Transcripted by James Barber
What did Ravu have to say while casting their votes this week?
YAO-MAN ("Erika"): Sorry, you're too compulsive, you're too impulsive, and you panic easily. I'm sorry.
ROCKY (Erica): The person I'm voting for tonight is Erica. I just can't read you anymore, and quite frankly, you're my biggest threat right now. Sorry babe.
SYLVIA (Erica): Erica, I'm sorry to do this, but you just can't panic in a survival situation.
RITA (Erica): I heard and noticed that you are aligned with Earl. I don't think Earl likes me, and that scared me, and that's why my vote tonight is for you.
ANTHONY (struggles to write down a name - Sylvia): I'm voting for you cause you've been a little bit pushy for me. I can't vote my girl. Sorry.
MOOKIE (Erica): Sorry sweetie, but you're a threat to my alliance.
MICHELLE (Erica): Girl, you are not who I wanted to vote for tonight...
The rest of this clip was cut off for me. Erica's vote not being shown, and Michelle's being cut off halfway through.
Liliana's Suspicions
As Liliana talks to Alex, the stress of the game gets under her skin. Can she handle the pressure?
(Liliana and Alex talk as they go to clean something in the water)
LILIANA: Honestly, I am so ready to play the game. I understand there has to be alliances. In the beginning I was like, "It's on. We gotta do alliances already." As we keep winning challenges, we do get along so good, so much so that my perspective has totally changed, but I have been feeling from them two a little bit of resistance.
LILIANA (solo): I told Alex that Boo and Stacy are teaming up and to keep an eye out, and he said, "I'll keep an eye out because I haven't really been thinking about that." I was telling Alex the most important thing is to keep the strong players so we can advance.
LILIANA (to Alex): If you pay attention, there's a little something every once in a while that makes me uncomfortable.
ALEX: In terms of like playing the game, or just in general?
LILIANA: I think both.
LILIANA (solo): I think at this point they're teaming up, and they're looking at me, and I'm the one that can tell.
LILIANA (to Alex): It's probably so subtle, but every fricking move means something. Everything we say, everything we do...cause even though we get along, we don't want to do alliances, we're still in a game where everybody came here wanting to be the last one standing.
ALEX: That's true.
LILIANA: We can't ever be stupid, like, "We get along, we're family." Yes, we are, but we're still playing a game, we still want to be a winner. Every second, the game is on.
LILIANA (solo): I started noticing Boo and Stacy giving each other the eye, having each other's backs, finishing each other's sentences. Honestly, in my life I just go off of energy, and Boo and Stacy's energy is telling me they're teaming up together. I feel like they see me as the biggest target. For what reason I don't know, the only one I can think of is I'm like a tough girl. I can definitely see why I'm a threat to her as far as her strength is because her strength's down here and my strength is way up here (uses hands to show Stacy is lower and she is higher). What she does is she cleans and she's like, "Do you need anything?" And that's cool, she's sincerely a sweet person, but as far as the game's concerned, I need to watch out for her because I know she's scared of me.
(Liliana walks along the beach with Lisi)
LILIANA: If we're going to advance as a team, we have to have the strongest people on our team. You know what I'm saying?
LISI: Yeah, I don't want that whole drama to start tearing us up cause we've still got to win a lot of challenges.
LILIANA: Exactly. That's why I'm telling you what I'm telling you. I wouldn't put it on my family if I didn't feel it. (says something I don't understand)
LISI: You know what that means. Keep your eyes open. Don't make it look obvious and be smart. Don't let them think that you're on to them.
LILIANA (solo): As far as Boo and Stacy are concerned, I've pretty much planted the seed in Lisi, Edgardo, and Alex. Just to keep an eye out and watch. For the most part I think they're on my side about keeping the strong. It's not even about being on Liliana's side, it's about being on the side of keeping the team strong.
(Liliana talks to Edgardo as he washes in the water)
LILIANA: I'm just making it noted that I notice it. Other than that, that I noticed it doesn't change that I think he's a cool guy or that I think she's a cool girl.
EDGARDO: No, but at the same time you can't go back and start stirring up stuff...
LILIANA: Oh, I know.
EDGARDO: Just act normal. If you start stirring things up, then the tribe will get all messed up and we'll do bad at challenges, like every team when they're fighting. I don't want that.
LILIANA: I know. The last thing I want is exert myself fighting. I don't do it out of here, I don't do it here.
EDGARDO: I don't want to sound like the mediator. I'm just saying let's take it easy and whatever happens happens. I don't think we're going to lose the challenge.
LILIANA: I don't think so. It's not like I created this out of nothing.
EDGARDO: No no no, it's cool.
