úterý 20. května 2014

Tribal Council Tour

Jeff Probst's Tribal Council Tour for Survivor Fiji. Different version than in TV Guide Preview.


Jeff: This is tribal council for Survivor Fiji. We are way up high in the Fiji mountains. Literally, tribal council is nestled inside a giant cave. It's one of the highest places we've ever been. It's the longest walks for the survivors. Cannibalism is the theme this season. There are over 300 skulls in tribal council and 15 full on skeletons. From a production point of view there are 3 types of skulls. There are resent, there are plasters, they are stayreton. Can here from what I am favourite of skull, they exist from what I'm here. As recently is 50 years ago, cannibalism was a live in each. Which means there are people on this island that ate other people are still alive.
This is the walk that survivors will také to make votes. By their way many skeletons, nice, again, ?, cannibalism. This by the way is the pen they'll be using, these is typically based on ?? obviously a small person, but this is a tool used for eating eyeballs. Becuase you're not supposed to touch eyballs with your fingers, so you'll need this thing that can reach in there and pull out the eyeball put it in your mouth. We will be using this as voting pen.
This is where the votes are read. And after the votes are read and somebody is voted out. This is the snuffer, my favourite part. That works like this. You did not want to see that in this game.
I hope you enjoyed the tour. I have to go to dinner.

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