transcripts by James Barber
AUSTIN: (Misty) Only in the game of
Survivor would I make this vote. Our talks on faith have inspired me so much.
You have an unlimited potential. Lord bless you, sweetie.
TERRY: Misty, you're a smart girl, strong,
and intelligent. I wish it didn't have to be this way. Someone has to go
tonight, and the alliance picked you. Take care of yourself; see you later.
RUTH MARIE: (Misty) This is with an
extremely heavy heart, but I'm voting my alliance.
DAN: Misty, you definitely have the right
stuff, and I hope to be at the launch when your dream comes true and you head
off to the moon. I'm really gonna miss you. This is a tough vote tonight.
MISTY: (Ruth Marie) This is just team
play, that's all.
NICK: Misty, I'm voting for you tonight.
It was a very hard decision but it's just a matter of the tribe and the
strength of the tribe. I think also that you're probably the least strong
member of the tribe. I'm very sorry but it was an amazing engagement with you, an
amazing five days with you.
SALLY: (votes for "Mama Ruth"):
My vote tonight is for Ruth Marie. You're an amazing woman, this is all about
going with the tribe. I've learned a lot from you. I hope your kids know how
great you are.
"Well, tonight was a shock to me. I
didn't expect it, so I was definitely outplayed and outstrategized. I had a
great time out here, I met some great, great people, and I wish my tribe all
the luck - I hope they go all the way. I'm gonna miss being out here with 'em,
that's for sure.
Looking back, I think I should have played
my immunity idol card again, but I was clearly deceived by several people in the
group, and kudos to them, and I didn't feel I needed to. I'm always going to
wonder why they decided to vote me out first, but I guess I'll have to wait and
see when the show comes out.
I don't think I necessarily would have
been saved if I'd played that card because this clearly could have been they
knew what I was going to vote for and I thought we had all agreed on that. It
was my fault for not staying in the conversations as to what was going on
around me.
At the very beginning I felt like going to
Exile Island was definitely harmful to me in terms of getting to know my new
tribemates, but once we merged with La Mina, I was excited and exuberant and I
thought we had a great thing going. I still think they have a great thing
going, so I didn't expect this so soon, that's for sure, cause I thought I was
a strong player.
The experience of going to Exile Island is
something I'll look back on for probably the rest of my life. It was definitely
a unique scenario where I don't know that I'll...well hopefully won't find
myself in in real life anytime soon, where I'm stuck all by myself - it had a
time for a lot of reflection, which is sometimes good, and a lot of prayer.
What I walk away from with this experience
is that I know a lot about myself and I know which boundaries I'm willing to
push and which I'm not. I still think I have a lot in me and I'm ready to go; I
could've stayed out here for a long time, but obviously my tribemates didn't
feel the same, so...
What surprised me the most? I guess the
biggest surprise to me was that I ended up on a tribe with such fantastic
people. I just think they're all great, they're all good Christian people,
which was really wonderful for me, so we fit in in that aspect. I was really
expecting to get on a tribe with some really annoying people who would drive me
crazy, or be a pain in the butt. That didn't happen. That was my biggest
surprise, in all honesty."
Clip Description: Misty has La Mina thinking that she found the
hidden immunity idol on Exile Island. She didn't but she'll never tell
her tribemates that.
Misty (solo): The others on this tribe here, La Mina, I don't think they really - you know they've questioned me and wondered if I'd throw them a clue, but I just don't talk about it. I just don't think it's something that needs to be discussed, whether I have the immunity idol from Exile [Island] or not. Most of the time we're just praying for Bruce, and praying he gets through, because it's an awful situation to have him in. So they'll have to guess.
If it comes down to a vote tonight, I think my time on Exile - being the first person there, getting the first clue, and giving everyone a wishy-washy, 'Well did she get it, did she not' - that's a deterrent. It would be for me; I certainly wouldn't want them to have the trump card, we're all trying to vote for them and them boom (claps her hands) whoever they want out is gone. It's a nice card to play if you've got it. I don't, but they don't know that. Always reasonable doubt you can get off.
Misty (solo): The others on this tribe here, La Mina, I don't think they really - you know they've questioned me and wondered if I'd throw them a clue, but I just don't talk about it. I just don't think it's something that needs to be discussed, whether I have the immunity idol from Exile [Island] or not. Most of the time we're just praying for Bruce, and praying he gets through, because it's an awful situation to have him in. So they'll have to guess.
