms of food and you gotta live on your own.  You don't have any real shelter other than the huge skull that is the icon of this season.  It's situated on Exile Island.  I'm guessing that people are going to crawl in there and try to sleep.

The flip side to Exile Island is that hidden somewhere out there is an immunity idol and if you find it, you're safe at the vote.  So what that means is, I could come into Tribal Council, have the Immunity Idol and not say anything.  And if you guys surprise me and vote me out, I hold it up and say, "Sorry, not this time."  And then I'm immune and whoever has the most votes after that, they're gone.

Panama is a refreshing change from Guatemala, for sure and it's kind of like an old home to us because we've been here twice."
Danni:  With its world famous canal, intriguing past, and beautiful beaches, it's no wonder Survivor has returned to Panama.
Jeff:  The way it worked out this time is, once we decided to do tribes of 4 and Exile Island, that's 5 islands already that we need.  There aren't a lot of places that offer that many beaches.
Tom Shelly (Executive Producer) - We love the look of Panama.  The waters here and the islands...and when the sun comes out it's gorgeous here.  The waters are just stunning.

John Kirhoffer (Challenge Producer) - There are going to be plenty of water challenges this season...after last season.  And being in Guatemala was great...Guatemala was beautiful but we all got just starved for water.

Danni:  There are 16 fresh new castaways ready to take on those challenges and Exile Island.
Jeff:  This group is a lot more like Palau.  There seems to be a vitality, an eagerness to just get out and play Survivor.  So I'm hoping we're going to have some fun.  The first new change for this season is, we're dividing the tribes into 4 tribes of 4 people and they're being separated by age and gender.  So we have the older guys, the older women...they'll love that, the younger guys and the younger women.

Danni:  The older men's group is represented by a diverse group of characters starting with pilot, Terry. 

Terry Deitz:  We were watching Tom get his million dollars, awhile back, from Palau.  And my wife looked over at me...who is even more competitive than I am...and says, "would you like to do that?"  And I was like, "hell, yeah." 
Jeff:  If Terry can get in with the right group of people and keep numbers on his side until he gets to an individual part of the game, watch out.  That dude could win it. 
Terry: Bring it on.
Danni:  Family man Dan has also done a bit of flying...in space.
Jeff: He's a former astronaut.  ASTRONAUT.  He's been up.  Playing this game, I think he's very well suited.
Dan: Survivor is a very interesting model, for long duration space flight.  It's exactly what long duration crews are going to have to deal with and that is, how you get along with this diverse group of people in a stressful situation.  Being able to tolerate how other people do stuff is a really important skill to have.
Danni:  But will Dan and the others be able to tolerate Shane who is the youngest of the older men's tribe.  
Shane: I've watched the show since the get-go and I was fascinated by the Machiavellian nature of it all.  I really thought that I'd be great for the show and I used to watch the show all the time and yell at people because they were making a vital error.  And I was just through yelling at the television.  So now I'm here and I'm going to yell at some other people. 
Jeff Probst: I like him as a character but if he plays the way he's been showing us,  he'll be a short timer. 
Shane:  I'm here to win.
Danni:  Winning is also what art teacher Bruce is all about. 
Bruce:  I taught backpacking for 19 years.  25 years ago I ran the John Muir Trail and set a record. 
Danni:  And as the oldest Survivor in Panama, Bruce feels that his 4 decades as a Karate instructor will help him most in the game.  
Bruce:  Karate has taught all of the elements of Survivor for me.  When I teach, I like to do about 2000 techniques a night. 
Jeff: If Bruce is smart enough to realize, okay, I better quiet down.  He'll be okay.  Okay, prediction, he won't realize it and Bruce will be gone soon. 
Bruce:  The knowledge I have for surviving is, I could write the book. 
Danni: Coming, up, we'll unmask more contestants, including one that has Jeff Probst shaking his head.
Jeff:  Do you know how to play Survivor?  We'll find out.
Danni:  And later, we'll reveal why this season's Tribal Council is the hottest one, ever.   Plus, a TV Guide Channel exclusive, we uncover a challenge you'll see this season on Survivor.

Segment 2

A look at the Older Women's and Younger Men's Tribes
Transcript by SurvivorFever.net

Danni:  It's time to meet the two types of contestants that typically don't do well in the game, the young guys and the older women.   Jeff's favorite group...the older women, are not your average soccer moms.  Just look at Ruth Marie.
Jeff Probst:  Ruth Marie is the oldest woman out here and arguably in as good of shape as any woman out here.

Ruth Marie Milliman:  I'm a long distance runner...umm...endurance type thing.  I get better as things get worse.  I think I'll be perceived on the very front end as the opposite of that.  The worse things get, the better I personally get.

