Clip Description: Sally hoped to
make it further but she fell to the Casaya alliance. Find out what her
tribemates say while casting their votes.
SALLY: (Aras) I only wish that this would
work tonight. We'll see what happens. I'm kind of sick of the 6 of you. One at
a time.
TERRY: (Aras) Still the #1 threat, buddy.
DANIELLE: (Sally) I just don't trust you
around camp. Sorry.
SHANE: (Survivor Sally - I miss you M,
something to that effect) We're gonna see each other real soon, have a pizza. I
miss you, Mama. Best socks in the history of Survivor.
CIRIE: (Sally) Just strategy. Nothing
personal. I hope you have the Idol.
ARAS: Sally, this was nothing but a
numbers thing. I wish you could still be here.
COURTNEY: (Sally) You're a great player of
this game, and too much of a threat. I'm so sorry.
BRUCE: (Sally) My most memorable moment in
this game so far was breakfast in bed in the rain with sweet rolls and coffee
and breakfast. I'll always remember that. But right now, this is a group
strategy for a million dollars.
Clip Description: Sally hoped to
stay, but Casaya had other plans. She's not bitter though, and remains gracious
in defeat.
"I have loved every minute of my
experience here. From the hardest moments to the most exciting moments. The
people I've met, the frustrating alliances - every bit of it's been an amazing
challenge for me, and I feel proud of how far I came. I'm definitely
disappointed that I wasn't able to get any further, but I just feel thrilled to
have come as far as I did. I can't wait to be a part of the jury, and I'm
excited to still be able to play in the game, and decide who's going to win the
million dollars. I think my experiences out here have probably been the most
independent experience I've ever had in my whole life, and it feels great to
just be kind of out here on my own, in the midst of this beautiful country and
a bunch of strangers, and basically have to fight to survive. I feel like I
fought well and I fought hard and I did everything I could and I got as far as
I could get. I feel great and I have no regrets.
I am not disappointed in the slightest
that Terry didn't give me the Hidden Immunity Idol. It would have been foolish
for him to do so with the way the game was, where we were in the game. I wish
Terry the best of luck, he's fighting hard, he has a huge uphill battle ahead
of him. I'm disappointed I can't be his wingman, or wingwoman, and be there
fighting in the trenches beside him. But he's gonna need that, and the longer
he hangs on to it, the better for him, so I think it was very wise for him to
hang onto it tonight.
I walk away from this experience feeling,
for one, I made Survivor, which was a 5-year goal of mine, and I can cross that
off my list. (laughs) Most what I'm going to take from this experience is how
important people are in my life, and also, how proud I am that I came out here
and was surprised at how strong I was, physically, mentally, emotionally, in
some of the most trying situations, just in surviving, living, in dealing with
people and playing the game. I learned a lot about myself in all of this.
I just learned I was a lot stronger in
certain areas than I thought I was. I feel like I came out here knowing some of
what my strengths were in dealing with people. I knew it was going to be a game
of alliances. I knew that since I like people and I'm usually good in
relationships with people doesn't mean I was going to win the whole thing. I
found so much inner strength out here, and physical strength I did not know I
had. I felt like I could compete, day in and day out, no matter what the
competition was, no matter what the numbers were, no matter how hungry, or
thirsty, or tired, or dirty, or whatever I was, and I'll take that with me. The
little things in life that seem so trivial when you get out here, and you get
to the simple, basic challenge of surviving. I feel really good about how I did
out here.
I guess thank you to those of you who
really were real with me, from the day that I met you, and I'll be really
interested to see what happens when the old Casaya tribe falls apart. I really
wish I coulda been there to see that, but I'm wishing Terry a lot of luck, and
Cirie a lot of luck, and I haven't decided about the rest of 'em yet.
Clip Description: Refreshed after a good night's sleep, Sally reflects on
her time on the island and shares her thoughts about having been on
"My Survivor experience was anything I could have imagined, or hoped, or been challenged - anything in my head before the game actually began, over the past 5 years as I've tried to get on the show. It was like everything and so much more, and there isn't one thing about it that I would change, other than still being in the game. I just - I absolutely loved it. I loved feeling challenged in every single way. Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, like I think getting to the bare bones of who you are out in the middle of nature, in a beautiful place with a bunch of strangers, feeling totally overwhelmed to be one of the 16 people out here playing this game. And then to say I made it to the final 8 was thrilling for me, because I could have been gone on day 5 and missed - I'm thankful was there for I think 24 days, and I'm thankful for every day I was out there, because even if it was an off day where we'd only do wood and water, it was about building relationships, it was about enjoying the experience. I don't think I took a moment of it for granted. I went in there, and that was the one thing I could plan for, that I wouldn't take it for granted, and I don't think I did. So that part of it was really cool. I loved it, I absolutely loved it.
