the Survivors Video
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by BlindFreddy - 8.30.06
know it's not in my personality to stay under the radar. <laughs>
I'm pretty outspoken...pretty much speak my mind. So I just
gotta try to hold that back somewhat, even though I know it won't
happen. But my main goal is to actually keep the communication open
with all the contestants...all the other competitors. And just try to
read what they are thinking, what their strategy is. Just constantly
talk to them...buddy-buddy with everybody.
Bui - VoiceOver Text For MTS Segment
You know I'm just a skinny little guy. I just a skinny little guy. And we'll see. I...yeah, there'll be people who...personality...they won't like me. The insecure people would not like me. But knows what to say. I'll take you along and I won't...I won't stab ya.
My word is my honor.
The biggest lessons I've learned in my personal life... is perseverance, and tolerance. And I think that is one of the key to world peace. To getting along with each other. By persevering and tolerating each other. There'll be hard times, but perseverance will carry you through.
Lee - VoiceOver Text For MTS Segment
I've a lot of pride in Pittsburgh. You know I've a lot of pride in my hometown. And I have great friends and family still there now. When I was growing up we used to...'Choose Becky, oh she's the Asian girl?'. So I think that sorta helps you gain a hard skin...even from the very beginning.
Garcia - VoiceOver Text For MTS Segment
I'm a dream chaser. So I can't help but chase dreams. It's something I've always done. I did it with the wrestling and sure enough I got a Silver Medal at the National Championships in '97. And that's without even training for it all that much. So if I can do that...then that just inspired me to do'm definitely headfirst into the heavy metal stuff and now here's my other dreams, Survivor. Damn I've been a fan of the show since the first season. What took me so long?...I dunno. <laughs>
And that I fit in with the average Joes and average Joes tend to like to gang up on all the gym rats. So that's perfect. 'Cause they'll never see it coming that I have championship experience, which you can't get from anywhere except of course the championships. You can't get that from a text book, or from a website or whatever.
So those average Joes are not gonna see me coming.
Virata - VoiceOver Text For MTS Segment
Dealing with designers on a day-to-day basis with their different passive-aggressive emotions and personalities, it's gonna be very similar to a lot of the contestants on the island. I get along with people, I get along with everyone. Honestly I really don't have a bone to pick with anyone. I'm not a hateful person, I'm not a vengeful person.
I think I'm just gonna be myself. And I'm a pretty happy-go-lucky kid. I'm not a negative person. Yeah and I cross my fingers and my toes that I'm gonna make my mom proud. <laughs>
Woodcock - VoiceOver Text For MTS Segment
My strategy is to be, I think, just better than the second place person. I don't want everybody to know my true intentions. I want them to think that maybe I'm kind of bumbling my way through. But I've always got a plan in my head. I always know what's going on and I'll be controlling them and they might not know it.
I would describe myself as very driven...athletic, outgoing. And I love to have fun, I love to laugh.
Mansilla - VoiceOver Text For MTS Segment
I think I definitely have the goods to play this game. I'm strong, and the mental challenges...the mental part of it...the being away from home, the being in an uncomfortable place, the not having everything to eat and all that...that doesn't phase me one bit.
I would describe myself a very intelligent ambitious strong-willed person. Almost stubborn, in some cases that...of interest. Always seeking something new adventure, something different, something to learn.
Coria - VoiceOver Text For MTS Segment
I think because I grew up in law enforcement, my father being a cop and my uncle being a cop, in the same Police Department I work for, I have a lot more respect. I get a lot more respect from everybody...they're like brothers to me. My father's...a lot of father father. But I get a lot more respect and they don't look at me as....ok she's, like you said, she's a cute Police Officer. They look at me and see Cristina. No different.
Guzon-Bae - VoiceOver Text For MTS Segment
There's a lot at stake for me. I'm out here for nearly 40 days away from my husband of almost 13 years. We're gonna...I'm gonna miss our anniversary while I'm out here. And I left the love of my life <chokes/tears up> my 11 year old son.
I think that playing this game and this whole experience is gonna change me tremendously. Having a family has...I sacrifice a lot and a lot of things that I do are for my family...for my husband, for my son. So this is a great opportunity to finally do something for myself and really find meaning beyond my family. You know of course they are me...a part of me but this will get a better understanding of who I am. This will give me the opportunity to get me a better understanding of who I am.
