čtvrtek 15. května 2014

early show 13 episode 12


Transcript by James Barber - 12.01.06

HARRY: After Jonathan switched sides again in the last episode, Candice became the next target. She decided she wasn't going down without a fight.


HARRY: ...and Candice Woodcock is with us this morning. Good morning.

CANDICE: Good morning.

HARRY: You were still smiling, though, at the end, when you sort of turned around and (waves).

CANDICE: I was. It was a great experience, I'm a huge fan of the show, never missed an episode. I was on cloud nine to be out there as long as I was.

HARRY: You were fighting for your life. In that clip just there it sounded like you emptied everything in your arsenal to try to get those guys to vote Jonathan out.

CANDICE: Yeah, at that point I'd done all the rational things I could possibly do to try to work people in a nice way. At that point everybody said no, so I thought I'm going down I'm going down swinging and maybe I can bring Jonathan down before me.

HARRY: Well, it seemed close, the way it was edited anyway. It looked like there was at least some conversation about getting rid of him. Cause he does drive everybody nuts.

CANDICE: Jonathan is a really loud personality, but he's a great guy. He's a fun person, he played the game. I really gave it to him last night on the episode, but he played the game just as hard, and he wanted to win, so...

HARRY: The guy catches a lot of fish, you can't say anything about that.

CANDICE: That's right. Hard worker.

HARRY: Here's another thing - if you had it to do over again, in the mutiny, would you have made that move?

CANDICE: A lot of people ask me that. I'd have to say that knowing what I knew at the time, in the moment, yes.

HARRY: That was the right decision to make at the time.

CANDICE: Looking back, you could say woulda coulda shoulda, I didn't know everything that was going on, but I thought Becky and Yul, they were very smart and they played hard. I thought they would want to take someone else other than me. So to get further...

HARRY: This was your chance, your window of opportunity. In retrospect, everything is 20/20, but at the moment, it seemed like the right thing to do. Here's another question. You and Adam - are you still an item? Were you ever an item?

CANDICE: Um, that's a good question. (laughs) We are not at all an item. Adam and I, I knew I could trust him out there. To have someone you can trust in the game...

HARRY: It really looked like he was comforting you.

CANDICE: Yeah...(Candice is flustered)

HARRY (laughs): You may be one of the smartest people to ever play, you're going t medical school, and it's interesting, cause this is your little stumble here.

CANDICE: Yes, I'm blushing.

HARRY: Here's the one other part. Exile Island. I think you spent more time on Exile Island than you spent in the actual game. How many trips?

CANDICE: Four trips. I think I figured out that 1 out of every 6 nights I was on Survivor I was on Exile Island.

HARRY: We sure enjoyed watching you play. Thanks for coming on this morning. Take care. (pats her knee) 

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