Transcripted by James Barber
The Ravu tribe attends their first Tribal Council. Watch what they have to say as they cast their votes.
MICHELLE (Jessica): Girl, you're amazing, and you're tough, and I love you, and that's why you're a threat to me.
JESSICA (Rita): I'm sorry. This wasn't my idea.
EARL (Jessica): Sorry Jessica, I love you to death, but the tribe spoke this way. It was based on the challenge from today. They said you dropped the ball a couple of times and that really hurt us when we lost. Sorry. I love you to death. You're wonderful.
MOOKIE (Jessica): I'm sorry, but you are the weakest link.
ERICA ("Yao"): This is basically a throwaway vote. The tribe decided to vote out Jessica, and I won't write her name down.
ANTHONY (Jessica): You don't deserve to go, but this is purely a strategical move. Sorry.
YAO-MAN (Jessica): Sorry. Nothing personal here. This is strictly mercenary; I'm trying to stay alive to fight another day. Good luck.
RITA (Jessica): I'm sorry, Jessica. As you said earlier, for our tribe now, it had to be a majority vote, and unless the others were lying to me, this is what the majority ruled. Again, I'm sorry.
ROCKY ("Mookey"): The person I'm voting off tonight is Mookey. I think, brother, you and I realize why. Sorry, brother. (I couldn't catch the last sentence)
Watch as some of the castaways trek across their new island home in search of food. Was their excursion a success? Find out now.
(a number of the group, mainly the younger members, leave to look for food)
LILIANA (solo): We were thinking, 'Oh my gosh, we have to build this shelter, but we need some food, cause we haven't eaten since the morning.'
(Erica, Liliana, Boo, Rocky shown wading across water)
ANTHONY (sawing back at camp): Is everybody still up on the hill?
(Male voice): We don't know.
LISI: Where'd everybody go?
EARL: Everyone just...
SYLVIA: Disappeared.
EARL: Wanders off. Like we have cell phones to call them. (puts hand to ear) 'Hey, can you come back, please?'
EARL (solo): You know, I know this game is about chitter-chatter and definitely social, but when we have a project, let's get that shelter built. I just want to finish what we already started. I want to get that project out of the way. Most of the older people are like that. The ones that are below 26 in age; they're having fun.
(shots of the older people working goes to the younger people walking near the rocks; "Dreamz" catches a crab but puts it back)
MOOKIE (solo): We're just excited being here. We want to explore, we want to see what's on the island, we want to see what kind of fruit we can find to bring back to camp. So we decided to go into the woods.
LILIANA: Remember, there's those plants that will tear your flesh.
DREAMZ: Don't worry about the plants, worry about the snakes! It's all about the snakes! (Liliana shoots him a look)
(Alex looks around in the dirt to try to find food, but has no luck)
ALEX (solo): I think we all believed we were going to find pineapples galore, and mangos abound, and we were to just come back with loads and loads of stuff.
(time passes)
ERICA (solo): We went blindly walking through the woods trying to find stuff. Nobody knew where we were going.
(they find a pineapple tree, then decide to head back to camp; cut to shots of them walking through the woods, complaining about fatigue and not knowing where to go)
JESSICA (solo): It just turned into this wild romp through the jungle. What were we doing? We knew we were lost. We kept going.
(Mookie, Liliana, Dreamz, and others bicker about where they should go next)
ALEX (solo): It's an island. A small island, and we were lost. It was ridiculous. I felt bad. I felt like people were working to get the shelter done, and we were not getting anything done. I started to feel very nervous, because if I was here building the shelter and I didn't know what somebody was doing out there, if they came back empty-handed and didn't find anything...regardless of your efforts, results matter in this game.
(Rocky asks which way they should go, and says they're like "the stupid leading the stupid")
In need of food, the hungry tribe attempts a fishing expedition. If they could only get their boat into the water their lives would be much easier.
(Rocky and Dreamz make a fishing spear; Dreamz says he wants to catch a whale)
(in a scene from a different part of the day, the young men unsuccessfully try to push the boat into the water)
(back to the other scene of making the spear)
DREAMZ: We ain't trying to be greedy.
ROCKY: I'm trying to be greedy. I'm going to get as much fish as I can possibly muster. I'm eating like a king tonight.
(the men are still unable to push the boat into the water)
(again to the other scene of making the spear)
ROCKY: I'm telling you, after last night's suffering, I'm getting papaya, coconut. I'm getting fish. I'm getting tons of firewood. I'm sitting back and eating like a king tonight. Hopefully everything else will be set up too. That's just the way it is. I'm not sleeping again like last night. Last night was crazy.
DREAMZ: Everybody's stomach was growling...
ROCKY: I'm not doin' it. No food, it was so uncomfortable. I'm not doing last night again.
(on the last try, the men finally get the boat into the water)
ROCKY (looking at a rainbow): Maybe there's some fish on the other end of the rainbow.
Watch as James and Liliana climb the mountain to retrieve the tribe's first piece of mail.
LILIANA: Is there something in there?
(James/Rocky opens up the treemail and they both act excited; Rocky hits Liliana with the rolled-up treemail)
LILIANA: Ow! My shoulder hurts!
ROCKY: Sorry. Wanna hit me back?
LILIANA: That's gonna cost you another massage.
