transcripts by James Barber
Billy's Final Words
Billy's Final Words
Billy's last words after his elimination from Aitu.
"Well, I came into this wanting to live dream of playing Survivor. I got to live that dream for 6 days and play. Didn't turn out the way I wanted to, didn't play the way I wish I would've, but I'm not going to regret anything, I still got to live the dream. Too bad there's not a heavy metal tribe, I think I would have fit in better over there. (laughs)
What I'll remember most is the fun of playing the challenges. They were really creative with the challenges and they were just that - they were a challenge. The other thing is I got to meet some new people, and I got to maybe even have that moment of love at first sight. Hopefully I'll be able to meet her again down the road.
What I'll remember most is the fun of playing the challenges. They were really creative with the challenges and they were just that - they were a challenge. The other thing is I got to meet some new people, and I got to maybe even have that moment of love at first sight. Hopefully I'll be able to meet her again down the road.
My two biggest regrets is that #1 I didn't represent myself well in the beginning, I decided to play like a devious role; I kind of wish I'd played different. The other one was I didn't get to hook up with Candice. Hopefully I'll meet her outside the game.
My two biggest regrets is that #1 I didn't represent myself well in the beginning, I decided to play like a devious role; I kind of wish I'd played different. The other one was I didn't get to hook up with Candice. Hopefully I'll meet her outside the game.
My one message to my tribemates is that Ozzy is the real player of the game. JP and Cecilia are his pawns. I hope Cristina finds a way to come out from that. She has a long road ahead of her. Good luck to her, and Ozzy - I think he's gonna win it all.“
My one message to my tribemates is that Ozzy is the real player of the game. JP and Cecilia are his pawns. I hope Cristina finds a way to come out from that. She has a long road ahead of her. Good luck to her, and Ozzy - I think he's gonna win it all.“
Billy, the Day After
Billy discusses his best and worst moments
during his time on the island, and looks forward to chasing after more of his
"My two biggest regrets, I'd say #1 when I started going down that dark path when I thought I had a shot. For a moment there, when Ozzy said it was me and him to the end, I thought I had a shot, and I started ratting out and selling out Cristina, and I regret that. I went and apologized to her and she accepted the apology, which I'm glad. She set me straight. If it wasn't for her I think I would have kept going down that dark path. The other regret was that I went out so early I didn't get to interact with certain people, specifically Candice. I wish I'd hung out with her and gotten to know her. The best time I had was when all the teams were involved with something. Whether it was jumping off the ship in the beginning, or the challenges, to me that was the best time, because you really feel the excitement, you really feel the intensity level raise up. The only time I ever got a rush was being on stage being in a wrestling competition. The dream is my motivation, and I got to live my dream out here. I got to be on Survivor. I got to be part of the "chosen few", so to speak. That's what I'll take away from this. A new, discovered fondness for chasing dreams and being what I am, and that's that. That heavy metal, headbanging, anti-establishment, rock & roll rebel.
The way I see the whole ethnic groupings is such a cool idea, never been done before I don't think in anything, and such a unique experience and experiment for sure. You get to see what stereotypes are true, what are not, whether people get along with their own kind, whether that's BS, whether they show favoritism...
You get to see the truth about ethnicity, which is cool. I found out there's nothing really Hispanic about me besides my parents and my name.
Wow, if I were to start the game over again right now, and tried to fit in, get rid of the shirt, get rid of the doo rag, then I'd have done exactly what I'd chose I'd rather not do, and that's lose myself for the sake of getting further in the game. I would betray myself and everything I am and everything I've worked for in the last 15-20 years for the sake of the glory and the money. I think that is so wrong. I think that is the biggest sin you can commit out here.
I'm still rooting for Ozzy. I honestly believe even though he orchestrated my exit, he has everything it takes to go all the way. I am rooting for him to go all the way.
The way I feel about him is purely personal. Same thing with Cristina. With the two of them it really is a sincere friendship.
Seeing this game on TV and actually being in it is night and day. People at home have no clue. You get your ass kicked from the moment you get on the trip to get out here. The game hasn't even started yet, just the trip over, half the contestants were over the side of the boat hurling chunks all the way here. Your butt was getting thoroughly throttled before you even had a chance to start, and then once you start, oh my gosh, it's bedlam, it's crazy. The worst part about it is once you get a little bit sick, it is impossible to come back from that. The people that go the furthest are not just the great players, that go whatever route they have to, they they're also the ones that stay the healthiest. Once I was in the game, it kind of reminded me of the movie with Tom Hanks where he was trapped on a deserted island and he began to appreciate all the things he didn't have - I think I went through that. I think I went through that same thing. When we needed fire - wow, there are matches everywhere back home. You can just go outside and ask somebody for a light. When we needed water, we can just turn on a faucet back home. That is so crazy how convenient everything is back home. Even when we were soaking wet, not having a dry set of clothes, not having a dry set of underwear, not having another set of underwear (laughs). It is just so convenient, our lives, and we take so much for granted.
