pondělí 19. května 2014

TV Guide Channel Preview

Survivor Fiji TV Guide Channel Preview

Intro Segment

Transcript by SurvivorFever.net

VO:  Get ready for Survivor: Fiji.

Jeff Probst:  Fiji, I think, is going to be fun

VO:  TV Guide Channel was the only national network to head to this South Pacific paradise.  We have your first look at the location and we'll reveal some of the game's huge twists.

JP:  It's going to be the case of one tribe having quite a bit and one tribe having very little.  We'll introduce you the 19 new castaways all vying for the title of Sole Survivor.

Jessica deBen:  Oh, yeah, when there's a million dollars on the line I'm pretty competitive.

Alex Angarita:  I want it bad.

Anthony Robinson:  I want the bragging rights to be able to say that I won the best game ever invented.

VO:  And we'll reveal why there are only 19.

Tom Shelly <Executive Producer>:  We had something interesting happen this season which we haven't had.

VO:  Plus, we'll give you an exclusive tour of Tribal Council and reveal every step of the first challenge from planning to rehearsal to...

JP:  Survivors ready! Go!

VO:  Survivor: Fiji Preview starts right now.

Segment 1: Location, Cannibalism theme, Twists, Contestants Featured - Rita, Boo

full transcript unavailable

But here is deescription from realitynewsonline.com:

The show opens with last season’s winner, Yul, welcoming us. Then we’re whisked away to Fiji, which we’re told has beautiful mountains and water and untapped rugged area.
Jeff Probst: "We have a big cannibalism theme going on this year, because Fiji is one of the places where, as recently as 100 years ago, cannibalism was very normal."

This unappetizingly leads directly to Probst saying a food challenge is definitely back.

But it appears that humans are not on the menu – though pig snouts are.

Exile Island is back, and it has poisonous snakes this time. And the hidden immunity idol is located on the tribe’s beach instead of on Exile Island, so there may be no benefit in going there. And the idol will be used differently – it has to be used after votes are cast but before they are read. Probst thinks this is the “perfect” way to use the idol.

Speaking of Yul, he voices over that this season features the first time Survivor begins with an odd number of players. But this was not a planned twist. One of the producers tells us that the night before the game started, one contestant decided they couldn’t do it. Probst says it threw them a bit of a curve, because, according to a TV Guide Channel correspondent, the original plan was to once again divide the tribe by race. Without the 20th person, they had to come up with a new way to do it – and fast.

They start all 19 contestants together on a beach. Then Probst flies over in a plane and drops a package for them containing blueprints to build a massive shelter. They also provide the players with a large supply of lumber, tools, and nails. They are told to build the most amazing shelter they can, and then on day three, they find out they’re going to be splitting up, with one tribe having the luxurious shelter and one tribe being miserable. Probst says, “The idea is to create one tribe that has everything, and one tribe that has nothing – and see what that animosity does.”

The first contestant to whom we’re introduced is 38-year-old single mom and former beauty queen, Rita. Her brother was a finalist on season two of Project Runway, so she knows a bit about reality TV. She tells us she has kept herself in shape.
Probst: 'Rita-I'm-so-beautiful-for-my-age. Rita is a... fascinating woman. I think she should be a really good character on the show." "Can Rita win the game? No. Rita will not win the game."

Next up is Boo from the Bayou. He says “Boo” is an affectionate term given to him by his grandmother.
Probst: "Boo... could win this game. I'd be delighted if Boo won this game. I'm not sure I buy the New Orleans twang, and the charm, that that's all Boo is, but it works."
 Boo tells us he’s always been a bit like Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, and we see him climb into a tree.

Segment 2: Contestants Featured:  Sylvia, Gary, Stacy, Mookie, Erica, Jessica, Anthony, Yau-Man

full transcript unavailable

But here is deescription from realitynewsonline.com:

Yul tells us that the next contestant, Sylvia, should be helpful in building the shelter. She is a 52-year-old architect who runs her own firm.
Probst: "Sylvia is going to annoy some people. It took me 30 minutes to get Sylvia to tell me whether or not she can swim."
She is the oldest woman this season and says she plans to be a leader because she’s sure there are things she has gone through that the others never have.
Probst: [smirking] "Good luck, Sylvia."

The oldest man this season is Gary, who has already earned a couple nicknames on the show – Papa Smurf and Santa Claus.
Probst: "Gary talked a lot about the fact that he has kids that are roughly the same age as a lot of people in this season of Survivor. And how that will be an advantage, because he has a great relationship with his kids."
"Can he win the game? He's a dark horse." 

Stacy is a 27-year-old interactive advertising producer who says she won’t try to be much of a leader, but she expects to be “versatile, like a chameleon.”
Probst: "I just can't get a read on her! And I would say that's not a good sign. 'Cause if you can't read somebody, it's hard to trust them. Stacy cannot win this game." 

Mookie Lee, from Illinois, says he is bringing his sense of humor to the game. He may get himself in trouble by making fun of people in the attempt at humor, but hopefully he’ll be smart enough to tone it down.
Probst: "If Mookie can stay in the game long enough to make it to the individual portion, he could be a threat."  

