úterý 27. května 2014

season 14 episode 9 insider videos

Transcript by christy1018, dpena, James Barber.

Tribal Council Voting

Alex: "Michelle" - Sorry Michelle, it is nothing personal, just playing the game, you are a great person, take care.

Stacy: "Michelle" - girl I am so sorry I had to to stick strong with my alliance and you were the sacrifice, I wish you the best

Michelle: "Stacy" - your alliance has (hasn't ??) been very wishy washy girl and that is a threat, sorry

Mookie: "Stacy" - you were on the list of people to go

Dre: {without missing a beat} "Michelle" - just strategy

Alex on the Merge

Alex: So we woke up Ravu camp, basically Ed, Dreamz, Mookie and myself, woke up. We expected something to happen yesterday but had no idea. We speculated it might be a merge or maybe we'd have another reward challenge before the merge, but we were kind of hoping for a merge because it was just down to the four of us.

Tree mail came. We had to paddle out to Exile Island. We got to Exile Island, we meet the other tribe, we get the message that we're merging and all going back to Moto. Naturally, I was excited. For one, I'd been at Ravu... you know Rava kind of sucks. It's cursed... I believe its cursed, I'm not a superstituous man, but I mean, come on! How ridiculous is that? I don't understand. I really just can't understand. But whatever!.

So I was like, "Wow. Not only off of the cursed Ravu island, I'm now merged and I'm not stuck at Exile. I'm going back to Moto, I'm going back to a bed, I'm going back to toothpaste, toothbrush, rice." So we were all really excited. I mean, everyone was stoked. We all hugged each other, we were like, "Finally the nightmare's over. We're going to have to battle it out the next few days, but hey, at least we have somewhere nice to sleep, you know?"

So we paddle back and we were all really happy. Everybody was in high spirits so when we got to the beach, everything was just stripped. Literally, it was like a kick in the stomach. It was just like, "Whoa."

'Cause usually, I kinda expect the unexpected, but in this one, they got me, they got me for sure. I did not expect that whatsoever. And it took me a few minutes to kind of recover, but...I know its Survivor, I know these things happen, so after a little bit I was like well, "This is my situation, this is where I'm at. No sense sitting around moping about it, I might as well just get productive and get back on top of the game."


The emotion? I was pissed off at the situation. I was just frustrated. It's like telling a little kid that he's gonna get a present but not only not giving him the present, but like taking some of the stuff that he had. (dry heaves in laughter at own joke). Right? It's like, "Not only are you not getting this Tonka truck, Tommy, but... I'm gonna take your racecar too." (more dry heave chuckling over own joke). I mean that's what it felt like. I know cause like, at least at Ravu I know I had fish! I know there's no fish here [at Moto]. I was like Damn! Damn!! DAMN!.


It never occured to me that that would happen. It never occursed to me that I would wake up oin the morning and be back at Moto and within that same date everything would be gone, it just never even crossed my mind. Which sort of leads me to believe rightfully so that this game is just unpredictable, it really is. You can strategize as much as you want, but damn! You just never know, you just never know.


How does Michelle feel after having her torch extinguished at Tribal Council? Who does she believe is next to go?

"Survivor's been an amazing experience. I'd say I hit a streak of bad luck, having my 5 people I could count on on the other side. I may have outed myself a bit at Tribal Council, but all of it's still better than a stick in the eye."


"I didn't piss anyone off, I don't think I earned getting the vote, I think I got a little unlucky since my alliance drew the other color. That's how the game goes."


"I think my alliance is a little weaker now that I'm not there. Earl mostly might be in a little trouble. He's going to have to find himself a new spy. I don't think they'll be entirely surprised though, because I know half the tribe that's eating steak right now knew I was a little weak tonight because none of them are with me."


"I think Boo's the next to go, unfortunately, unless Earl somehow rallies some kind of retaliation against my snuffed torch. I think Boo has mentally checked out of the game because the paranoia has overcome him."


"I really hope Stacy is the next to go, especially because when she made the comment when Liliana was voted off, specifically that she could be the hottest girl on Survivor. Now that I'm gone, and there's only 2 girls left, her competition's not exactly that stiff. I wouldn't mind seeing her go soon too."


"I'm definitely gonna miss the game the most. I really like the challenges and strategizing and just doing something you would never, ever get to do in your normal life."