If it comes down to a vote tonight, I think my time on Exile - being the first person there, getting the first clue, and giving everyone a wishy-washy, 'Well did she get it, did she not' - that's a deterrent. It would be for me; I certainly wouldn't want them to have the trump card, we're all trying to vote for them and them boom (claps her hands) whoever they want out is gone. It's a nice card to play if you've got it. I don't, but they don't know that. Always reasonable doubt you can get off.
Clip Description: Smarty pants Misty might be intimidating to the men on her tribe but the bugs just eat her up - literally.
RUTH MARIE: Which type of bug?
DAN: This type. (says a name) They're the ones that give you a red thing like that (points to his hand)
MISTY (laughs): Like my hands?
DAN: Yeah.
MISTY (solo): I'm amazed at how many of these noseeums keep biting me. These bug bites are just...ugh. I feel like I'm being eaten alive. I look like some sort of strange patient who should be in a hospital somewhere with all these welts all over me. Scary. They don't itch too bad, but they make your skin really sore. So it's not a good situation.
MISTY (in camp): Ugh, bugs.
Clip Description: Smarty pants Misty might be intimidating to the men on her tribe but the bugs just eat her up - literally.
RUTH MARIE: Which type of bug?
DAN: This type. (says a name) They're the ones that give you a red thing like that (points to his hand)
MISTY (laughs): Like my hands?
DAN: Yeah.
MISTY (solo): I'm amazed at how many of these noseeums keep biting me. These bug bites are just...ugh. I feel like I'm being eaten alive. I look like some sort of strange patient who should be in a hospital somewhere with all these welts all over me. Scary. They don't itch too bad, but they make your skin really sore. So it's not a good situation.
MISTY (in camp): Ugh, bugs.
Clip Description: Though she's rested and refreshed the morning after
being voted out, Misty is still shocked that the guys on La Mina voted her
out. She's proud of having done her best however.
"I actually was very shocked that I was the first one to go from my tribe. I knew there was a boys' club going on, I just didn't think I would be the first female to go, so I was surprised and disappointed, definitely very disappointed. But time to move on.
Hindsight is always 20/20. You can look back and I can re-analyze and reevaluate from every situation and say I should have played the immunity idol from Exile harder, or I should have worked the guys a little more, this that and the other, but I think they had their mind made up and they're just ready to pick the girls off one at a time and I drew the short straw, obviously.
Yeah, I feel like I did my best out there, I had a good time, I contributed to the tribe, to our winning, I helped us plan good strategies to all of the challenges, and unfortunately for me, that wasn't well-recognized, so...
I love the challenges. That was my favorite, favorite part. I'm very, very competitive. It's not every day you get to go out and do such exciting things like an obstacle course or those snakes, so that was just a blast. I loved all the water ones, I love to swim. Those were my best moments, when we were competing.
My worst moments were at night. Oh gosh, sleeping was almost impossible. Obviously Jeff kept making comments about my bug bites from head to toe. I've still got them everywhere. It was hard because I would just get eaten alive. There was nothing I could do.
How did I deal with them? I pray a lot. I would think to myself how many people get to come out and do this, what a great experience, and just move on. Mind over matter, definitely. I didn't let it control my thought process or my emotional state. I would just kinda keep trucking forward.
What surprised me the most was really...I've seen the show, I've watched, I'm a big fan - I had respect for all the players before, but now after being in the game myself, I have an immense amount more. It was so much more difficult than it ever looks on television. Just keeping the fire going alone, just the little things to keep your camp going. Getting food. That surprised me. I thought it would not be as difficult as it was.
Oh, I'm sure when I get home people will be like, 'What's the big deal? You guys couldn't keep the fire going,' and I'm going to say, 'OK, why don't you go outside after a rainstorm, you get a fire going and see how long you can keep it lasting.' (laughs) It's a constant chore. I might come up with my own little challenges for those people who want to disagree with me.
Exile Island was lonely. And noisy at night - all the animals would come out. The giant iguanas, and the bugs. But mostly it was lonely. It was a very depressing place. There was not much out there. There was not much food - there was really no food, no water. It just gave me too much time to really get in my head and think. It'll break you down. You're looking to get out there at the beginning of the game and meet your tribemates and get to know them. I was the first person stuck so it was really unusual, something I wasn't prepared for. But I think I handled it pretty well, tried to stay focused, eye on the prize, and truck on through.