LILIANA: I made an observation and I just wanted to tell you guys to keep an eye out, you know what I mean?
EDGARDO: I'll keep an eye out.
LILIANA: I'm gonna have to think.
EDGARDO (laughs): The game's getting to your head. You're tripping. Don't let it get to your head.
LILIANA: I'm not tripping.
EDGARDO: Don't trip.
LILIANA: I'm really not. I'm just saying (points to her eye) keep an eye out.
How did Anthony really feel about Sylvia's return from Exile Island? Find out as he gives the pros and cons of Ravu's newest tribe member.
"When Sylvia got back from Exile Island, I was the first person to go out there and greet her. Everyone else was just like, 'Dude, Sylvia!' and kind of sat there for a minute. I was like, 'Dude we can't welcome her back like that; that's just cold.' So I went out and said hey and welcomed her back, and everybody just kind of trickled out. I guess we all wanted to hear about her adventure out there. Really for the most part I think everybody was excited to see her, and our numbers are back up. After the whole thing with Jessica it was good to see a fresh face. The funny thing is we kind of knew if we end up back at Tribal Council, Sylvia was gonna be the next one to go. None of us wanted any of the rest of us to go, and in many ways she's the outsider."
"Sylvia has a really big target right now, but there are a couple of worthwhile arguments for keeping her. Yeah, she's kind of bossy, but she's got ideas. She's got some really good ideas. Not all of them are practical when we necessarily need them to happen, but she's got some good ideas. The other thing is the way her mind works, she might be good for things like puzzles in challenges. I haven't really seen her in action. The last time I'd seen her she was waving bye and was off to Exile Island. The fact she managed to survive that pretty much intact and unblemished says a lot about her. She came back smiling. She's a lot tougher than she lets on. It's amazing that everyone else has done a lot of running around, she hasn't."
"I asked her the point-blank question if she had the idol. She said, 'You know,' she played coy about it, 'I'm not going to tell you." That kind of tells me she doesn't have it. I don't know where she could hide it if she does have it. It could be an idol, or a charm bracelet."
"Sylvia took some time, yeah, but from what she told us built fire, she built shelter, she had an encounter with a wonderful snake and just ran like hell up the mountain. Which is the logical way of doing it, but does that leave her much time to find an idol? Doesn't sound like it."
"From the moment Sylvia picked Ravu, we all knew we liked each other. We all bonded instantly, and most of the people who are in this tribe are people who had bonded and spent lots of time together in various little groups. We all like each other. That's why it was so hard to vote Jessica off, or vote anyone off, because we're so tight. There's a little bit of us that are trying to let Sylvia in, because she's the outsider on this group, she spent her night on Exile Island and even though there were snakes and high winds, she got to drink a whole lot of water compared to us. I think that's one people's minds, and also the fact that she does rub people the wrong way. It's not that she's a bad person, but that for lack of a better word, she's bossy. She likes to tell people what to do, to do this, to do that, make these neat projects which really none of us care about so much. Great, we have more comfortable beds now, but she had to rope a couple of people in with her to go help dig out these little bed pods. It wasn't like a big deal cause we've been doing this for a couple nights now. So we're a little more comfortable in bed. We're still on the ground. We're in the ground now. Big whoopty-do. There's been a lot of, 'You do this,' 'You bring me this,' which is exactly what she did back on the other beach. We all knew that. We knew that coming into this. We knew Sylvia was going to make herself the de facto person in charge."
Will Erica hold a grudge after being ousted at Tribal Council? Find out as Erica explains all soon after having her torch extinguished.
"I was very shocked by the vote tonight. I had no idea it was me until we actually got to Tribal Council and they started talking about my performance in the challenge. I really felt like I wasn't with a whole bunch of competitors, that they didn't want to win. They wanted to win to a certain extent, but they didn't want to go that extra mile to win. I didn't really understand them in that sense. I'm not mad at 'em at all. They have a long way to go and they have the people that they need to go ahead, but I don't think they're going to win, or get very far, because they don't wanna work. They want people to give them flint. They wanted the other tribe to offer us their second piece of flint today. That was our conversation in camp today. They wanted them to offer us their second piece of flint. They get back to camp after a loss, they lay down, cut some coconuts open, make some Ravu brew, I don't know. I'm not mad at all, I'm just kinda concerned for 'em. I wish 'em the best, I'll see 'em all. Rita's gonna slide right by you, probably make it very far, in the midst of her doing what she needs to do, probably get a lot of you guys voted off. Just a little heads up."
"It's kind of shocking to get blindsided like that. If I would've had at least a couple of conversations with a couple of people and they would've let me known how they felt, or maybe if I wasn't strong in the challenge, maybe I would've thought I had something to worry about. It kind of hurts like this, it kind of hurts, but at the same time, I know it's a game, I know people want to win, and so I have to take it in stride."