Wow, Tribal Council, when that last name was read, and it's yours, or it's mine, and gotta get my torch and everything, there are so many mixed emotions. It's like a maelstrom of emotions. #1 was like OK I can finally get healthy, get some water, get some medicine, get healthy. I got a future, I didn't ruin that. The other is the end of a dream. time to wake up. No more. It's over. No more Survivor. Done. There's no more going back. Once you do it, you're done. The lights are off and time to get off stage.
To anybody that's even considering doing this - stop considering and just do it. It doesn't matter how it turns out. It's irrelevant who wins the million. It's irrelevant. What is relevant is the experience itself. You will not regret it, no matter how much you suffer. You will not regret it. This is something that will stay with you for the rest of your life and perhaps even beyond."
Jenny Finds Water
Jenny provides the last of Puka's necessities
when she finds the water well for her tribe.
(Puka, day 4)
YUL: It's hot today.
CAO BOI: Mmm hmm,
YUL: What should we
do? Should we look for the water well?
JENNY: You doing OK?
YUL: Let's go
CAO BOI: Maybe we
should all go barefoot.
JENNY: You still feel
like there's something you gotta do, you know what I mean?
CAO BOI: Let's go
frolic in the sand bar. Let's go play.
JENNY: No, I really
want to find that water.
CAO BOI: I've walked
all over. On the outside and the inside. We walked on the inside. Look at my
CAO BOI (solo, in the
water): Today, I don't think I'm going to go out and look for any more water.
I'll go fish.
CAO BOI(to Jenny): It's
not going to be a nice spot laid out clear for us. It's going to be the ugliest
place, the hardest place to get to.
CAO BOI (solo): I'm not
teaching my tribe a lesson, I'm leading toward a lesson with a conclusion they
can draw for themselves. They will realize water is the most, most important
thing of all.
(Jenny gathers firewood; Becky and Brad go
fishing; shots of Brad underwater)
BRAD: OK, I am determined to catch many, many fish.
BRAD: OK, I am determined to catch many, many fish.
(Cao Boi and Yul walk into the water)
CAO BOI: Man, I can see the current. Even in a lagoon, the current is this strong?
(Jenny stops and smiles as she finds the
JENNY: That's so
awesome! (cheers as she takes the top off of the well) Oh, now they're gonna
love me.
JENNY (solo): I was so
thrilled. I found water. I'm like in tears, I can't believe I found the water.
I can drink. I'm so thirsty. All of us are thirsty. I'm psyched. I'm so
(Jenny goes back to camp)
JENNY: Guess what I
found? I found the well! You guys come see it. I cried!
BECKY: That's so
awesome. That's so awesome.
BRAD (hugs Jenny):
Love, love, love, love, love.
(the team prepares the water and begin
JENNY: We're
BRAD (solo): I always
think we're one step ahead of everyone else. We've got all the bare
necessities. We've got a fantastic shelter, for the most part. We've got fire,
we've got water.
YUL: We're totally
ready tomorrow. We have meat, we have water. (hugs Brad) Awesome.
CAO BOI (to Jenny):
Sixth sense. A woman's luck.
Cao Boi vs. Puka
Cao Boi's personality ruffles a few feathers on
his tribe.
(Puka camp; everyone eats bananas)
CAO BOI: Becky, did you know the Asian people, the girl never eats the banana whole? Never peel it whole. They have to break it in half and eat it instead of doing this (holds up banana he unpeeled, and laughs). Hey, that's culture.
BRAD(solo): I think
a lot of us on the tribe are overachievers. We've got all the bare necessities.
We've got a fantastic shelter, for the most part. We've got fire, we've got
water. We've got all the necessities to live other than an ample, ongoing food
BECKY: I'd like to
make some soap.
CAO BOI: Why you wanna
make soap?
BECKY: A lot of the
girls, the clothes are dirty.
CAO BOI: Wash it with water.
BECKY: It's not
coming out, I already tried.
CAO BOI: You don't need
it. You stink?
