čtvrtek 5. června 2014

season 14 episode 14 early show

Final Five Interview and Check Presenatation


Transcribed by James Barber

HARRY: Last night's "Survivor: Fiji" finale was a shocker even by "Survivor" standards. At the last Tribal Council, the popular Yau-Man was voted out after Dreamz broke another promise and refused to hand over immunity. So the three finalists were Dreamz, the double-crosser, Earl, who ran the game and his alliance from early on, and Cassandra, who always saw herself as the underdog. But only one person could win Survivor. 

(clips, ending in Earl winning)

HARRY: And the winner, Earl Cole is here. Congratulations. Also with us are Cassandra Franklin, Dreamz, Yau-Man, and Boo. Good morning to everybody. So there's Jeff, pulling those votes out last night, the first and only time that a unanimous choice for the winner of Survivor. What was your response?

EARL: I was very ecstatic about it. I was surprised all the votes were for me. I just thank the jury, everybody that voted for me, that they respected me and the way I played the game. 

HARRY: Does it seem real? 

EARL: I'm on high right now. It doesn't seem real until I get the check. 

HARRY: You will in a couple of minutes. You'll get the check. Cassandra, I want to go back to that Survivor Council, that Survivor Council when everybody was peppering you with questions. It seemed at some points to be so mean-spirited. What was that all about to you?

CASSANDRA: I really think at a critical point in the game, one of the people in their alliance changed alliance, Stacy, and so it really left a lot of the people in their alliance upset, angry...

HARRY: A lot of angry people. Lot of angry people. More than a few people wondering about you Dreamz. I'm going to go back to a couple episodes ago. Yau-Man wins the truck, he turns to you and says I'm gonna give you the truck if I can have your word you'll give me immunity if or when it really comes into play. It looked to me when he did that, you were saying from your heart I'm going to give you the truck. You said last night you were playing. Were you playing, or were you promising with your heart?

DREAMZ: At first I was sincere about it, but I knew I had to get him out before the punch line of it. That made me able to be serious and sincere about it.

HARRY: Here's the thing about it. Going into the final 3, did you think you had any chance against [Earl] Cole? 

DREAMZ: No! It would've been the same thing against Yau-Man!

HARRY: Then why bother? You would have left with your honor intact.

DREAMZ: I left my honor at home with my family. (Yau-Man pats his shoulder)

HARRY: (laughs) That's the best answer of all. Yau-Man, you had this opportunity, you give him a truck. Did you think Dreamz would be good for his word?

: I thought he would be good for his word. Up until the end I thought he would give me the immunity necklace. I was a little doubt towards the last couple seconds, but by then I was too stubborn to say, "I change my mind, hey Dreamz let's make a different deal."

HARRY: Here's another point of the game I'm curious about though. You send yourself out to Exile Island, you get the clue for the other immunity idol, right, you come back and you give the information over to Earl. Did you ever think for a minute, "I'm going to just keep to myself, I'll walk around with two in my pocket"?

YAU-MAN: At that time I already had one, and since I have agreed with Earl to share the one, now, if there is another one, it's best if each of us have one rather than me having to share one. It was an agreement I was...

HARRY: Sure. Sure. Push comes to shove, Dreamz flips on you, you're sitting there, Tribal Counil, Earl votes you out. What was your response when you saw that?

YAU-MAN: I was a little disappointed when I first saw that, but when I thought about what he'd done for me, keeping me around, helping keep me around, I appreciate that he played a very, very honorable game.

HARRY: Here's the question though. Would you have done to him what he did to you? 

YAU-MAN: I probably would but I would have to really think very hard. I would probably create a situation where I had to do it rather than voluntarily do it.

HARRY: Real quick, Boo, you were all over Dreamz last night, especially at Tribal Council, as you were on the jury and trying to get him to own up to his honesty. You played so well. What were you trying to get out of Dreamz last night, real quick?

: I think Dreamz has a good heart, and he wants to do the right thing. That's why he had an inner conflict with himself. I just wanted to pull that out of him and say, "Hey, it's time to accept my honor over the money." He will, he will.

: Quite a season. Yau-Man, what a game-changer. No one has played quite like you and not gotten to the dollars, but Earl, talk about - how do you stay under the radar for an entire...no one ever wrote your name on a single ballot. Phenomenal. Julie is here with the long-awaited heck. 

EARL: That's the check! That's the check!

JULIE: Congratulations Earl. Have you done the math to figure out how much the million dollars is going to be after you pay your taxes?

EARL: I know there's 6 zeroes in a million dollars. (everyone laughs) I do know that. I will definitely pay my taxes and be smart with my money.

HARRY: It's a pleasure having you all out this morning. Congratulations to all. Boo, Yau-Man, Dreamz, Cassandra. Earl. Good job, man.

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