neděle 20. dubna 2014

early show 12 episode 10

Sally Schumann's Early Show Interview


Transcript by James Barber for  4.14.06 

HARRY: Well, last night on Survivor: Exile Island, Terry and Sally scrambled to win over some former Casayas, but in the end, they were not able to prevent the inevitable from happening at Tribal Council.

(clips package)

H: And Sally Schumann is with us this morning. Good player, congratulations, but...ugh. Was there any real, real conversation with Terry about, "I'll give you the immunity idol, let's see if there's some way we can work this out?" and try and at least - well, you wouldn't have the votes to try and flip on the other tribe, right?

SALLY: Yeah, we talked about it for the last few days, even back when Nick and Austin were there, when it would be most advantageous. I think Terry wanted to keep us all together, he needed us for numbers as well...

HARRY: Yeah, cause he's alone now, that's for sure.

SALLY: Yeah, and he's kind of been on the chopping block, so if there was a time to play it, it would have been great last night.

HARRY: Did you feel like you were getting any traction with those other folks, because it would've been advantageous for one or two of them to try and at least break away and go to a final four with you and Terry.

SALLY: The thing was last night, at the point Terry and I were together, if two people would've flipped, it would have been the best time for them to flip, because then it would've been an even four. If Austin had been around, it would've been 3 and 2. I think Bruce was close, but he needed somebody else to come with, so...

HARRY: (laughs) So interesting. We have a secret scene that has not been thus far seen by anyone else in the entire universe, and we're gonna play that right now.

[TERRY: Guaranteed final three. Last call for immunity is right now.

COURTNEY: Final three of who?

TERRY: Guaranteed final three. You, Sally and me. I need the answer.

COURTNEY: I can't be pressured like this.

TERRY: You're gonna be crazy if you turn it down.

COURTNEY: Come on, gimme a break! Don't be like that to me.

TERRY: Bruce is definitely in. She hasn't committed yet, but I'm gonna have to pull the thing [Hidden Immunity Idol] out. She says she'll be on our team.

SALLY: Is that worth it to you?

TERRY: Well, it gives us numbers.

SALLY: If it isn't, I understand. You know what I'm saying?

TERRY: I don't want you to go home.

SALLY: If it comes to that, and she she says, right before we leave, "I can't do this", don't pull it out for me.

HARRY: That was a nice thing to say. And Courtney was a very good candidate because she's not very well-liked within that tribe. But, anyway. You have always wanted to be on this show, right?

SALLY: I have.

HARRY: How many times did you go to them and say please, pick me?

SALLY: That was my fifth. Fifth time was the charm.

HARRY: What was the experience like for you? You weigh 30 pounds more than when you were on Survivor.

SALLY: Yeah, I think so, about 30. The experience for me, being a big fan and wondering like it would be to go out there and build alliances - I never felt like I had an alliance, ever. I felt like I connected with a lot of people and when the merge happened I stuck sort of with the La Mina guys, but if at any point...

HARRY: Well, you were an outsider with that boys' club.

SALLY: Right, if I would have had the opportunity to flip over with anybody, I would have. I feel pretty proud about the fact that not having an alliance, to make it as far as I did. When you look back at the people who already left, and so many of them had alliances. It felt like it was a very individual game for me.

HARRY: Well, I tell you, you did so well in so many of those challenges, immunity challenges. You, and Terry, and maybe one of the other guys. A lot of them. Physically, you definitely kept up with everybody.

SALLY: That was a big draw for me in the show, the competition part of it. That was one of the highlights being out there. No matter how tired or bored you were, as soon as soon as we knew there was a competition, I'd get up for it.

HARRY: You were not prepared for just how little food and water was out there, were you?

SALLY: I don't think you can be prepared. I mean, I've always been blessed to go to bed with a full stomach, so to be that hungry for me...

HARRY: Oh, excuse me, who was the one who lost the fishing spear early in the show?

SALLY: Right. Lucky for me, I was given some mercy and it didn't end my game, but again...

HARRY: I will never forget seeing that. What was that, week 1, week 2, that thing went down? (laughs)

SALLY: We had just won it. It was our big prize.

HARRY: That could have made a difference nutrition-wise. In the end though, you used to coach soccer, right?

SALLY: I did.

HARRY: What was it you used to tell your kids?

SALLY: Just to dig deep, to fight hard, never to quit, to go out with class and character. So I'm hoping my soccer players, if they're watching, they were proud of me, felt like I did well.

HARRY: Well, you did well. (shakes her hand) Good to meet you. Sally Schumann, thanks.

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