"I feel like I have been physically pushed harder than I ever have, you know. Not having water for 4 days was intense, and making fire out of the sky was amazing. Mentally I don't think I was as pushed as I thought I was."


"I don't think I learned anything new about myself. I think I just affirmed I know what kind of person I am and what I'm capable of, and I'm just as strong as I thought."


"I kind of like sleeping in the dirt and in the fire. Starving isn't the end of the world. It's just been a great experience. The challenges have been amazing. But maybe I am ready to eat a cheeseburg now."


"I love that I am on the jury and helping to decide who gets that million dollars. I'm all about who is most deserving in this game."


What did Michelle really learn about herself from playing this game? Find out now as Michelle discusses her experiences on the island.

"The thing people at home don't realize about Survivor is that it's really real. It's intensely real, the hunger, and trying to build a shelter, sleeping on palm fronds, without having water, the desperation. It was all really very real."


"Through Survivor I definitely learned that my body can take a whole lot. I didn't realize I had 16 pounds to lose over 24 days, and that you can survive with the bare minimum nutrients that you need. The body does amazing things."


"I think the hardest thing for me on Survivor was the 4 days without water. I've never gone more than a couple hours without drinking a glass of water, so going days without it was really pushing my body to limits I didn't know it could go to."


"Living on Ravu's camp, I just had to keep a positive attitude. It was really hard keeping a positive attitude, but taking things hour by hour just to get through, before you know it the sun would go down and it would be another day. You know you're not gonna die out there, you just gotta keep staying positive cause it can only get better."


"I felt like the survival part of the game definitely got easier for me. Starting out at having nothing, not even water, and then being able to get water, then finding food, then moving to a camp that had everything. Once that got taken away from us, it was kind of fun. It was so casual. It was like, 'Oh, I've already done this before.'"


"I felt like my strategy going in was pretty general. To perform well in challenges and be needed in my tribe. You just never knew what was going to happen every day. I think part of the strategy was to keep it open and not get caught into a rigid line you had to follow."


"I think for the most part the outwit part of the game came pretty decently to me. It got a little hairy in some situations though because you develop a read on people, and that starts to change as the game develops. It causes a little paranoia and you have to take a step back and say, 'Can I trust this person or not?'"


"I think the most mentally consuming thing about going over strategy is keeping everybody straight. What they've told you and who they're talking to. With so many people around you even as the numbers decrease, it's just keeping track of who is who and who's saying what."


"I think as the game goes on, everyone gets a little bit paranoid, because you're not sure who's lying to you and who's not. I felt pretty secure during the game, but of course there's going to be some paranoia when you're talking to someone you're pretty positive is lying to you. (laughs)"


"What went wrong with me in my strategy is definitely that I didn't anticipate the twist that led to my last Tribal Council. The fact that we couldn't strategize and we had to go to Tribal Council without speaking or looking at each other. That was it."


"I think when it comes down to it the only thing I could have done to help my game was step up a little more in the Tribal Council. When Alex called me out I should have stepped up and been like, 'Hold on a second,' because I don't feel like I could have built a stronger relationship with Alex, or Stacy, or Dreamz, because they had been together at the old Moto camp. When they're having good times their bond is going to be a lot closer than me trying to hustle them for 2 days."


Watch as tribe member scramble after Tree Mail arrives, while Earl confidently prepares for battle. 

(The team goes to get Tree Mail; Stacy pulls out an oar with the Tree Mail attached)

MICHELLE (reading): Up the river without a paddle. Just an expression...or so they say. But you'll have a paddle...and motivation. Knowing one more of you is done today. 

EDGARDO: We have a challenge, and we have Tribal Council.

MICHELLE: You betcha. (people mutter) Immunity!

(they head back to camp)

ALEX: Good luck, everybody. 

DREAMZ: Oh shut up, Homie.

ALEX: Except for Dreamz.

EARL (solo): I am 100% looking to the individual challenges. I know I will shine, because I'm only looking out for me. Yeah, I can say they're finally going to meet Earl on the field of battle. 

MICHELLE: I'm going to go get firewood. It'll be too dark when we get back.

BOO: You're going to get firewood?

MICHELLE: Yup. Wanna come with?

BOO: Yeah, man.

ALEX (solo): I think Boo needs immunity more than anyone now, and I think he needs to be the last person to win immunity. He can't win this immunity even if we have to work together, because if he does, then it'll probably be me on the chopping block.

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