neděle 25. května 2014

season 14 episode 4 insider videos

Transcripted by James Barber


What do Liliana's tribemates really have to say while casting their votes? 

ALEX (Liliana): Sorry, Liliana. I fought for you. It's a democracy. I wish you the best. Stay true to yourself. You're a wonderful person. 

STACY (Liliana): You aren't part of our alliance. Sorry. I wish you the best.

LILIANA (Cassandra, with a smiley face and "love u"): I'm going to miss you. You're such a great person. I really did see the strength of you. I hope you have open arms waiting for you when you get home. I'll see you when I get back.

EDGARDO (Liliana): I know I promised, but it wasn't (didn't understand what he said).

DREAMZ (Liliana): Sorry, Liliana, but it's a tribe of snakes.

LISI (Liliana): The alliance is five, not six.

CASSANDRA (Lisi): Lisi, I feel you're speaking different languages for an intentional way of dividing the group. 

BOO ("Lili"): Lili, I had to do this, because the girls I'm aligned with needed you gone. Au revoir, (something in French). 


Watch as Mookie explains how his tribe lost another important challenge. Who does he place the blame on this time?

"Today's reward challenge, definitely the moment, the challenge, everything we've been waiting for, everything we've been talking about, that would have changed everything. Having that energy, food, a good night's rest for the immunity challenge tomorrow. I don't know what's wrong with us. We just keep on falling apart."


"I noticed myself, if Rita hit that platform, it was all on our side. We would have ran right through it. The way it happens is once something bad happens, we can't recover. Once we get mixed up, we fumble with something, we can't recover. The other team, they fell off, they tried something, it didn't work, they tried something else. They seem to recover well. They look at our side, we're up 2-0, or we're up on other challenges, they somehow find a way to come back and bring it together. We don't have that."


"So after the challenge, Rita mentioned something about giving birth and being a mom. That has no place on this island. That's not indicative of what you did in a challenge or who you are here or what you've done. It brings nothing to the table and her excuse for doing things because and her value to the tribe because she gave birth - congratulations (applauds sarcastically), you gave birth, but that doesn't do anything for me, for the tribe, for anybody, you know? I jumped off a cliff one time. Fine, I'm brave. If you don't show bravery in here, if you don't show strength in the challenges, that means nothing. So far she hasn't been able to give any concrete evidence of what she's done to help the tribe. It's always been, 'I do a little bit of this, a little bit of that,' you know?"


"I would say all the guys work, somewhat. Earl being the most, maybe Anthony. Me and Rocky, we lay around a lot, but when we need to go find food, we'll go find food. We go grab firewood. The girls, they don't do anything. They sleep. Yesterday they dug for yam. That's the first day I've ever seen them do anything. They laid out pine leaves for our bedding, and it's crap. If that's their only job it should be plush, they should never turn brown. The girls don't really do anything. Today they wanted to boil water. They asked us to go get well water for them. It was like, 'Go get it yourself and boil it yourself. Start a fire. Start a fire and go grab some wood.' It's kind of ridiculous. They like to sit around and have everything given to them."


"Girls are not providers. They're moochers. They're hanging onto our coattails, hoping to get to the next round. I don't even think they had a strategy from the beginning. If I was the girls I would have banded together and tried to pull one of the guys. What is it now, two girls left? They're just holding onto the alliance they have left with myself and Rocky, thinking they're going to go all the way and ride our coattails and do nothing. But I'm at the point where I'm thirsty, hungry, I want to win, and depleted, pissed off, and now it's about time to start letting loose. Getting rid of people you don't need." 


"Rita's expendable. In this game, everybody's expendable. I thought I could use her as an alliance for voting purposes, but in the last Tribal Council, she showed herself to be weak. She didn't vote majority, she voted based on her feelings. If it comes down to the rough and I need her vote, can I trust her to vote with me? I don't know. When you show a sign of weakness, you may need to go. That's how we've - that's how I've been voting people off lately."


Soon after being blindsided at Tribal Council, Liliana gives her final words. 

"Well, I'm definitely 100% shocked, but at the same time, I'm not completely surprised after the fact, because I was a threat for all of them. I know I'm definitely Survivor material. I've been through a lot in my life. I know I was a definite threat to the men and the women - DEFINITELY the women, cause the women had nothing on me, all they could do was cook and paint. It's a game and I gotta get over it and I know there's bigger and better things for me after Survivor."


"They started playing the game from the beginning. I didn't think I had to worry about strategy and alliances, being that we were winning all those challenges, so it was a complete shocker. Edgardo was saying, 'You're being paranoid, don't worry about.' I knew, my gut - this was another time I should have listened to my gut, from body language. They're going here, they're looking at each other here. I'm not too much of a - I don't kiss ass and I don't, I try to be myself. I'm not gonna be buddy buddy with you if I don't like you. I try to stay true to myself as far as my personality was concerned. I did start out with a lie in the beginning for a best case scenario, I've never veered off of what my core was, what my heart was, so I'm just shocked, I'm so shocked. From there point of view, I'm trying to understand their point of view, from their point of view, I'd probably get rid of me too, because come the merge, even against the guys, I see myself winning a lot of the immunities. Maybe they thought, 'We won't have to get rid of her later, let's get rid of her now.' I'm just really shocked and hurt and just wow, they are some good liars. Great liars. I don't know, I think the weaklings are staying behind and the strong one is leaving today."


