pátek 18. dubna 2014

season 12 episode 11 insider videos


missing transcript

Clip Description: Jeff Probst suddenly appears on Exile Island to take Terry back to camp. Terry is mystified, but all Jeff will tell him is that something has happened.

(Jeff in the boat, gets off the boat, goes to find Terry)

JEFF: What's going on?

TERRY: Hey, Jeff! How the hell's it going, man?

(they shake hands)

JEFF: How's it going?

TERRY: Good to see ya. It's going fine.

JEFF: Well, we have a little something unusual that happened back at camp. So I'm going to take you back to camp, and then we'll get you caught up. Get your stuff and we'll head back.

(Terry and Jeff get in the boat)

TERRY: Am I allowed to ask what happened? Did somebody get hurt?

JEFF: I'll tell you back there.

Clip Description: Alone on Exile Island, Terry fills us in on his strategy for staying in the game.

TERRY (solo):

Yesterday's reward challenge, it was a little bit of a surprise that I got sent back here, a little bit but not much. As soon as I saw that I got knocked out first in the game, I figured I'd be coming back here. It didn't - I didn't think about it before I actually went, but as the game started and I was knocked out immediately, I knew I was coming back. So it wasn't that big of a surprise, but it still didn't - I was still pissed off about it.


At Casaya, after the reward challenge yesterday, I'm not sure if Cirie got to take somebody, but if she did, that left them with 4 people back at camp, and if she took Aras, that left Shane and Bruce and Danielle and Courtney back in camp, with Shane probably really moody and pissed off, Bruce and the rest of 'em kind of looking around and saying, 'What happened to us?' That's my take on it, and hopefully my take is right. That way Bruce may make some inroads with Danielle and Courtney, and who knows I may be able to jump on that bandwagon and try to get numbers going into the last couple of weeks.


I am definitely counting on Bruce being an ally, because there will be a big target on his back, especially with myself holding the Immunity Idol. The second place person - if I need to bring out the Immunity Idol to save myself, the second place person will then go away. Which most likely will be Bruce, or Courtney. So those two will have targets on their backs, so I'm hoping to approach those guys when I get back, and then also hope to bring Danielle into the fold along with Courtney, and see if we can't go to the final four, get numbers and continue on.

Clip Description: Challenge winner Cirie, along with Danielle and Aras, enjoy a massage and a delicious dinner in the spa Reward.

ARAS: Thank you very much.

CIRIE: Here's to.

ARAS: Here's to.

CIRIE: Somebody else toast.

ARAS: Alright. I'd like to toast our experience out here, and what we've been given the opportunity to do. The fact that there's 7 of us left, there's millions of people in this world who get skinny like us, not because they have a chance to win a million dollars, but because that's their reality. So just enjoying where we are and being grateful for this opportunity. (they clink glasses)

ARAS: My mom would be so embarrassed of my ordering. She'd be like, 'Aras, you know you couldn't eat all that.' This is my dream, to have a cold plate of food and be able to take one bite from each plate. That's what I wanted to do when I got home. Now I get to do it here in Panama.

DANIELLE: You don't have to pay for it.

ARAS: No paying for it. No requesting anything.

CIRIE: Pumpkin soup. OK, this is good. I don't wanna play anymore. I'm gonna drop out now.

ARAS (eating): Vote me out.

CIRIE: Oh God, it must be so bad for Terry. He just looked so...not good when he left.

DANIELLE: He was so pissed that he got out first, A), and then all the shit that (mumbles)...

ARAS: He had to know exactly what was gonna happen to him, cause no one likes him.

DANIELLE: He does it to himself.

ARAS: He does. I don't feel guilty. And to be honest, as a guy, I can relate to Terry. I see how he treats you guys. I can't relate to Terry on anything like a personal level, but I can relate to him on the macho level. Unless you act subservient to him, he won't let you guys in. It's like why do you want to go in anyway, he needs to try to get into your space.

DANIELLE: Good for you for winning that challenge today, Cirie. God bless you.

ARAS: Yeah, seriously, Cirie. Good stuff.

DANIELLE: And Shane. Seriously...(starts laughing)

CIRIE: Did you see him this morning? When he threw the palm fronds? (Cirie and Danielle laugh) He grabbed a bunch of palm fronds...

DANIELLE: He was having a hissy fit about his space.

CIRIE: He said he was in a perfect space until we moved over, and then he like grabbed a handful of palm fronds and was like (mimics throwing), 'Dammit!' (Cirie and Danielle laugh again)

ARAS: He moved off the bed totally?

DANIELLE: He was like, 'I'm gonna sleep standing up,' and he stood up. 10 minutes later, he goes, 'I know what the problem is, Princess,' and 'Prince' or 'Master' or whatever he calls you. And I'm like, 'Shane, will you grow up?'

ARAS: The game wears on you. You get tired, irritable, hungry.

DANIELLE: Mr. Bug, I have already had this discussion with your friends.