(Liliana hits him with the treemail)
(they head back to camp)
ROCKY: What's this, boys and girls? A little message in a bottle, baby.
EDGARDO: Let's see what's going on.
(the group gathers around to read the treemail)
ROCKY: Pack your belongings, get ready to part...
MOOKIE: It's time for your first test.
ROCKY: Will you keep your place in this game, or be the first to leave the rest?
(a few anxious looks)
ROCKY: It's go time, boys and girls. It's go time.
(various people get ready and shake hands)
Find out what Jessica learned about herself in the short time she spent on the Island. Does she have any regrets?
"Uh...being the first person voted out is a shock, but it's also a relief. There's something to be said for a warm bed, and water, and a shower."
"Yeah, I guess the main thing I learned is how easy I have it, back in my little apartment with my cold water and food and a bed. Maybe just to appreciate things more."
"I feel honored to be able to play a game not many people get to play. There's no way to practice for it. I had a good time. There's no complaining about the location. Fiji was amazing and gorgeous. I guess if you're going to get backstabbed it's good to get it done in the beginning when you don't know people that well. Overall, it was a good experience. It was kind of a bumpy road to get here. It was scary in the beginning, so even coming out here was really positive."
"I felt like I worked really hard. I wasn't like building sand castles - I was working. I don't know where I went wrong."
"If I could have changed something, I guess maybe the smarter move would be to lay lower, not work as much, not be as visible at camp, maybe hang back and be quieter, but that's just not my personality."
"I have no hard feelings about being voted off first, and I would hope that throughout the rest of the game people don't take this personally. It is a game and there's strategy involved and I don't have any hard feelings about it."
"If there is anybody that I'd root for it would be my replacement on this tribe, Sylvia. I think she's great, she's the one I was cuddling with when I first got here. She's a really smart girl, she has an effective but gentle leadership, and if anybody I'd be rooting for her. I'd be rooting for Sylvia."
"OK, yeah, my Mom told me to say this. My torch may be snuffed here but I'm sure it's being lit somewhere else. (smiles)"
How did it feel for Jessica to have her torch snuffed out at Tribal Council?
"The first time I saw my name I knew it was over. One vote for me, that's it. I'm done. I'm done."
"When you walk over to Jeff with your torch, it is crushing. You'd rather crawl up to Jeff with your torch. How come nobody cries? I wanted to cry. It was crushing."
"The main thing I wanted to remember is what questions did Jeff ask, and what were the responses, and how you're almost in shock. You can't believe those responses were for you. It took a long time, the first Tribal Council. No one was really ugly. No one said anything gender-specific, no one said anything specifically about the challenge we had done. It was hard to figure it out."
"The first thing that goes through your mind is, 'Oh my God, they got me! I mean, they really got me.' It's sad, it's very sad. It sucks being the first person voted off, but you also have respect because they're playing the game. This is what they're here for. This is what you all signed up for, so you kind of know the risk is there."
"In three days, I don't think I had the time to get into strategy, especially being thrown into the game with everyone. There were no tribes when we first got there, so I wasn't even thinking strategy yet because I didn't think it was important in the very beginning."
"It was definitely interesting. Everybody there was dynamic. Everyone there you wanted to get to know. You could tell everyone there had a story. They came from completely different walks of life."
"If I was going to start all over from the beginning, yeah, I probably would have been a much bigger brown-noser. I wouldn't have stayed away from certain people I didn't like."
"When we first got to the beach, the first day we got the plans, I was immediately going up and down the stairs, bringing the wood up and down, which was probably a big mistake. I should have stayed with the rest of the group. I was kind of off, maybe with one or two other people, but with small groups. Everyone else was down trying to level the foundation of the shelter. Maybe that was a mistake. I made huge mistakes at the first challenge. I mean that sucks, losing the shelter. That's huge. That's ugly. That was probably the worst way to start the game."
"There's a huge amount of pressure when you get to the challenges. If you let things get to you, if you get a couple of inches behind Moto and you let that get to you, you're done. You're toast. I let that happen. I totally panicked."
"The most shocking part of the game was the lack of water. That crushed everyone. The taste of the water was awful. I don't know what that taste was coming from, but...we called it the Fiji tea, but it wasn't the Fiji tea. It was disgusting. It was this bitter, rotten water, and that was all you had. You don't want to drink too much, because you'll piss people off, because that'll give them a reason to vote you off. You're not drinking as much as even as is there to be had."
"I think being in the game almost gives you more of a sense of adventure. You almost don't want to go on vacation again and stay in some little resort away from everybody else, plush kind of surroundings. You almost want to get back out there and be closer to nature, be in an environment that is more genuine."
"I think it gives you an appreciation of what you have. I think you're less impressed with those kinds of conveniences. There's something really charming and there's something really valuable about not having those things too."
"The thing that surprised me the most about Survivor is the rules of everyday life are thrown out the window. You can be a hard worker and you may be booted off. You may be the most manipulative, skeevy, underhanded person, and you may go far. Which in real life you have to deal with people. You can't just vote 'em off the island. It's almost reversed."
"Enjoying not knowing what's going to happen is the only way to get through this game. If you like surprises, you'll like this game. If not you're screwed, because if you try to be in control, you're not going to get very far."
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