Erica moved to New Orleans only about six months before Katrina hit, so she’s already a survivor. She says she ran track in college and works out.
Probst: "Erica said something to me though, in casting, that was a red flag. She talked about making the jury. I think Erica will be lucky to make the jury. Nice person, but doesn't have the killer instinct to win this game."  
Jessica is a makeup artist based in L.A. She wants to play like Sandra. The strategy she talks about is the way Sandra would follow people and listen in to their conversations, which actually was smart.
Probst: "I think Jessica is somebody that people are gonna like. She's not a little vixen, that's walking around, trying to use sex appeal. She's just a nice person, who will bring something to the tribe."  

Anthony describes himself as the ultimate gamer who wants to be able to say he won the best game ever. And by “gamer,” he does indeed mean the type of geek who plays live action roleplaying games.
Probst: "Anthony is gonna have a big challenge in this game. I just don't think Anthony's gonna fit in. Anthony will not win this game."  

Then we have Yau-Man, 54, who grew up in Malaysian Borneo. He says the climate and flora are very familiar to him and he knows most of the food sources, so he hopes he’ll be useful.
Probst: "He's a guy you could easily dismiss, and say, 'I'm sorry, you're just too old.' And as a guy who's starting to get older, it's hard to stomach. So I'm pulling for Yau-Man."
"Can he win the game? Long shot."  
Yau-Man says he’s going to try to make himself useful and “kiss their little young butts.”

Segment 3 Tribal Council Tour

Transcript by SurvivorFever.net

Jeff Probst:  This is the Tribal Council for Survivor: Fiji.  We are a few hours away from doing our first Tribal Council.   Still making some final tweaks on it.  I'll give you a little run of the land.

The overall appearance of Tribal is based on local traditions and designs.  In fact we're up against the side of a mountain and the idea really kind of came from back when there were warring tribes.  Nobody could get to them because they had such a vantage point looking down that they could continue to just take people out.  That was sort of the idea.

The first thing our art department had to do was actually get all the timber up here.  For the first two weeks before there were any roads or anything twenty guys carried logs here.  Once they got it all up here then we started the building.  The building was twenty guys for eight weeks to put this thing together.

The entrance for the Survivors when they actually come here and walk up is the longest we've ever had in any Survivor.  It's 200 steps total. So the first two or three minutes of every Tribal will be dedicated to just catching our breathe.

The big cannibalism theme is obvious.  There are 300 skulls all around Tribal Council.  There are 15 full on skeletons at different places within Tribal Council, old skeletons, medical skeletons.  We didn't take part in any cannibalism.  Three thousand pieces of thatch to make the roof on Tribal Council.   Five thousand pieces of timber scattered through all the bridges.  Once again, it's a massive build up here.  Let's head over to the voting area.

This is where the Survivors will vote.  Again, the thing I like most about when they're voting is the fact that right over their shoulder are the people that they are voting out and it's just close enough this season and it's very quiet up here that they're going to have to whisper a lot.  It's all part of the game because nobody wants to own up to who they're voting for.  I though have no problem owning up to who I'm voting for.  He's been getting very cocky lately.  His show is doing well.  Suddenly he's a super star.  I simply have this to say, John Henson, watch this.  <places vote in voting urn>

And then of course the last and best part is the snuffing of the torch.  Cannibalism once again part of the theme.  This is a tool that Fijians would use when they were taking part specifically in eyeballs.  The idea was that when you ate the eyeball you weren't suppose to touch them with the hands.  So they would just pluck the eyeball out, put it in their mouth.  Nice delicacy.  Oh, one more thing to do.  TV Guide Channel, time for you guys to go.

Segment 4 Contestants Featured: Alex, Liliana, Michelle, Cassandra, Edgardo

no transcript or description available, available only Probst comments from truedorktimes.com:

Probst: "He's very good socially. He's got looks, and physical abilities. I would consider him an absolute threat. Alex could win this game."

Probst: "Liliana is somebody that I'm betting people will keep around."

Probst:"I can't tell if Michelle is... a dynamite package ready to explode, or just a giggly schoolgirl who's out here having fun."

Probst: "Cassandra is going to have a nice visit in the Fiji Islands. She'll be voted out early, and take a trip with all the other non-jury members. And I think that'll be enough for Cassandra."


Probst: "He told us some stories in casting, about, 'One time I had a buddy, and I didn't think his girlfriend was so good for him, so I went and slept with her to prove to him that she was not a worthy... worthy wife. So that's Edgardo's moral code. In a game like Survivor, Edgardo could win."

Segment 5 Production Camp, Art Department

no transcript or description available

Segment 6 Contestants Featured - Dre, Lisi, Earl, James, Melissa

Probts: "Dre could easily end up on the outside, through no fault of his own. Just an inability to know how to really do the social thing. And that would be a tragedy."

Probst: "I think Lisi could be a crowd favorite, or Lisi could be very annoying, or Lisi could simply disappear, and be an early vote-off."

"[Earl says he'll seize opportunities when they appear, and retreat when it's time to do so].
Probst: That's a good strategy. It's playing to win. You're going for one thing, I'm playing to win. As far as I'm concerned, why else are you out here?"

Probst: "The only way James wins this game is if he makes it to the final two by being a lunatic, and then says, 'It was all an act. I'm a Rhodes Scholar.' That's the only way he wins."



Segment 7 Overview of First Immunity Challenge

no full, but transcript of some part from truedorktimes.com:

Jeff Probst: "One thing that we're doing this season, that we haven't done in a while, is a food-eating challenge. We're going around, as we always do, to the locals, and saying, 'What do you eat?' One of the things that surprised me, that they say they eat all the time is pig snouts. And I thought, wow, is that Survivor? Yeah!" 

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