BECKY: Our other
goals are done. Why can't I work on it? (mumbles) I will work on it.
CAO BOI: I don't think
it's gonna work on clothes, and if your clothes get stain on it, big deal, so
what, don't worry about it.
BECKY: Your clothes
aren't like lighter. Mine are brown.
CAO BOI: I don't care
if I have 20,000 [stains]. (runs his hands down his shirt)
don't. I care.
BECKY: I would like
to, and the girl, Jenny would also.
YUL: I'll chop up
some coconuts that are already drained of juice.
(Yul and Becky chop coconuts)
JENNY (solo): Becky really wanted to have soap. I had mentioned to her before that if you heat up coconuts and get the oil out of it, and mix it with wood ash, you get soap. I guess Cao Boi knew this too, so he was real eager to do this for them.
JENNY (solo): Becky really wanted to have soap. I had mentioned to her before that if you heat up coconuts and get the oil out of it, and mix it with wood ash, you get soap. I guess Cao Boi knew this too, so he was real eager to do this for them.
(Cao Boi tries to make soap)
BRAD: What are you making?
BRAD: What are you making?
CAO BOI: The soap
thing. It doesn't work well unless I crush it.
BRAD: You wanna make
CAO BOI: Yeah, I wanna
make soap.
BRAD: Why don't we
just eat it rather than make soap.
CAO BOI: Well, the girl
wants soap, so we're making it.
(Yul/Becky chop cocunut while Brad works on
the shelter)
BRAD (solo): Altogether, we do have a pretty bright tribe. I mean, we're working with two attorneys, which is an accomplishment in itself. For me, I'm creative/visual. Jen is in real estate. She seems like a bright cookie as well. Cao Boi is another story, altogether (laughs).
BRAD (solo): Altogether, we do have a pretty bright tribe. I mean, we're working with two attorneys, which is an accomplishment in itself. For me, I'm creative/visual. Jen is in real estate. She seems like a bright cookie as well. Cao Boi is another story, altogether (laughs).
(Becky and Cao Boi sit near the cooking pan as
he continues to work on the soap)
CAO BOI: Too much
energy to make soap. I'd rather stink than make soap.
BECKY: Oh, I'm sorry.
CAO BOI: No, it's OK.
I'm gonna make it. I'm gonna make it.
CAO BOI (solo): Being
myself, being who I am, different from them, is a rock and a hard place. I was
not born here in the United States, where they're first generation, second
generation or so. I excel in chaos, when nobody knows what they're doing, when
they're under pressure, that's when I excel. But when things settle, become
routine, usually people like to band back together, they don't like chaos
JENNY (looks at what
he's made): Is that all you've retrieved?
CAO BOI: Yeah, it dried
out on me. I wasn't paying attention. But this is the way to do it, right here.
Gotta do this. I didn't want to do this, I was lazy, I didn't want to do this.
JENNY: Now seriously,
if we go to challenge, I'd rather have this pot of water going, and you can go
back to this later on.
CAO BOI: I think I'll
make them the soap first (?).
BRAD (solo): We are
big threats to each other because we all hold different levels of intellect.
For me, I think the important thing is juggling passive-aggressive
personalities at the end of the day, and that's what I do on a daily basis.
(Cao Boi tells Becky and Jenny that none of
the team know how to tie a square knot, and although it's "none of his
business", he will teach them how)
CAO BOI (solo): I've been
telling myself the last few days, just keep stepping back. Keep stepping back.
But then I notice there's certain things they don't know how to do, and I just
can't overlook it. They don't know how to tie a basic square knot. I just have
to show it to them. It's going to be important to them later.
(Cao Boi shows them how to tie the knot)
BRAD (solo): I mean
that's Cao Boi, and that's how his mind operates. Everything we do as a tribe
seems to be wrong, unless he does it himself.
Yul on Exile Island
Isolated on Exile Island, Yul describes the way
he solved the puzzle to find the hidden Immunity Idol.
"For me, winning the challenge and going to Exile Island was not a bittersweet experience. At first, it was. The idea of going to Exile Island really sucked, especially because we'd just won a couple of tarps, and we'd been getting soaked with water the last 4 days. But the fact that I got the Immunity Idol, I'd stay here for, I don't know, 20 days, or I would have it that would've gotten me the Immunity Idol.