Danni:  Wisconsin born Tina was already selected to be a part of my cast in Guatemala but tragedy kept her from going. 
Tina Scheer:  I was 10 days from leaving to Guatemala when my 16 year old son was killed in a car accident which obviously prevented me from going.
Jeff:  We said, if you feel like it and it somehow seems like the right thing to do, you're welcome back next season.
Tina:  So, I just picked him up in my heart and off we go.  I choose to live my life. 
Danni:  Tina is not only emotionally strong but a physical threat as well, especially in balance challenges.
Tina:  I started out as a log roller.  When I started out, it was in the sixties.  Log rolling was the only sport available to women.
Jeff:  Tina is a lumberjill.  Tina is a very likable Sue Hawk.  You can't help but pull for somebody like that. 
Danni:  While log rolling is a skill that should work on Survivor, singing hasn't really helped anyone in the game.
Melinda Hyder:  I am an entertainer.  I sing and dance in production shows. 
Danni:  But 32 year old Melinda doesn't plan on sharing her skill with the tribe.
Melinda:  People find out that's what I do and they are like, "oh, sing."   And no, I don't.  That's just not something that I, (snaps fingers) crank out a tune. 
Danni:  Operating room nurse, Cirie, will be living a very different life in Panama than she does in her hometown, Jersey City. 
Cirie Fields:  I'm a couch potato and I wanted to do some things before I got too old.  I love the show.  I wanted to just challenge myself and see how far I can make it.  I think I can win.
Jeff:  Cirie represents everybody who's ever sat at home and said, "I could do that."  But they never got up off the couch.  Cirie got up off the couch and she's on this show.  I think her little bubbly-ness is probably a bit of a mask for a player underneath who might be better than we think.  
Cirie: I'm cute and funny but don't play.  (laughs)
Jeff:  I like the older women, on the other end of the spectrum I have big questions about the younger guys.
Danni:  24 year old yoga instructor, Aras, is the youngest player in Panama.  He's a bit nervous about his earthy profession getting in the way of a million dollar goal. 
Aras Baskauskas:  The yoga tradition teaches like non-greediness, and not lying and all those things.  So it will be a real challenge to me to apply some of those yoga principles to this game where it rewards truly like the Gordon Gekkos of the world.
Jeff:  I'm not sure what he's bringing.  He's bringing a lot of talk.  Does he know how to play Survivor?  We'll find out.  That's all I've got on Aras. 
Danni:  Arizona salesman, Nick, looks like a challenge threat but  for now his strategy seems to be all about togetherness. 
Nick Stanbury:  I'd hate to be over prepared in a way.  Hopefully there's someone in our tribe that really knows what they're doing.  That would be great.  But it makes it more fun, you go through it together.  Have some fun with it rather than one or two people really knowing what they're doing. 
Jeff:  Is he athletic? Yeah.  Is that worth much in Survivor?  A little. 
Nick:  I'll play my game.  Whatever happens, happens.
Danni:  Austin, a North Carolina author, got to Panama in an unusual way, through another reality show. 
Austin Carty:  In "The Amazing Race Family Edition", my family was one of the finalists for that show.
Danni:  Austin was called upon solo for Survivor. 
Austin:  I joked around with the casting director later on, I said, "I don't know what the spark you saw in me was but I'm glad you're under that false misconception."  Because here I am. 
Danni:  And finally, meet Bobby.  His talk is as big as his well-muscled body.  But can a guy who refers to himself as Bob Dawg make it all the way to the million dollar pay day? 
Bobby Mason:  In terms of the survival stuff, I figure the tougher it gets the better it is for me because, you know, I'm a genius and I'll figure it out.  I don't know how to make fire but I do know how to destroy people and I'm bringing that to the table.
Jeff:  He went to Stanford and has a law degree but he walks around talking about it like he's a world wrestler or something.  So, I really don't know.
Bobby: The things that are going to help me are that I'm buff, I'm bold and I'm beautiful.  I think the things that are going to hurt me are the fact that I'm buff, I'm bold and I'm beautiful.  There's no way for me to fly under the radar. 
Danni: Straight ahead, we go behind the scenes of Survivor: Panama to find out what secrets these snakes, these buffs, and these skulls might reveal about Panama, Exile Island.  Plus...
Jeff:  Coming up I'll give you a tour of the new Tribal Council.  

