úterý 27. května 2014

season 14 episode 8 insider videos

Transcript by James Barber, dpena

Tribal Voting

Mookie (Lisi): Since you don't wanna be here, here ya go.

Alex (Lisi): Sorry about this Lisi but I need someone who's going to be in it for the long run, and I hope you figure everything out and I hope we can still be friends. Take care.

Edgardo (Lisi): I'll see you at the other side.

Lisi (Dreamz): You're a grown man. Consider a name change.

Dreamz (Lisi): I've been waiting to do this for a long time (smiles, thumbs up)


Watch as Mookie explains how he found the hidden Immunity Idol and why he plans on keeping it for himself.

"So I get back from Tribal Council, and I'm looking around myself, and it's 4 Moto, 1 old-school Ravu. I'm thinking, 'Oh snap, I could be next.' Alex, Lisi, and Edgardo are all speaking in Spanish, and I have no idea what they're saying in my face. I took 7 years and I still don't know. I need to figure out a way somehow they can use me. Somehow I can incorporate myself where they need me. I was thinking last night, I was trying to figure out how to do this. I know that myself, Dreamz, Edgardo, and Alex made a pact together, but this game, twists and turns, so I knew I'm not 100% in this game. I'm at the mercy of these four people. I did some thinking, we discussed an Idol. We knew it was on the island and we were all going to go fishing for it, digging for it the next day. I knew that was my only chance of survival on this island. Something I have that can keep me here and they need me for."


"So last night before Tribal Council, we got together and said let's all dig for the Idol tomorrow morning, and we would use it to secure our alliance of 4. Myself, Dreamz, Alex, and Edgardo. My thinking was I'm the most vulnerable person in this position, and I need to find this before they do, because if they find it, they have the Idol, they can do whatever they want within their small plan that I have no idea about. If I have it and hold onto it, they need me within that plan."


"In my head, I was gonna wake up butt crack of dawn and look for that immunity idol with Alex. Every now and then I'd pop my eyes open first thing to see if the sun's out. First thing I get up, I see Alex is up. I whisper to him, 'We need to find the Idol without Lisi.' I start digging, he starts digging, then Edgardo gets up and he starts digging. God loves me, I was digging in the right place at the right time, I found it before they did. I snatched it, held it up in my hand. Edgardo's like, 'I can hold it for you. Give it to me, I have pockets, I can hold it for you.' In my head, I'm thinking, 'Uh-huh, I'm gonna hold onto this until it's expendable, until we won't have to use it anymore.' This morning was a great morning. This was the start of hopefully good things, reward comes next, and it goes on from there. One step at a time. Got the immunity idol, hopefully we'll win the challenge, hopefully it will be smooth sailing from here."


"I mean when I was digging, and I saw a piece of rope that shouldn't have been there, and I grabbed it and pulled it and held it in my hand, it was better than a cheeseburger right now. Cheeseburgers can wait. This is my livelihood, this is my chance on this game to go as far as possible and use it. There's no words to describe how much this means to me in this game."


"Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good. I've been pretty good at what I've been doing, strategic thinking and manipulating people, but boy did luck come at a perfect time. Strategy went down the hill, luck back up, and now it's time to ride high. Time to play this game again. I'm back in it."


"Now I have a step up on them. Now I have some control. This little guy right here (pulls the Idol out of his pocket), this little thing, has saved my life and brought me back in the game. If I didn't have this I could be the next one off. I don't know what Lisi, Edgardo, and Alex have in mind; if Alex and Edgardo had found this, I could have been gone and Alex and Edgardo could have gone a long way. Now that I have this, this is changing the game for me. Now I'm not as vulnerable as before. This is my good luck charm." (kisses the Idol) 


Watch this exclusive footage of Moto while they enjoy their once in a lifetime Fijian reward.

(Moto and Jeff watch the native dancers; Moto members then start to join in)

EARL (solo): I'm on top of the world right now. This is great. I wanted this really bad. I feel like a chief today, I feel like a leader, a warrior. I feel like maybe I have a little Fijian blood in me. I'm feeling the rhythm all the time, I've got my spear with my little fan. 

(shots of Earl and Yau-Man dancing with the natives, then shots of Boo, as the dance winds down)

YAU-MAN (solo): It was wonderful, it was great, to be dancing like a professional, and to be able to interact with the native people. It is an absolutely unforgettable experience that I will really treasure for the rest of my life.

(that night, Moto eats dinner with the natives; Earl and Michelle agree this is the best win yet) 

BOO (solo): After the feast, we did a cermonial kava drink, which was derived from a very strong root. (Yau-Man drinks from a small bowl while a native claps in front of him) It's supposed to have a doping effect on you. 

