úterý 13. května 2014

early show 13 episode 4


Transcript by James Barber

HARRY: Once again the latest episode of Survivor: Cook Islands came down to a battle of the sexes. The women of the Raro tribe surprised pro-volleyball player JP and spiked him right out of the game.


HARRY: And JP Calderon is with us this morning. Good morning. You're laughing.

JP (shakes Harry's hand): Oh man, that was rough. (laughs)

HARRY: There are few times in the history of this show where someone was as surprised as you were in the episode last night. You had no idea.

JP: I had no clue. No clue at all.

HARRY: Who did you think would be going?

JP: I thought it was Stephannie. Everyone said Stephannie, so Stephannie was supposed to go.

HARRY: Right. Stephannie comes off of the challenge, they couldn't get the fire lit, and she says, "It's all my bad," kind of a real moment of weakness. Didn't it seem like, especially among the men, she was going to be the one to go?

JP: Yeah. Just in anything you do, if you admit defeat, it's kind of like you're opening the door.

HARRY: She even said…

JP: She even said it. "I'm the weakest link." She said it was a moment of weakness and she didn't mean it, but that was a moment of weakness and you can't show it, so I thought for sure, and that was a group consensus.

HARRY: So there she is (watches clip of Stephannie at challenge) hacking away at the flint, and they could not get the fire going. So at the actual challenge itself, you guys were behind a little bit, but by that point you were pretty much caught up, right?

JP: Right. I didn't actually want Stephannie to go, but that was the group consensus, so I was just going along with it.

HARRY: Very strong guy, very good swimmer, very good player. You were depicted in the show as being a little bit bossy, at least. There's a moment where you turn to somebody and say (takes snooty tone), "Would you get that machete for me? Could you pick that up for me?" And I thought, watch out, pal.

JP (laughs): Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's amazing how that came across. I really gotta say I worked really hard and unfortuntately those moments were the ones that were shown. But I own up to everything I did, I don't back away from it.

HARRY: Was it a good experience?

JP: Oh, it was a great experience. I'm so appreciate and so thankful to Mark Burnett and the whole production. It was an opportunity of a lifetime; you gotta take it.

HARRY: Alright. Here's what I want to know, because of last week's secret scene…

(JP looks embarrassed)

HARRY: What? What? There looked like there was some kind of something going with you and Cecilia.

JP: I mean, come on, man, with all that curvaceous goodness…

HARRY: My goodness, that man is blushing. We may have to take a close-up here.

JP: Oh, man. I mean, she's the epitome of a hot, sexy Latina, so what can you say. I wouldn't be surprised if I saw her on the cover of every magazine out there.

HARRY: Alright. We're gonna take a look at this week's secret scene, because unbeknownst to a lot of folks, you were really having a serious problem with your foot. Let's take a look.

JP: Oh, man...

[(closeups of JP's feet as he walks across beach)

JP (solo): My feet, they're not doing so good. They got pretty infected in both toes on both sides of my feet.

(Adam watches JP put leaves on his feet)

ADAM: You have it on that foot too?

JP: The skin's just been coming off, and it's very raw. I can't even put my shoes on now without feeling pain. Gotta stuff it with leaves, gotta stuff my foot in.

HARRY: Man. That did not look like it was much fun.

JP: No. It didn't. No.

HARRY: Did the leaves help?

JP: You know what, the leaves actually helped. It's pretty funny because I caught Stephannie doing the same thing with her feet. Everyone was started jumping on the putting-leaves-in-their-shoes bandwagon.

HARRY: Do a shoutout to your volleyball team real quick.

JP: I just want to say hi to everyone at (?) Longbeach. See you guys there.

HARRY: JP Calderon, thank you very much.

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