"The rest of the tribe, I think deep down they're all good people. Maybe they're all struggling more than I'm aware of. We're all struggling in our own ways, regardless of our financial status or whatever. Everybody has - someone can be financially stable and unhappy. Everyone has their different lives. To Cassandra - I definitely saw your strength, don't think that went unnoticed. You're definitely a strong woman, and that you're quote and not that talkative is just the way young people think sometimes. They only look at the surface. Although we do have some intelligent people on our tribe, one of them being Alex. That's why I think he was able to manipulate everything. He uses vocabulary to kind of twist everybody into voting the way he wanted them to vote. Keep going, and I'm sorry, buy you're definitely going to be one of the ones that's going next. And Dreamz, Dreamz keep being honest, brother (puts fist in the air). Stay honest and do what you gotta do. Be yourself."


"Boo probably stands out as being the ringleader on the outside, but he's not, he's just one of the pawns. It's hilarious how everyone just tries to act like something they're not, and I saw right through it. I was just trying to go with the flow. I thought me being myself, being the strong person, trying to be funny when it felt right, being true to myself, that I was going to be alright. To me it's ridiculous to get rid of one of your stronger people in the beginning. I honestly think I contributed a lot to that team. The girls are next, because the guys that are competing right now are Alex and Edgardo. Alex and Edgardo are going to have to look our for each other, but right now they're just trying to make it to the merge, and little by little they're going to pluck away the other tribe, then they're going to get away the other girls. Keep the girls, they're not that competitive, it's good to keep them along to have their vote, to have their numbers, but they don't have to worry about them physically. And they're all over their butts with (does fake simpering), 'What do you need? Do you need anything?' I'm just not like that. I like to take care of my friends and my family, but to be so fake, I just can't do it. It just feels really uncomfortable."


"You know what? This experience is crazy. That's all I can say. It was a new experience, and I was excited, and I don't think I got the full potential I could have had out of the game. We were living in luxury, as far as the Moto tribe was concerned, we really didn't go through much. In the marine corps, I've been there, done that, as far as being out there with nothing and trying to survive. I'd definitely be up to trying to come back, but as far as the time that I had here, it was fun. To me it was a big playground."


After having the night to sleep off the shock of being ousted from the game, Liliana tells all of her Survivor experience. 

"To me, Survivor is someone who is physically strong, mentally strong, somebody that's intelligent, somebody that gets along with people but is perceptive enough to understand why people do what they do. Obviously I was lacking on the perceptive part, or at least the timing of it, because I knew I was intimidating, I just didn't know they were going to get rid of me right away. My timing was off on my part."


"Like I said, I got comfortable, and I was like, 'Maybe this person means what they're saying,' which was obviously not the case. I was totally lied to my face, and I was like (opens mouth), 'You got me good!' And I thought I would be good at that - I'm not saying I'm a saint. I went in there saying, 'I know I'm going to have to lie and do a good job at it, and I know I can,' but I didn't. I just didn't feel right, I felt like I had time, I felt like it would be stupid on their part to get rid of me in the beginning, and...I was the first one to get voted off from my tribe."


"I was told by a lot of my tribe members, 'You're being paranoid! You're being paranoid!' I had reason to be paranoid obviously, cause I got kicked off. At home I try to observe my surroundings and listen to my gut. There's often times we always say, 'Damn I should've listened to myself,' and I was doing that when I was voted off. It wasn't - to me I felt like I was getting uneasy and I'm like maybe this game was making me paranoid. It wasn't, it was my gut and I wasn't trusting it, that was the problem. This game definitely has an effect on you in that sense, especially how long it's been running and you see how people go in and try to manipulate the situation. You're like, 'Do they really like me, or are they trying to get me in an alliance, or acting like they're not gonna vote me out but really are gonna vote me out? What's going on?' It's definitely a twisted game and gets you thinking in all different directions. For future contestants, you've just got to learn to trust yourself, and if you're wrong, you're wrong, but it's worse not to trust yourself in this game."


"I try to live my life not regretting, but in this game, of course I should have done this, I should have stuck to what I said in the beginning, before the game started - Don't trust anything. Listen to yourself, stop, observe, try to hover in the middle. Don't ride people's coattails but don't rise too high either. It's a balance. Apparently my presence was definitely overpowering."


"It really wasn't bad at all, it was like camping to me. As far as my tribe was concerned we really didn't struggle. Yeah, the mosquitos were annoying, and we missed certain things and wish we had more food, but it really was nothing. I was like, 'Wow, this is not at all what I expected to go through when I got here.' It really was just fun for me."


"I wasn't worried about the survival part mainly due to my upbringing and also the military, the marine corps. I've had to be able to adapt to my surroundings. I'm not a worrier period, anyway. Maybe that's why I was voted out before my time."


"The similarities for me between Survivor and the marine corps are the people, not even the survival skills that are needed or acquired, it's the people, because for example at home, you have somebody that's in your life that gets on your nerves and you decide you don't approve of the way they live their lives or their beliefs. You can be like, 'You know what, I'm going to go home,' or, 'I'm not going to deal with that person anymore.' and you move on. You avoid that person or try to stay away from that person or you just blow up in their face and probably make the situation worse. In the marine corps and Survivor, you don't have that choice. You can't be like, 'I don't wanna talk to you I don't wanna deal with you.' You live with that person, you both depend on each other in different ways, again it depends on your weaknesses and strengths. I think that's the major lesson people get out of this game, whether they realize it or not. That's the #1 lesson that you get, is the human lesson."

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