It definitely threw me for a loop at the very beginning; being stuck on Exile Island put me in a vulnerable position, and the only card I had to play was that maybe I caught the immunity idol. I definitely did that from the get-go with the tribe with the four girls. I think that all of that was erased once I got on a new tribe, and we formed new bonds, so...
If I could get back and do anything different, I definitely would be a little more crafty in terms of convincing - getting myself aligned with Dan and Ruth Marie. Something I didn't really attempt do that much because I was so focused on keeping our tribe winning.
If I was asked today, knowing what I know, to play Survivor again, in a heartbeat, hands down I would do it. I would do it, and I think I would be smarter about it this time.
Positive experience all around. I learned a lot about myself and I know that from now on whether in life or a game I'm never going to go into anything being anyone other than myself even if that's sometimes a little overbearing for some people to handle, or a little over - I'm a control freak and I'm just gonna let that side show.
Oh, I definitely think my friends and family will see - they'll go, 'Why are you so reserved?' They'll hear conversations that are going on and they'll see me sitting back in the background going, 'Oh yeah, the hurricanes caused all the trash here.' (laughs) Normally I've got smart-aleck comments left and right, so I tried to refrain from doing that.
In terms of surprises, I have a lot of confidence and faith in the abilities of everyone who's on my tribe, so none of them really surprised me, in terms of who will make it really far. I'm going to be really proud of Sally if she can stay in there longer and kind of break up that boys' club - that would be great. In terms of the other tribe I'm really impressed at how Cirie is still in the game. I think that's great. But I don't know, I've learned that Survivor is always full of surprises, and I'm sure I'll be shocked when it comes to the end and who's in the final two.
It is a lot harder - so much harder than people at home think it is. I was one of those who came out here and go, 'Wow, I watched this all the time and it didn't seem like it was this hard. Rupert was catching fish left and right and we can't catch a single fish.' It is so much harder than people watching at home think it is, and it is so real. The scratches, and the bruises, and the bumps, and the cuts, things that are never really shown - so much of that happens, and the psychological aspects of just being gone and completely out of touch with the rest of the world is also very difficult. I think one of the hardest parts for me - there wasn't a moment that went by where that I wasn't thinking about the game and also thinking about the life I left behind, and my loves ones, and my family. That was tough.
When you're sitting at Tribal Council, and Jeff says, 'The tribe has spoken. Grab your torch,' and you come up and he snuffs it, puts your flame out, for me it was just overwhelming because I was not ready to go. I had a lot of fight left in me, I still really wanted to play this game, I wasn't suffering - I mean I had my bug bites but I wasn't suffering from starving or anything, I felt like I was doing really well. So I was just sad and disappointed, and mostly disappointed in myself that I didn't go further. I'm a person who puts a lot of expectations on me, and it's worked well in my life; didn't work out so well out here, but that's OK. I can move on.
My Survivor experience...oh was an amazing adventure. I would love to do it again sometime. I think it's one of those life events that few people ever really get to experience and see how hard it is to really take care of yourself. I feel like I'm a Robinson Crusoe failure, if I was stuck out on Exile Island for three weeks I don't know if I'd still be alive. (laughs) However, I just feel blessed to know that and I had a great experience and meet some great people... and... It was hardcore.
"I actually was very shocked that I was the first one to go from my tribe. I knew there was a boys' club going on, I just didn't think I would be the first female to go, so I was surprised and disappointed, definitely very disappointed. But time to move on.
Hindsight is always 20/20. You can look back and I can re-analyze and reevaluate from every situation and say I should have played the immunity idol from Exile harder, or I should have worked the guys a little more, this that and the other, but I think they had their mind made up and they're just ready to pick the girls off one at a time and I drew the short straw, obviously.
Yeah, I feel like I did my best out there, I had a good time, I contributed to the tribe, to our winning, I helped us plan good strategies to all of the challenges, and unfortunately for me, that wasn't well-recognized, so...
I love the challenges. That was my favorite, favorite part. I'm very, very competitive. It's not every day you get to go out and do such exciting things like an obstacle course or those snakes, so that was just a blast. I loved all the water ones, I love to swim. Those were my best moments, when we were competing.
My worst moments were at night. Oh gosh, sleeping was almost impossible. Obviously Jeff kept making comments about my bug bites from head to toe. I've still got them everywhere. It was hard because I would just get eaten alive. There was nothing I could do.
How did I deal with them? I pray a lot. I would think to myself how many people get to come out and do this, what a great experience, and just move on. Mind over matter, definitely. I didn't let it control my thought process or my emotional state. I would just kinda keep trucking forward.