Smith - VoiceOver Text For MTS Segment
Well it started off as being a 'flame effects' artist. I spin fire hula hoops, spin Poi. And along with other tools and then it just kinda stuck...'My Friend Flica'. Through that I started Roller Derby and then my Roller Derby name is 'Flica Flame'. And so stuff after that. But it's always been a nick name for a few years now.
I'm gonna do my best to be myself. And then I've got like a few little mischievous things that I'm gonna keep a secret. <laughs> I'm gonna be a magician and pull my tricks out of my bag, carefully.
Penner - VoiceOver Text For MTS Segment
came to sports and athleticism much later in life. I was never a jock
as a kid.
so people don't quite know what to make of me. I'm very loud. I can be obnoxious, I'm told, I don't think I am, but I don't know, you tell me.
J.P. Calderon - VoiceOver Text For MTS Segment
The most rewarding, I think, aspect of my life, and I know it's kind of corny and a cliché, but it's giving back to kids. I maybe felt I didn't have that great of a childhood when I grew up...and I'm really good at teaching and coaching volleyball. And that's just my way of getting kids' attention....and making them feel good. If I can see a kid produce, or if a kid can actually use something I taught them, it's really rewarding to me. And when they're appreciative, I know it's corny, all it takes is a simple 'thank you' and it makes you feel you're on the right track.
Lusch - VoiceOver Text For MTS Segment
Borman - VoiceOver Text For MTS Segment
do makeup for another Survivor, who is Elizabeth Hasselbeck and Joy
Bayhar who is not a Survivor per the show, but she's a survivor in
real life...that's for sure. We always say that during those makeup
sessions in the morning...the real hot topics take place then. What
you're seeing on air is the second version...the cut-up version...the
revised version.
strategy is to play it as cool as I possibly figure out who
I can trust early on. And who that person is to align with because
basically it' the end of the day it doesn't boil down to who's
the most physical and who catches the most fish, it is who you can
trust. Who's not gonna vote you off, that's gonna keep their word
come the end of the day.
Favor - VoiceOver Text For MTS Segment
worth having, is worth fighting for, and sometimes you have to go
through a little bull to receive the promise on the end. And I've
gone through enough experiences in my life, personal, family,
friends, just to prepare me. And I've taken all of those situations,
all of those events and culminating them into one big pie. And I'm
gonna eat that pie. And on this show, I'm gonna be successful.
the type of person that is very laid back. Very aggressive in terms
of...when I want something, I go for it. I'm very determined, very
strong willed. Very strong willed with that regard. I'm the kind of
person that loves to laugh and smile and have a good time. But when
it's time to get down to business, my head is down. I'm working. I
don't like to goof around a lot. I'm very serious natured at times.
But again, I believe there's a time and place for everything. And my
mother didn't raise a fool. I know when it's time to be serious and
when it's time to have a good time. And I tend to flow in those
arenas, very naturally.
Oakley - VoiceOver Text For MTS Segment
bringing just myself, I'm bringing the complete mix of who I am.
Which is, if I had to put it in like music terms; a little bit Hip
Hop, a little bit rock, a little bit Heavy Metal, a little bit
Classical, a little bit of New Age. And I'd bring my different
personalities and being able to mix with other people. I think I'm
pretty good at assessing situations and I think a thing like this you
have to take it day by day. You can't just go in with your master
plan: 'I'm gonna be this I'm gonna take on this role' because that's
not gonna conform to what you have. So you have to conform to what
the situation is. And I think that's what I can do.
off the bat I'm gonna have to concentrate on just keeping...holding
my tongue, keeping certain opinions to myself as hard as it may
be. Because of the type of person that I am. Just holding it and
not...letting it brush off your shoulders.
Kwon - VoiceOver Text For MTS Segment
might be too nice. <laughs> I generally like working with
people and being collaborative. And I have a very strong sense that
people...that good people should do well. I hate to see the good guy
finish last. And I think for me that might complicate my game.
Because I have to be strategic, I have to do what's gonna get me the
farthest ahead rather than what I feel is going to help other
people who are deserving.
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