The Survivors Video
by BlindFreddy - 1.14.07
Jessica> I think I'm a very positive person. I always have a positive outlook and I hope to bring that here.
Lisi> scared
Gary> I'm 55. I've reached the speed limit in the (back of the menu???). I'm the old guy that everybody thinks is Santa Claus.
Dre> I see myself winning all the way, you know what I mean. All 100% because I already know how it is to have to work under bad conditions. To have to perform under no food I know how it is to have to go look for food. I can't see myself losing.
Lisi> I tend to be loud, enthusiastic. I know myself already. And after this crap, I'm gonna know myself really really well.
Yau-Man> I am the geek in the group I think. And I hope there will be other geeks to keep me company. I don't want to be the odd man out so that I will be noticed and will be kicked out.
Erica> I don't see myself as the sexy little whatever...prancing around camp. But if I can use it then i don't have a problem with it.
Cassandra> I'm here to win a million dollars and to lose 25 pounds.
Alex> I think my approach is gonna have to be flexible. For now I think I wanna lay at the beginning, be very helpful and just not really piss anyone off.
Mookie> I like to have fun...have humor with it. And if you can't accept it know...that's me. Not that I'm gonna put on a show but I'm definitely gonna have some fun out there. And people will see that...that's it.
Rita> Surviving is a new stage of my life as a single mother. Trying to find ways to make ends meet starting from zero. I feel like I've been living a Survivor story of my own in my daily life.
Boo> I've always been the Tom Sawyer/Huckleberry Finn type. That little boy grows up thinking how wouldn't that be neat to go hunt that treasure down on an island. I have that's a little more exotic and there's still that million dollar pot of gold I'm looking for.
Michelle> Is there more to the show than the eye can see? Yeah there is. I stand out from the other Survivors being an active college student still. Which makes me very young to play this game. But I think that can work to my advantage.
Anthony> I plan to basically kind of work the back corners of the it were. I gotta get ?????...get my ear? villain(?) loose.
Edgardo> Maybe I'm one of the most attractive people in the show. I don't can backfire on me. I mean it can play a good role because the girls might like me but guys might see me as a threat.
Stacy> I think that emotionally, maybe I'm high maintenance. But I think that being this is a game of strategy, you wouldn't want to expose that. I'll keep it entertaining and I'll keep it fresh.
James> I can be a pain in the ass, I can be a hypocrite. I can be a bunch of things. The only thing difference between me and the average Kat is I admit it.
Liliana> I am the fiery Latino. The feisty actually. I'm pretty much a whole package, I'm a Renaissance woman what can I say.
Earl> I like to lift spirits. I don't like to be the guy that's a pessimist and cause down. And say we not gonna be able to do it. I'm the guy that's 'You can do it!'...I'm that guy.
Sylvia> I'm Sylvia Kwan. I'm 52 years old and I'm an Architect. I compete a lot in my world, in my business. It's tough but this is a completely different kind of competition.
JP> I like watching the personalities emerge and see who steps up and who fades away. I've got my eye on a few people this season to see how they do. And I'm sure I'll be surprised by a few others that I don't see coming.
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