What surprised me the most was really...I've seen the show, I've watched, I'm a big fan - I had respect for all the players before, but now after being in the game myself, I have an immense amount more. It was so much more difficult than it ever looks on television. Just keeping the fire going alone, just the little things to keep your camp going. Getting food. That surprised me. I thought it would not be as difficult as it was.
Oh, I'm sure when I get home people will be like, 'What's the big deal? You guys couldn't keep the fire going,' and I'm going to say, 'OK, why don't you go outside after a rainstorm, you get a fire going and see how long you can keep it lasting.' (laughs) It's a constant chore. I might come up with my own little challenges for those people who want to disagree with me.
Exile Island was lonely. And noisy at night - all the animals would come out. The giant iguanas, and the bugs. But mostly it was lonely. It was a very depressing place. There was not much out there. There was not much food - there was really no food, no water. It just gave me too much time to really get in my head and think. It'll break you down. You're looking to get out there at the beginning of the game and meet your tribemates and get to know them. I was the first person stuck so it was really unusual, something I wasn't prepared for. But I think I handled it pretty well, tried to stay focused, eye on the prize, and truck on through.
It definitely threw me for a loop at the very beginning; being stuck on Exile Island put me in a vulnerable position, and the only card I had to play was that maybe I caught the immunity idol. I definitely did that from the get-go with the tribe with the four girls. I think that all of that was erased once I got on a new tribe, and we formed new bonds, so...
If I could get back and do anything different, I definitely would be a little more crafty in terms of convincing - getting myself aligned with Dan and Ruth Marie. Something I didn't really attempt do that much because I was so focused on keeping our tribe winning.
If I was asked today, knowing what I know, to play Survivor again, in a heartbeat, hands down I would do it. I would do it, and I think I would be smarter about it this time.
Positive experience all around. I learned a lot about myself and I know that from now on whether in life or a game I'm never going to go into anything being anyone other than myself even if that's sometimes a little overbearing for some people to handle, or a little over - I'm a control freak and I'm just gonna let that side show.
Oh, I definitely think my friends and family will see - they'll go, 'Why are you so reserved?' They'll hear conversations that are going on and they'll see me sitting back in the background going, 'Oh yeah, the hurricanes caused all the trash here.' (laughs) Normally I've got smart-aleck comments left and right, so I tried to refrain from doing that.
In terms of surprises, I have a lot of confidence and faith in the abilities of everyone who's on my tribe, so none of them really surprised me, in terms of who will make it really far. I'm going to be really proud of Sally if she can stay in there longer and kind of break up that boys' club - that would be great. In terms of the other tribe I'm really impressed at how Cirie is still in the game. I think that's great. But I don't know, I've learned that Survivor is always full of surprises, and I'm sure I'll be shocked when it comes to the end and who's in the final two.
It is a lot harder - so much harder than people at home think it is. I was one of those who came out here and go, 'Wow, I watched this all the time and it didn't seem like it was this hard. Rupert was catching fish left and right and we can't catch a single fish.' It is so much harder than people watching at home think it is, and it is so real. The scratches, and the bruises, and the bumps, and the cuts, things that are never really shown - so much of that happens, and the psychological aspects of just being gone and completely out of touch with the rest of the world is also very difficult. I think one of the hardest parts for me - there wasn't a moment that went by where that I wasn't thinking about the game and also thinking about the life I left behind, and my loves ones, and my family. That was tough.
When you're sitting at Tribal Council, and Jeff says, 'The tribe has spoken. Grab your torch,' and you come up and he snuffs it, puts your flame out, for me it was just overwhelming because I was not ready to go. I had a lot of fight left in me, I still really wanted to play this game, I wasn't suffering - I mean I had my bug bites but I wasn't suffering from starving or anything, I felt like I was doing really well. So I was just sad and disappointed, and mostly disappointed in myself that I didn't go further. I'm a person who puts a lot of expectations on me, and it's worked well in my life; didn't work out so well out here, but that's OK. I can move on.
My Survivor experience...oh was an amazing adventure. I would love to do it again sometime. I think it's one of those life events that few people ever really get to experience and see how hard it is to really take care of yourself. I feel like I'm a Robinson Crusoe failure, if I was stuck out on Exile Island for three weeks I don't know if I'd still be alive. (laughs) However, I just feel blessed to know that and I had a great experience and meet some great people... and... It was hardcore.
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