pátek 11. dubna 2014

survivor 11 episode 11 insider videos

Gary´s Final Words

Ex-quarterback Gary displays good sportsmanship in his Final Words, which he utters right after seeing Jeff Probst snuff out his torch.

Thanks for transcript to James Barber

Survivor Guatemala - what a great time. I had fun, it was great competition, the environment was the harshest I've ever been in. Thoroughly enjoyed it. I loved meeting the people. Loved the game - it is a great, it's not real life; sometimes you forget about that when you're starving and thirsty and drinking dirty water. Bottom line is phenomenal experience. I feel like I gained from it. I don't usually take anything for granted, and I never will again. You value how much your family means to you, being apart from them this long. I would like to tell my tribe to have a little more fun, enjoy the experience they're having, try not to complain as much even though it's tough when you're starving and in a hostile, tough environment like this. Enjoy these last 9 days, because when you're out of the game you wish you were still in it. Enjoy it, have fun, and it is a game - it has nothing to do with your life outside of the game. My tribe does not know my real game, which is Gary Hogeboom. I did not feel it was an advantage to me if they knew I used to play in the NFL, so all along I was Gary Hawkins, that was the lie I told, but I told it because I wanted to be judged on how I played the game, not on who I was in the past. There it is in a nutshell - played quarterback 11 years in the NFL. I had a great time, met some great people on the show. I look forward to knowing them in real life, not how they are in the show.

Toughness wise, pro-football was brutal because of the top athletes that played. Mentally-wise, Survivor was brutal because I've never been without food and water. I've always ate well and took care of my body in a top, top way that I could. Out here, you're on meager rations, a half a cup of corn a day and some dirty water. That's the toughest thing I'd ever been through, because for 15 days I was dizzy, lightheaded, had no strength in my legs or arms, and then my body started getting used to the food out here. As far as pain, pro-football was far worse. As far as mental, anguish on your body and fatigue, Survivor was something I could have never dreamed how bad I would feel without food.

Gary, the Day After Part 1, Part 2

A rested and refreshed Gary waxes philosophical about the game the morning after being voted out of Guatemala

Coffee Klatch

The camp's power brokers enjoy their morning coffee, while those not in favor look on. Cindy explains the rules of coffee in Guatemala.

Everybody´s Talkin´ At Me

Gary appeals to Stephenie in an attempt to secure her allegiance, but Steph's not having any of it.

Loose Cannon (interview)
Feed Whose Ego? (scene)
Sneaky Quaterback (interview)

You´ve Got Tree Mail

Cindy reads the latest Tree Mail, which directs the Survivors to the upcoming Reward Challenge.

Quaterback Sacked

Gary gets sent home at this Tribal Council, and here's your chance to see what each person had to say while casting their vote.

Transcripted by JPGramma from survivorskills forum

JUDD (gary): Gary, you've been running around the jungle for two days, man, like a squirrel looking for a damn nut, man. Do me a favor. Get the hell out of here!

STEPHENIE (gary): I'm sticking to my alliance. You're a great guy. You've played an awesome game, but you're waay too big of a threat and if you stay around, I won't. See you on the outside.

RAFE: (gary) Gary, I decided to vote you out tonight because I knew that the information I was telling you was getting spread around. You proved it at Tribal Council.

CINDY (gary): To say that anyone doesn't deserve to be in this game, is not a very good way to play this game. Everybody deserves to be here and I'm definitely one of them.
To say that you haven't lied when you say, "Let's four get together and have an alliance" and then two other people come along and you leave the group and now you want an alliance with them, and two more people come along and you want an alliance with them?
You're lying to someone. That's why I am still here, and you're not.

DANNI (gary): I'm only writing your name down because you told me to. So, it's going to be a unanimous vote. You are not a liar. You're a man of your word. You're an awesome guy. I look up to you like a father figure. I'm absolutely gonna miss you around camp for the next few days.

LYDIA (gary): You've played this game very well. Strategically, and with great pride, but, I didn't know you felt that way about me being a coattail. I didn't like that comment. The tribe has spoken. Gotta go.

GARY (cindy): Cindy, I thought I was pretty nice to you, but then you attack me like a wild dog with rabies.

Note: Almost no transcripts are available for this episode due to Thanksgiving which was date when the videos were released and they didn´t worked, so it takes a while until CBS corrected them. So when they corrected them, no one was doing transcript, it´s shame, if someone wants to do it, he can...

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