(Boo, followed by the other Moto players, take a drink, and the scene begins to get fuzzy and disoriented as it fades away; the last shot is Earl laughing with the natives)


Listen in on Lisi soon after she was voted out of the game. 

"It didn't piss me off to have my will questioned, cause I know who I am. You can sit there and say whatever, but I know who I am. It's not a matter of will, it's a matter of knowing when it's time to get off the train. It's a sinking ship. When the ship is sinking, you get off the ship. I'm not the captain of the ship, so I'm not going to go down with it."


"Another thing, Ravu. You guys are never gonna get it together. You guys are losers. (puts fingers into an L shape) Over and over and over again. There are challenges that are practically given to you and you lose it. There's nothing I can say other than try to hold onto yourselves, because together you're nothing."


"Alright, Dreamz, Mookie - you guys are so lucky I lost my will or fervor, whatever you wanna call it, because Alex, Edgardo and I were gonna vote one of you two off. You guys got off scot-free. I hope you go far, although I doubt you will."


"Have a good time. I hope the person I'm thinking of gets the million dollars. Rock'n'roll. (makes chicken noise)" 


Does Lisi have any regrets about how she played? Find out this answer and more as Lisi sums up her Survivor experience.

"The strategizing aspect of the game was, that was a walk in the park for me. People should feel lucky I was like, 'You know what, the turkey's done. Mama's gotta go home.' I could have seriously done some damage. For Pete's sakes, I grabbed Alex and I was chatting him up about how he should become a leader. 5 minutes later he's turning around and giving the boys the same spiel I gave him. It's genius. I was enjoying that aspect of the game. I was enjoying the beginning. The first night on the beach, I was asked 4 times to be in an alliance. There's this period of let's see who pulls up ahead. Who pulls up ahead, that's who I'm sticking with. People tell you who they are. That was my favorite part of the game."


"The aspect of the unpredictability of this game is what I was thriving on. At camp, people would be like, 'Now this is gonna happen, that's gonna happen.' I'd be like, 'I hate to speculate, let's ride this.' To me, that's what keeps me on my toes. If I'm on my toes, I'm happy, I'm alert, I spring into action. I get to use myself to the fullest in a situation where I really don't know what's gonna happen next. It's kinda like when you go out into the wilderness, it's the middle of the night and you don't see anything, you are on."


"Chaos is not a bad thing when it comes to human nature, because people can't put up a show. So the chaos is great for someone that wants to sit there and be like OK, now I know how you move here, this is how that person reacts in that situation. It's the surprise element that breaks people down; when they're broken down, you can see what they're made of."


"In situations like these, people are so obvious because they don't know what the hell is going on, that to have a facade that is so heavy means you can't do it."


"All I can say about my comfort level on Moto was thank goodness for that. (honks) Thank goodness for that. That's what kept me going. (makes spit noise) I can sleep on a hammock. I can sleep on a couch. We had rice. We had potatoes. That's really...I'm so happy and I'm so fricking fortunate that's how it turned out for me. Unless you're in my shoes, I don't want to hear you talking."


"It takes a lot to take me down, man. It takes a lot for me to come down, it takes a lot for me to get depressed. I was in the middle of Fiji. I could wake up in the morning and go into the ocean. I could look around and see things I can probably never see again. I couldn't help but have a spring in my step. This is the kind of experience where if you're down, I don't know what you're doing, man. I had to have fun. I had to wake up in the morning and be like, 'This is nuts, man.'"


"I'll tell you what I lacked, which was my demise. The ability to stick it out. The playing of the game, the knowing how to use my strengths and weaknesses and all that. My demise was not sticking it out. If you can stick it out, that's what really makes a difference. That's what makes a good Survivor player. You add up all the psychological workings, you watch people, you apply your knowledge, and you stick it out. That's what makes a survivor."


"It was hard for me to stick it out because I like my luxury items. I like comfort. Though I really amazed myself. I got it down to a science with the buff over my head, making sure my long-sleeve shirt was on, my pants. It just was like too much. This is it. This is it. I knew when I reached my threshold. That's when I did what I did."


"You cannot help but be marked up. Change is strong. I know I will be taking with me marks. My look might be a little bit different. I might be more piercing. I had an experience about 12 years ago when I first moved to New York that really opened me up. I kind of felt like I reached a new level of perception. That really kind of let me see so much of what happens to us, living on this frickin' planet. I recaptured that here."


(crying) "It's reinforced who I am. If I came in already being someone I was proud of, someone I could - I do a lot of thinking about the person that I am. This whole experience kind of like made me feel like I just got that much more special."

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