neděle 20. dubna 2014

early show 12 episode 8

(no episode 7, episode 7 was recap episode)

Nick Stanbury's Early Show Interview


Transcript by James Barber for  3.31.06

JULIE: The long-awaited merge finally happened last night on Survivor, but unfortunately for the La Mina tribe, the numbers were not in their favor. That allowed the Casaya alliance to pick off one of their strongest competitors.

(clips package)

JULIE: Nick Stanbury. Good morning.

NICK: Good morning. Nice to see you.

JULIE: You're even polite when you get ousted. What was that you threw to Cirie and why did you throw it to her?

NICK: I threw Cirie my socks.

JULIE: Your dirty, sweaty socks, after a...

NICK: There's no such thing as dirty, sweaty socks out there. They're warm, comfortable, woolen socks, and they're actually hand-me-downs, from Dan, to me, to Cirie.

JULIE: Why Cirie? You know she voted you out.

NICK: I know what it's like to not have that type of thing out there. Bygones. By that point, I didn't care. Those things - I didn't hold any grudges. Her socks were torn up, I felt terrible for her. I told her before Tribal Council, "If it's me tonight, Cirie, my socks are yours. I promise."

JULIE: But did you think before Tribal Council that it would be you? Because Austin kind of had a target on his back.

NICK: Yes, it was a surprise to me to be voted out last night.

JULIE: So why you? Why do you think they picked you off? The alliance of 6 on the other side, they all voted for you.

NICK: Physical threat. You know, I surprised them during the challenge, with I guess my strength, endurance, what have you, and from then it was like they said in the meeting, like Aras, or excuse me Shane, said, they thought Austin was the main physical threat, Nick proved he's more of a physical threat, so I think that spelled my demise.

JULIE: Every Friday morning on the early show we have a secret scene from last night's show, from Survivor, that didn't make air. You were so secure with your standing last night, I want to show this Secret Scene.

NICK (solo): Pretty big night. I'm on the block tonight, myself and Austin. I think it's Austin. Austin thinks it's Austin, and he's planning on departing tonight.

AUSTIN (solo): I'm incredibly disappointed that this is most likely my last few hours here on the island. The Ex-Casaya camp came in with the numbers at the merge, and we just get picked off one by one, and unfortunately I happen to be first.

AUSTIN: Well, I can honestly say there's nothing more I could've done.

NICK (solo): I'm crushed right now. It sucks. It's almost like, if he goes, I wanna go.

JULIE: Well, you kinda got your wish. You got to go and he stayed. So does it sound like he's gonna be the next one off?

NICK: It could be. He's not looking so good right now, with the Casaya tribe convinced Terry has the immunity idol, and the next physical threat would be Austin, so I'm worried for him.

JULIE: What are the rules in Survivor? Because we found out at the end of last night's show, that your buddy, the leader of the pack of four, Terry, not only did he of course have the immunity necklace on, but he has the immunity idol in his pocket that he got when he went to Exile Island. He could have saved one of you guys, right?

NICK: He absolutely could have saved one of us.

JULIE: Did you know he had both immunity idols?

NICK: No, I did not know for sure he had the original idol from Exile Island.

JULIE: Did you ever ask him, or did he lie about it?

NICK: I never directly looked Terry in the eye and asked him if he had the idol. 

JULIE: Why not?

NICK: It was just something where I didn't think he had it for sure, especially as quickly as he did find it, it was a big shock to me.

JULIE: Did you feel betrayed by your own leader?

NICK: It's a game where even the greatest alliances are very thin, and Terry goes out for himself, and if I was in Terry's position last night I would have done the same exact thing. I would have kept my mouth shut, and if no one had directly asked me I have certainly not come forward.

JULIE: OK, so you can't blame him.

NICK: Can't blame him.

JULIE: Do you think Austin and Sally will feel the same?

NICK: Y'know, I don't know if they will feel the same, because it honestly could've shaken up the game greatly last night.

JULIE: Huge.

NICK: We would've had Shane ousted, we would've had 4 on 5 with hopefully getting Bruce over to us because I think it was really Shane that was keeping Bruce on their team, so that would have been amazing for the game, to have the idol brought out for Austin or I . You never know.

JULIE: You never know on Survivor.

NICK: You never do, so it's up to Terry, and it's Terry's choice, and hopefully it serves him well later in the game.

JULIE: So you're rooting for him?

NICK: I'm absolutely rooting for him. Terry and Austin, I hope you guys are the final 2.

JULIE: And what's next for you, Nick?

NICK: Law school. Be a student, education's the #1 in my life now, so we'll see.

JULIE: You're a good kid.

NICK: Pleasure meeting you.

JULIE (shakes Nick's hand): Nick Stanbury. Pleasure meeting you.

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