neděle 20. dubna 2014

early show 12 episode 3

Misty Gile's Early Show Interview


Transcript by James Barber for  2.16.06 

HARRY: Last night on Survivor Panama, Exile Island the tribes do the most physical challenge in the history of the game, and in the end, Misty paid the price at Tribal Council.


HARRY: Ohhh yeah. Misty Giles is with us this morning. You don't even look like the same person. Good morning.

MISTY (points out shorter hair): Oh, new 'do. Good morning.

HARRY: You clean up well. How surprised were you last night?

MISTY: I was pretty surprised. I'm telling you...watching that it brought up this flood of memories. It was tough going home. I was not ready. Not ready at all.

HARRY: Cause you and the blonde girl...

MISTY: Sally.

HARRY: Sally, it seemed like you really kind of had it together there. Especially watching the show last night, at times it seemed like you kind of had your own little power center going there.

MISTY: We were doing everything we could, using all the tools at our disposal to try and convince those younger men to align with us and get rid of Terry and Dan.

HARRY: Now I will pick up from what you just said. The tools at your disposal...

MISTY: (laughs) Tools at our disposal.

HARRY: You were using your feminine wiles, as it were.

MISTY: Oh, we were.

HARRY: You were trying to...I saw you doing a whole backrub, and a massage, and everything like that. Apparently it LOOKED like it was working...

MISTY: It looked like it was, but it didn't work out that way. But yeah, we were natural flirts. Last thing to do - logic wasn't working to convince them to...

HARRY: I'm not sure if I were a guy and I were in that situation, I would have cast you out.

MISTY: See, that makes me feel better.

HARRY: Under those circumstances...

MISTY: You should have been on my tribe.

HARRY: That's a whole other conversation. Let me ask you about this. The immunity challenge last night. We've never seen anything -- we've seen some pretty physical stuff, but we've never seen anything quite like this with the wrestling and the -- do you kickbox?

MISTY: I kickbox, and this was Jerry Springer meets Survivor. There was no kicking, no chokeholds, nothing that you could really do. It was sheer mass.

HARRY: For people who didn't see the show - you dig in the sand, you get this black bag out of there, and you have to bring it back to your spot. When you're in the middle of that, what is this like?

MISTY: Oh, my gosh. When you're with Cirie, she kind of tosses you around like a loaf of bread. That woman was strong. (laughs) She was pivotal in their win. She was a power player. Her and Bobby, at the end when he picked up Ruth Marie and dropped her on his mat. It was just so surreal, sitting there on the line and watching that. "Oh my gosh, I cannot believe we just lost."

HARRY: What was the experience like for you? What was it like to be out there?

MISTY: It was completely amazing. If I could do it again I would go hands down, no questions asked. I loved – I really enjoyed my time at Survivor. I'm a huge fan of the show. I went into interviews to try and get cast, and I had all my spreadsheets - the engineer in me. I had every episode, all the players, and I had really studied the game, and was just looking forward to having my opportunity out there; wish it lasted longer.

HARRY: Unfortunately for you, it is not rocket science. Let me - you were really bitten up out there. You look like a different person, because you were covered with all of these bug bites and stuff.

MISTY: Eaten alive.

HARRY: We have a secret scene we want to take a look at that was not seen (realizes the clip showing is of Misty eating worms on Exile Island) - well that's a whole other...we'll get to eating worms and everything else, but let's take a look at the secret scene.

RUTH MARIE: Which type of bug?

DAN: This type. (says a name) They're the ones that give you a red thing like that (points to his hand)

MISTY (laughs): Like my hands?

DAN: Yeah.

MISTY (solo): I'm amazed at how many of these noseams (?) keep biting me. These bug bites are just...ugh. I feel like I'm being eaten alive. I look like some sort of strange patient who should be in a hospital somewhere with all these welts all over me. Scary. They don't itch too bad, but they make your skin really sore. So it's not a good situation.

MISTY (in camp): Ugh, bugs.

HARRY: Whoo. really bad there.

MISTY: Want to go to Panama?

HARRY: But you were also the first one to go off to Exile Island. We were starting to show that. There's no water there, right?

MISTY: No water.

HARRY: There's no food. How long were you there?

MISTY: I was there for three days, two nights.

HARRY: What was that like for you?

MISTY: It was at first overwhelmingly disappointing, stuck alone...

HARRY: Right at the beginning of the game.

MISTY: Right at the beginning of the game, and I'm not getting to play, but when you step back and take the time for yourself, it was really kind of a neat experience.

HARRY: What did you eat?

MISTY: Whatever I could find. Roly-polies, ants, termites...

HARRY: Roly-polies? You mean like grubs?

MISTY: Yeah.

HARRY: Did you have any - did you feel like you were getting anywhere close to the idol, cause if you'd found the idol...

MISTY: There were so many times I'm digging around and going like, "I'm close...oh yeah! No. Didn't get it." Unfortunately, did not get close to the idol.

HARRY: Pleasure to meet you.

MISTY: It was a pleasure to meet you, too.

HARRY: Fun to watch you play. Misty Giles, thanks so much.

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