neděle 13. dubna 2014

early show episode 10

Jamie Newton's Early Show Interview
Episode 10 Boot
( 11.18.05)
Transcript by James Barber


JULIE: On Survivor: Guatemala, former NFL quarterback Gary Hogeboom avoided a sack for the second week in a row, as Jamie's paranoia turned his alliance against him.

(clip package)

JULIE: Were you really blindsided? You had no clue you were going home, or to the jury really?

JAMIE: I was a little paranoid, so I must've had some idea.

JULIE: That's true, but do you think that's what did you in? Last night, watching this episode, was that the first time you realized you were getting on everyone's nerves with your paranoia?

JAMIE: I knew I was getting on everybody's nerves, but I think everybody out there's a little paranoid. If they're not, then they should be, cause it's gonna go crazy from here on out. 

JULIE: But it was 6-2. Even Lydia, who you thought had your back, even Lydia voted against you. How do you feel about her? She was your buddy.

JAMIE: Lydia...Lydia was my buddy. She's a good person, she just really didn't know what to do when people came against her, I think. I took care of her. There's a lot of things that didn't...I used to sleep by the fire with her and always keep her warm. I just took care of her and when she did that it really hurt me a lot. I still hope she's doing great, and I still hope she wins the million dollars. Her or Judd.

JULIE: Now that you've been voted off, if you could do it all over again, what would you do differently? I mean, what did you do wrong that has you sitting here this morning?

JAMIE: I think I just told it. I just told them how I felt, what I thought was going on in the game. If I could do anything different, maybe I'd stay more calm. It used to bug me bad how Stephenie could stay calm, but she's already been there, she's seen how people go crazy when the merge happens.

JULIE: Is Stephenie, in your opinion, the leader of this tribe right now?

JAMIE: Stephenie is the leader, and she has Rafe as her lapdog.

JULIE (laughs): Rafe as her lapdog. Now, Rafe was talking last night about if you asked him one more time...he was just so irritated by you. Did you have any idea how he was feeling towards you, because these people were your alliance?

JAMIE: I knew he was going crazy, I just needed a little bit of security with it. I wanted to know. You're going for a million dollars - there's going to be paranoia when you're going for a million dollars. I get paranoid playing the lottery.

JULIE: Let's talk about Bobby Jon, because the two of you almost came to blows. The two of you did not get along, and now you're the first two members of this jury. What are your thoughts on Bobby Jon?

JAMIE: It's a good-looking jury.

JULIE (laughs): How modest of you.

JAMIE: But I don't know. I'm glad to know there's still some good old country boys around.

JULIE: But why did you two not get along when you were in Guatemala?

JAMIE: State rivalries, I guess. We were never on the same team. I wanted to be on his team, cause we were gonna do what him and Ibrehem couldn't do in Palau, but we were always on opposing teams, always going apart. Then I felt like my team was being picked off one by one and I had to be the backbone and just step up and say what I wanted to say, get in their minds, say, "Yeah, we're gonna take you guys out one by one," talking about the other team. Then when we merged I was still so in the mix of things I couldn't get together one tribe. I couldn't understand it.

JULIE: Mmm. Well, on last night's episode some of your former tribemates, they won this reward challenge, and as a result they got to take showers and do a whole bunch of great things. Let's take a look at last night's Secret Scene.


[(Steph/Gary/Danni are in towels)

STEPHENIE (solo): To shower and we got to look in a mirror for the first time in 25 days.

STEPHENIE (in front of mirror): I need to get naked to look at my body.

GARY: Look at my shoulders.

STEPHENIE: You're thin.

STEPHENIE (solo): It was NOT a pretty sight.

DANNI (studying her arms and shoulders): Look at those. They are so skinny.

STEPHENIE: Wait'll you see your stomach and your legs.

DANNI: I still have a butt.


DANNI: I've still got a butt.

(Stephenie looks at her butt in the mirror and pats her behind)


DANNI: You do, Stephenie. You have an athletic little rear end.

STEPHENIE: Yeah, I can get rid of that.

STEPHENIE (solo): We kind of stared at ourselves a couple times. Every time we passed a mirror. (jerks her head from side to side)

STEPHENIE: You guys, I look like I have a skin disorder. And an eyebrow disorder.

(Danni laughs)

STEPHENIE (solo): It is not a pretty sight. I feel bad for people that have to look at me every day.]

JULIE: Was Stephenie not a pretty sight to you?

JAMIE: Her and Danni are very pretty girls.

JULIE: So the question is, when you got voted off last night, probably was the first time you got to see yourself in the mirror. How did you look to yourself?

JAMIE: I thought I looked like Jesus almost, but I think Bobby Jon has that category, so.

JULIE: Did you feel like, 'Oh, I don't even recognize myself?' cause you haven't been in front of a mirror in like...

JAMIE: Tom Hanks on Castaway, I don't know. Looked just like it.

JULIE (laughs): Something tells me you want an acting career after this.

JAMIE: No, no.

JULIE: Well, you've been on "All My Children", right? You've done a little bit of acting.

JAMIE: I did one episode.

JULIE: So what's next for you now that you didn't win Survivor?

JAMIE: I'm just taking one day at a time. Me and my mom are gonna go to a dinner and movie tonight. We'll see what life has in store.

JULIE: Going back to being a water ski instructor at all?

JAMIE: Yeah, (gives the name of the place he works at).

JULIE: Alright. Jamie Newton, thanks for coming on and we'll see if you hold a grudge or not as a member of the jury. Thanks so much. Good luck to you.

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