Segment 3

Sneak peek at the Tribal Council set, the art department and some challenge props.
Transcript by SurvivorFever.net

Danni Boatwright:  This season's Tribal Council goes indoors and underground with an incredible manmade cave.  Jeff Probst was kind enough to give us a tour of that place every survivor wants to avoid.
Jeff Probst:  This is Tribal Council for Survivor: Panama - Exile Island.  And the basic idea is, we wanted to build a cave.  It took about 9 weeks to build this.   There are 2500 gallons of foam, 3 tons of lumber.  So it was a massive project.
The torches are very cool this season.  A lot of ideas about talismans and spirits and voodoo.  All of that sort of plays in this season.  These are some of my favorites, really decorated nice.
One of the coolest parts of this season's Tribal Council is all the fire.  We have about a 150 fires, torches all over the place.  We have about 75 candles.  The cool thing about this is, it's Survivor.  So you know it's not just an ordinary candle.  They look like ordinary candles but they're all actually individually controlled.  Check this out, hit it Ian.  (Candle flames).  How cool is that?
It wouldn't be a season of Survivor without the snuffer.  The art department created a very cool thing out of this snake head and then this skull. 
So when it comes time to vote, they'll make their way right down this cubbyhole.   Just over their shoulder are the Survivors.  And, because of all this foam the sound carries so far.  So you are going to see a lot of people say, (whispers), "I'm voting you out because..."  And it adds a nice conspiratory whisper.   I just want you gone.  (Holds up voting paper).  John, bye, bye, brother.
Danni:  Tribal Council isn't the only manmade wonder that's been created for Survivor: Panama - Exile Island.  The art department has taken us back in time and conjured up lots of magic and mystery. 
Zach Jensen (Art Director):  These boats are actually part of a challenge.  They've got a glass bottom.  We made these boats in here.  It's got to do with the searching for skeletons in coffins underwater and transporting them to their new home in tombs on the island.
This is the skull of some 10 foot tall zombies.  They're the hero? prop of one of the challenges, one of the first  challenges.  They start out in water and they are in boats and the main goal is to transport these skulls back onto the zombies and then light them on fire. 
Danni:  There you have it.  A foam cave, a skull snuffer, 10 foot tall zombies and more pyro than a Kiss concert.  That's how you create Panama - Exile Island.  Coming up...
Jeff:  What I was thinking about, do I want to sign onto another long term deal. 
Danni:  ...the papers all said he was quitting but it turned out not to be true.  We'll get to the bottom of what made Jeff Probst stay on as Survivor host.  And later, only TV Guide Channel was allowed on set for the rehearsal of a challenge you'll see on this season's show.  

Segment 4

A look at the young women's tribe. Also, a sneak peek at a future challengethat was tested with Survivor production staff going head to head against a group of journalists
Transcript by SurvivorFever.net

Danni:  You've already met 3 of the tribes, time to introduce you to the final tribe of 4...the young women looking to follow in my footsteps and collect that million dollar prize. 
Danni:  Twenty-six year old social worker, Sally, has already proven her perseverance just trying to get on Survivor.
Sally Schumann:  This is my 5th audition tape, actually, so apparently the 5th time is the charm for me.  I've seen people in this game that are like, "I don't want to vote this person off."  I'm like, "what are you doing?  Vote 'em off."
Jeff Probst:  Sally, I think, gets the game and she might know that the place to stay is somewhere in the middle, never on the bottom, never at the top.
Danni:  Boston born Danielle has something in common with previous players from her hometown.  
Danielle DiLorenzo:  Bostonians, we're a different breed of people, you know.  We're strong, we're tough.
Danni:  But in Survivor, how strong is too strong?
Danielle:  If somebody tries to demean me or piss me off per se, I might have to bite my tongue a little bit tighter than usual.
Danni:  And it seems like Danielle might be already taking her own advice a little too seriously.
Jeff Probst:  Danielle is definitely the most puzzling going into this game.  Cause when we put her on this show in casting she's full of personality and she got out here on the beach and it just went... swooosh.  Nothing.  Not a peep.
Danni:  Misty shares a common trait with me.  Both of us have competed in beauty pageants in the past.
Misty:  What's helped me develop a little more strategy for Survivor is that, never, not for one second, get comfortable. 
Danni:  But Misty is more than just a pretty face.  She's also a rocket scientist and missile engineer.
Misty:  Everyone is so shocked to hear that I am an engineer.  I'm used to being underestimated and I hope that continues throughout this game. 
Danni:  With her dreadlocks and abundant energy, performance artist Courtney might be providing the most spark on the young women's tribe. 
Courtney Marit:  I dance with fire and I dance on stilts.  I do work on a trapeze.  I've worked on Cirque du Soleil.  So I provide a good time. 
Danni:  We've all marveled at Survivor's ability to come up with insane challenges.  But before the tribes hit the sand and surf to sweat it up, these tests of mental and physical endurance have to be tested. 
John Kirhoffer (Challenge Producer) - This is where we've thought it out.  We've put it on paper, we've made some boats.  Now we go out to figure out everything that can go wrong.
Danni:  Challenge producer, John Kirhoffer, gave us an exclusive peek at a future challenge that was tested with Survivor production staff going head to head against a group of journalists that included TV Guide's Shawna Malcom. 

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