I didn't think I would find the Idol, honestly. My assumption had been was the clues would be obscure enough you'd have to have several people come here, and get the cumulative body of experience to figure it out. I got lucky. I looked at the first clue. If I had been Jonathan, I would not have been able to figure it out. The first clue had pertinent information, but not enough to solve it. The information I got was just enough to solve it. If I hadn't got it this time, I think the next person would have, so I think I got really, really lucky to get sent to Exile Island when I did.
So when I went looking for the Hidden Immunity Idol, I looked at the clues, I figured out I needed to make an A by combining the mast along with an island. If you stand over there, you'll find the mast forms the legs of an A, and if you look over there, the island there to the north completes the A. I knew the line that I had to stand on, but it was a question of where on that A do I actually have to dig, and that was provided by the second part of the clue. I had to stand where the southern isle disappeared. I basically walked down that line to where I couldn't see the island, and I started digging, where I got lucky on that first try.
I started digging a hole and I honestly would have given myself a 1% chance of finding it. I mean, I wasn't sure I had solved the riddle, and even if you did, there were actually a number of places where it could possibly be. Even if I found the right place, even if you're just off by a few feet, you're not gonna find it, so I really didn't think I was gonna find it. I was getting really tired too, because digging that hole was really a pain in the butt when you've had very little food. But I found it. I purposely tried to dig as big a hole as I could, and I got lucky.
When I felt that box, I was in disbelief. I almost thought I was imagining things at that point, that I was going a little bit lightheaded. It was incredible. I was so psyched, so pumped, and it just made all the hardships I've endured so far, which - it's only been 5 days - made it all worthwhile.
Now that I have the Idol, I'm still trying to decide what I want to do with it, in terms of telling people from my tribe and telling everyone else. At this point I'm leaning towards telling Brad and Becky. It's a huge risk, because obviously they could ruin the whole game for me and use it to their advantage, but I trust them, and if you can find two people in this game you can really trust, that's a huge advantage. I think for me and them that's a gesture of friendship and sincerity that would hopefully reciprocate. I'm also thinking of not telling everyone, but at least being ambiguous, because I think if people suspect I have the Idol, it might help me, in the sense they might not want to vote me off.
I think having the Idol, if people found out, it would make me a huge target. I already feel like I'm a target. The fact that I got sent to Exile Island, and when Jeff asked why did they send me here, that I was the strongest member of the team, communicates that they and possibly the rest of the competitors here think that I'm a strong threat and a target. I don't want to emphasize that I'm more of a threat than I already am, so I'd probably want to keep it quiet.
After I found the Idol, which was great, because I found it relatively early this morning, I mostly just conserved energy and tried to get a fire going. I've never even built a fire before, which was a mistake. It's a lot harder than I thought it would be, especially here, because it's extremely windy. I built a shelter to protect myself from the wind, but even then it wasn't quite enough. We had some rain last night, so a lot of the wood was kind of wet. So building the fire was a pain in the butt, but finally got it done, and it was a huge sense of accomplishment. It's weird, you'd think building a fire is something everyone does on Survivor, but after it happened I was so thrilled.
After I found the Idol, it occured to me that I should remove any signs that I might have found the Idol. So I covered up the hole, and I took the box - I didn't want to take the box with me, because it's a relatively large box, and I thought it would be very difficult to hide. But I didn't want to hide the box back on the island, in case someone found it and realize it was empty and that somebody already discovered it, so I wrapped the box up in a coconut husk and punted it off to sea. I tried to remove any traces that I had been digging around, because I didn't want anyone to see the fact that I might have found the Idol."
Nate Talks About Hiki
Nate is proud of the way his tribe performed
during the Reward/Immunity Challenge. His three 'Supremes' are really pulling
their weight.
"The challenge went really good yesterday. The ladies kind of put me in the driver's seat, and so we were gonna communicate, we were gonna pace ourselves, we weren't gonna like, freak out, we weren't really concerned about winning, we just wanted to get 1, 2, or 3, save ourselves, immunity-wise. And that's exactly what we did. I was very proud that they all hung in. Stephannie, at the beginning I could tell she was so dehydrated, but she gave it all she had, like every ounce of anything inside her she gave. So that was commendable. Then as soon as were done, on our way back, we all just hit the wall. We exerted so much just to save ourselves yesterday. Then we came back, we were all so dehydrated, we prayed to god for fire, and the ladies accidentally started it, it was kind of like a miracle. We got fire, and today we figured it out, and I'm starting to figure out how to hit the flint with the machete, and I sparked it a couple times today, and now we're cool going. We got some fire, we got some water, we made some scrimps. It's kind of all good in Hiki.