ARAS: Remember Bruce used to wake up and tell us what he did in the night? 'Oh, woke up, slept pretty bad, start the fire.' I hadn't even woken up yet, and Bruce was already...I was like, 'Alright, Factor.' I first met the Factor, I didn't know if the Factor was gonna shut up. You don't get him for most of the day, but when you do, it's the Bruce Factor. 'I'm gonna go collect wood. I'm gonna go get a great, great bundle of Bruce wood. It's Factor wood.' And he takes pride in it. It's beautiful.

(Danielle says something about Bruce laying in the shelter)

ARAS: 'I gotta go lay down for 15-20 [minutes], I've been up for a while. I didn't sleep well last night.'

ARAS: I love Bruce. He's so funny.  His sketches are amazing.

CIRIE: They are.

ARAS: His flag, the flag that he...

DANIELLE: He's talented, very talented.

ARAS: He really is. The flag he painted was great.

CIRIE: He's great.

Clip Description: Terry has returned early from Exile Island, only to learn that his friend Bruce has been rushed to teh hospital. He still has hopes that he'll see Bruce sitting on the jury.

TERRY (solo):

"A lot happens in 2 days on Exile Island. It was actually a beautiful time on Exile Island. Good food, and tons of it. Good sleep. No rain. Nice sunshine. Tons of water. Great fires, bonfires even. I got tired of feeding the fire last night, so I went to sleep. I built myself a nice shelter against the wind and the rain, and that worked out great. It was all good, and I just thought I was getting ready to come back to an immunity challenge.


So I'm sittin' there making my lunch, basically - I was dicing up coconut and I was gonna toast it a little bit, and add in the rest of my beans and have a little casserole or something. All the sudden, Jeff Probst walks in out of nowhere, and I'm like, 'Hey Jeff, what's up?' And then he announced something had happened to alter the game. He couldn't talk about it, but basically gave me about 10 minutes to clean up my shelter area and put away my wood for my next possible visit to Exile Island (rolls eyes), which I did, in a dry place, and off we came on a boat to Gitanos. Get back here, and all the while Jeff not saying anything to me about what's going on, and I realized when I get back here that Bruce had been medically boatlifted out of here. We all knew about his problems beforehand, and actually he had to be hospitalized. Tell you what, I don't think anyone else here would've been able to put up with or try to put up with the pain that the Master Sensei had, and tried to stay in this game. Truly a fighter, and he's another guy with the right stuff.


We're all hoping - the next Tribal Council, if you count it in 24-hour periods, is roughly 4 days away, and there's a good shot he will be back, sitting on the jury. He deserves to be sitting there, he deserves to be in this game, and I think he's going to be back.


We beached the boat and came ashore, was were met by the Gitanos tribe, and a couple of them were sad looking and everything else. They knew some sort of explanation was coming, they already knew Bruce had been taken away. So I was sat down along with the rest of the tribe, and told what happened, and not only he had been taken away in a bad way, but that he was better. Bruce had been taken care of medically, his pain was alleviated, and they're doing medical procedures on him now, not only - just to clear up his blockage. He was totally blocked up from any type of waste disposal, which can be deadly if anything bursts, especially out here. There's no medical out here, there's nobody that can get you anywhere, unless you're airlifted, but if it happens in the middle of the night on Survivor, you could die, you could seriously die. If anything inside of him had ruptured, he could have been dead by the time they got him anywhere near Panama City, via boat or possibly even by helicopter, if they were able. So things can happen out here that can be deadly.


The ramifications of Bruce's departure is that I don't have a hidden ally. Bruce was a hidden ally for me, all of my schemes included Bruce, and he knew that. Almost all the time, at the last minute, I would go up, tell him, 'The plan didn't work, do what you have to do, vote what you need to vote.' He was a man of his word, so he would vote what he needed to do, but he would have been there. So I kind of feel Bruce is a vote for me on the jury, especially if I go all the way. It dawned on me that it is really imperative A) not to piss any of these people off, and B) try to make inroads somehow.


I'm gonna be nice as pie. I'm gonna try to help people out as much as I can, try to make some allies, and hopefully not intimidate anybody, still try to win, and you know what, those things could be moot if I could tie up 1 or 2 members tonight or tomorrow, before the next immunity challenge. Maybe take 1 or 2 of them with me on a reward or something. Who knows. There's a lot of game to be played in the next 12 days.

CBS Early Show Secret Scene

(Cirie spots Bruce's shoes)

CIRIE: You know what happened with Bruce, Bruce not returning, I love Bruce, and I think he would want me to have his shoes. Being that he's not coming back.

(Cirie puts his shoes on)

ARAS: Does the word opportunist strike the core of your center, young lady?

CIRIE: I've always wanted Bruce's shoes.

ARAS: You are vicious.

CIRIE: No, no, not like that! Oh, shucks. I like 'em. Maybe I'll get some of his strength and some of his wisdom from his shoes. 

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