"I mean, I would have liked to have been there with them and fight it out the whole way through, but right now I would say it's sort of a relief, because I couldn't really say anything. I wanted to run around camp screaming, saying, 'Stop sleeping Rocky! Stop sleeping Mookie!' It's kind of a relief to just be away from that, and be able to be myself again. I am a competitor, I want to win, and I'm used to being around other people who want to win."
"When the next challenge comes around, I hope you guys win, but if you don't, I want you to think about voting me off and who you kept and try to see if you made the right decision because you're going to need strength to win those challenges, and you don't have food, you don't have water, you don't have fire. I don't think it was a smart move for you to vote off someone who was strong and really giving their all and really helping out in the challenges. The next time you're in a tight situation where it comes down to winner takes all, and you come back empty-handed, maybe you should think about the decision you made."
"Good luck. Have fun. I'm going to eat a cheesburger (smiles)."
Does Erica have any regrets or has she come to peace about being the second person voted out of Survivor?
"I'm really happy. I'm surprisingly happy with how it went. I think I got out there, I tried to do what I wanted to do, I didn't really hold back on a lot of things. I think for the most part I did everything I wanted to do there. I just didn't have as much time as everybody else. I think I would have been a lot more disappointed and a lot more angry if I had stayed there and starved a few more days and the same thing happened to me. I was able to go out and play the game for a little while, I was able to do what I wanted
to do. I feel like I came here to be strong, to interact with people, to have fun in challenges, to give everything, just like I did before when I was competing, when I used to compete. I felt like when I walked away I didn't have anything left to give. I feel like there was nothing else I could have done better at the physical challenges, and I really feel good about that."
"I think the way I was playing the game was pretty straightforward. I had people that I was talking to, people that I was trying to form an alliance with, I had an action plan to what I wanted to do and who I wanted to talk to about the game, and I think Rita kind of came in with a different kind of strategy. She was all about the looks thing, all about getting to the guys, kind of shcmoozing with the guys, seeing how far it would take her. From the very beginning, I had a problem with voting Jessica out, and the guys making a decision on who would go next. I expressed that to her, and I expressed that to Michelle too, and they did not agree with me when I told them the guys would vote us off one by one, and that we shouldn't let them make a decision for us. At that point in time when she didn't agree and she didn't even seem like she was remotely interested in agreeing with me about the guys, I knew the way she was playing the game. She's going to bring her beauty and implement her beauty into her action plan. I just didn't agree with her."
"I think what stopped me from the connection or really having a connection with the other ladies is I don't think we had a lot in common. I looked at Michelle and didn't see a whole lot in common, I looked at Rita and I didn't really like the way Rita was playing the game already. Maybe it was just me and I should have opened up a little better but I just didn't think we had a whole lot in common. At that point in time I was thinking about winning and I think that a lot of people there were thinking about winning the game or winning the million dollars instead of winning challenge by challenge."
"They want to win a million dollars. I don't think they want challenges, they want to be the best tribe, they want to be a strong team, they want to practice teamwork - I don't think they want to do that. I think they went in on day one whenever we first got together, playing an individual game. That's what happened to Ravu. They started playing an individual game way too early."
"They'll tell you something, they'll promise you something, and right there you have to make a decision on whether you want to trust them or not whether you want to believe them or not. Back in the real world, somebody tells you something, when I'm working or when I'm interacting with people in the real world, when they tell you something, 9 times out of 10 when they tell you something, they probably mean it. This game is a lot different, where you have to trust somebody but you didn't really know who to trust but you knew at some point in time you have to have a certain amount of trust for somebody and it could come back and bite you."
"The survival part was a little harder than I imagined. I knew we weren't gonna have a lot of food, a lot of water, but it wasn't until I was there for about 2 or 3 days that I realized I wasn't gonna be able to have a Coke, that there was no food. When we finally got to our new island after we lost our first challenge, I think reality really set in, that there was no food and no fire to boil clean water. We sat there, I sat there for another three days without having food or water. It was kind of mind-boggling."
"I think back home I can tell the story and I can explain it but somebody would actually have to be in that situation without having food or maybe having a sip of water a day and being out in 110 degree weather and getting sunburned and really not having access to it. I think I can explain it but I think it can really hit home until somebody would have to do it."
"The biggest surprise to me was how fast the game would change. At one point in time it would be like Erica is going home, then it can be a matter of 30 minutes and somebody could not put the water on the right way and it's just a totally different game. Something can happen at a challenge, something can happen at an argument, and in just a matter of minutes, somebody's safe, and it can determing whether somebody will be there for 3 days or 39."
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