I call them the 'three Supremes' cause I am quite amazed at how strong these ladies have been the past couple of days. I knew when they were going to vote my man off that they were going to step up and be like some tough sisters, and that's what they've done. To me, their work has been supreme, but I've also been put in the driver's seat in certain aspects. They're kind of like the Raylettes and I'm Ray, but we're all equal. They're doing their thing. I'm so happy. I'm so happy.
I definitely feel I've pulled my weight. I've kind of been pulling my weight for the last few days, which is why I'm so weak right now, because I've been giving it 100%, there's a few things they can't do. But for the most part they're lightening my load somewhat by being able to maintain the fire, pick the little trocus and let me get the water and do the wood and the harder things that are not as easy for them.
Stephannie came to me and said to me regardless of what happens at the next challenge, if we were to lose, she had my back, and she knows Sundra and Rebecca would be together, so if it comes down to it I definitely have your back, it would be a 2-2 [vote] if it had to be. [She said] I've always had your back since day 1, and what have you, becaue you helped me out when I was sick, and what have you, I'm definitely with you no matter what happens. So that's a good feeling.
The ladies, the 'three Supreme' are definitely getting tough. To the point where they don't need me, no, but they can survive, I think they can do a lot of things by themselves. But I'm still pulling enough weight to let them know my presence is felt.
I definitely think I'm an asset to them because just even around here, the light stuff, when it comes to like rowing the canoe out in challenges, I'm still needed, I'm still strong and quick, and they still need that. Yesterday, at the challenge, I did all the work. I was untying all the knots. Granted, I said I'll do it, because I'll devise a system quick so I'll know how to untie them, and they'll follow my guide. I still felt me stepping up as a leader yesterday made my presence felt, that they're gonna need me, and if it comes down to it, I think they're gonna kind of cut one another up to keep me around.
Rebecca's definitely my biggest competition on the tribe. She's strong, right now she can maintain the fire, what have you, she claims to be a good swimmer, and she's pretty fit, I think she can hold her own. I think she's my biggest competition.
We're not thinking, we're not playing the game as much, you know, in the strategy point, because we're just trying to keep up our morale and keep take care of one another. We'd rather have the four of us go to the end in the final four than to think about voting anyone off, to be honest. I'm close to these ladies and they're close with me and they're close with one another, so right now are just trying to make each other as strong as possible for as long as possible. The fact of losing one of them, I don't even want to think about, I've gotten close to these ladies, I don't want to see any of them go, they've all pulled their weight. If we had to vote one of them off, it would be pretty whack. It would kind of be selling them out, because they've done a lot. A lot of them are the reason I'm still here, while I'm the reason they're still here. When you get caught up in the mode and cocky, what have you, that's when you get bit in the butt. I'm still counting my blessings that these ladies have been able to help me out this far, and I've been able to help them out this far. If I get that road where I have to get dirty on them, I'll get dirty, cause (looks at his chest) I'm dirty right now and stink as all can be. (laughs) Might as well get dirty like that, but I don't want to. But if I have to, it's on.
Tribal Council
Get the whole story behind the voting during
Aitu's first Tribal Council.
Ozzy: Sorry, man. I know your health's the most important thing, and we're trying all to win this, and I know you understand.
JP: If I can't
trust you now, I won't be able to trust you later on in the game.
Cristina: Billy, I'm sorry, I know you're feeling
sick. I think you're best off being at home. Good luck with your future. (puts
the vote away) Now I'll see what I can do about Candice.
Billy: Ozzy, the only
reason why I'm voting for you is because you are the best player in the Aitu
tribe. This is just a respect thing, and also a crapshoot. Hopefully
somebody'll flip. Alright brother, good luck brother, I think you're gonna win
it all.
Cecilia: I told you why
I voted you. I hope you feel better.
+ CBS Early Show Secret Scene
(Billy is trying to hunt chickens with a spear)
+ CBS Early Show Secret Scene
(Billy is trying to hunt chickens with a spear)
BILLY: Dude, I got one, but the thing didn't stick. The chicken was able to get off it, and fly away.
OZZY: Yeah, we actually need to get...a bunch more dry wood.
BILLY: Alright, I'll holler.
OZZY (solo): I thought Billy's spearing technique was honestly the most idiotic thing someone has tried to do on our tribe. I don't think he hit chickens and wounded them, I think he kind of injured the chicken's pride a little bit, but I think that's about it.
(Billy makes another attempt at the chicken)
BILLY: I wounded him again and he got away.
BILLY: I wounded him again and he got away.
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