Well, it's easy for me to think about Terry because he's really done a lot to win. I don't think he necessarily - he's dominated physically but I don't think he approached situations socially like he should have. If I wasn't on his team, I don't think I'd like Terry very much. (laughs) He's like the kind of guy you want on your team because you don't want to play against him. He's actually a really humble winner - he's a terrible loser. I've lost a lot more - I'm probably a worse winner and a better loser, because I've lost a lot in my life so you get used to it, but he's like a pouty, pouty loser. And he wins more than anybody else, so he like makes you feel bad if you win something. I was on his tribe, and he was like giving me shit that I won a reward challenge. Wouldn't you be happy for somebody else - he and I left [out of everyone at La Mina], you'd think he'd be somewhat happy for me, and he couldn't be, which I thought was really interesting because I was always really happy for him when he won. Um...Cirie, it's really hard, because I really respect her as a woman and for coming out here and probably the experience may have been harder for her in a way. She's never been outdoors. I know she came in as an underdog, but I feel like the competition part of it, maybe it's because that's a strength area for me, I haven't seen her. There was the one puzzle challenge, which was a really important one, where her and Bruce solved the puzzle to win immunity and a Panamanian feast, but other than that, she hasn't won anything. She doesn't do anything in any competition. Before the merge, she sat out every one she could, so it's really hard for me, because I feel like I'm out there like hauling ass trying to do whatever, I'm not a strong swimmer, and I'm competing against these guys, and she gets to sit and eat a cheeseburger. It's just frustrating, it's hard for me because I can relate to the story of her life, and having 2 boys, that side of it for me, but the actual game part of it, I don't know, it's frustrating, because I don't feel like she's had to do anything.
I think all of us, whoever the 7 jury members are, are gonna look at what we can relate to. I can look at Terry - if Terry and Cirie were the last two people standing, there's a portion of me that can really relate to Cirie being this woman, coming in from the older women tribe, being on the outside, and like socially working her way into this group of 6, then keeping her along and showing her value. But they haven't had to vote anybody out, so I don't know if she'll still be here, I don't know what will happen with the alliance. Then I can look at Terry, and socially he can kinda suck sometimes, but he wins competitions and there's a competitive side of me that really respects that.
Courtney, I feel like she's playing a pretty good mental game. She is an actress out there. She's just humorous. She honestly wasn't warm to me until I made the jury. She was not really nice to me until I was one of the final 9, and then I was a goddess, and she loved me, but she's good. I can respect the fact that she's playing the game. Danielle - I have a really hard time at this point imagining ever giving a million dollars to Danielle, just because I feel like...I don't know, like she's a lucky little girl who got in a good tribe and hasn't had to do much. Kind of the princess of the group. Shane's playing a really good game mentally. Aras, I don't know. He is either a really good player, or he's the most frustrating player, because he just acts like he doesn't care. He's just like, 'Whatever's gonna happen is gonna happen, and I can't control it.' That just drives me batty, because I'm like care about it, it's a big deal. You're still still in this game to do something about it. Be passionate about it, and he's like, 'I'm just gonna go meditate.' I don't know if that's really his personality or if he's just kind of playing that up, like he doesn't care. But to me, I'm not gonna give you the million dollars because you feel like the universe put you here and you don't care the whole time. That's gonna drive me crazy, because I care about a million dollars. So I don't know, I look at the people like Shane and Courtney that are playing the game, and even if it's frustrating that they're beating you - like Shane dominates. He makes statements that make other people in his group terrified to make a move, and I think he's the kind of guy that if you make a move against him, he's gonna make your life miserable out there. But at least he's playing it and he cares about it and he's passionate about it. He'll make these statements like, 'Nobody is talking about alliances in the 6,' or, 'No conversations in the 6,' and it's like you know there are, and you know he's probably had them, but he puts these statements over, he brings all the girls in, makes them feel safe, but it's almost like (mimics wringing a neck). So I don't know. It's gonna be really interesting. That's just like my perspective.
"My Survivor experience was anything I could have imagined, or hoped, or been challenged - anything in my head before the game actually began, over the past 5 years as I've tried to get on the show. It was like everything and so much more, and there isn't one thing about it that I would change, other than still being in the game. I just - I absolutely loved it. I loved feeling challenged in every single way. Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, like I think getting to the bare bones of who you are out in the middle of nature, in a beautiful place with a bunch of strangers, feeling totally overwhelmed to be one of the 16 people out here playing this game. And then to say I made it to the final 8 was thrilling for me, because I could have been gone on day 5 and missed - I'm thankful was there for I think 24 days, and I'm thankful for every day I was out there, because even if it was an off day where we'd only do wood and water, it was about building relationships, it was about enjoying the experience. I don't think I took a moment of it for granted. I went in there, and that was the one thing I could plan for, that I wouldn't take it for granted, and I don't think I did. So that part of it was really cool. I loved it, I absolutely loved it.
Well, it's easy for me to think about Terry because he's really done a lot to win. I don't think he necessarily - he's dominated physically but I don't think he approached situations socially like he should have. If I wasn't on his team, I don't think I'd like Terry very much. (laughs) He's like the kind of guy you want on your team because you don't want to play against him. He's actually a really humble winner - he's a terrible loser. I've lost a lot more - I'm probably a worse winner and a better loser, because I've lost a lot in my life so you get used to it, but he's like a pouty, pouty loser. And he wins more than anybody else, so he like makes you feel bad if you win something. I was on his tribe, and he was like giving me shit that I won a reward challenge. Wouldn't you be happy for somebody else - he and I left [out of everyone at La Mina], you'd think he'd be somewhat happy for me, and he couldn't be, which I thought was really interesting because I was always really happy for him when he won. Um...Cirie, it's really hard, because I really respect her as a woman and for coming out here and probably the experience may have been harder for her in a way. She's never been outdoors. I know she came in as an underdog, but I feel like the competition part of it, maybe it's because that's a strength area for me, I haven't seen her. There was the one puzzle challenge, which was a really important one, where her and Bruce solved the puzzle to win immunity and a Panamanian feast, but other than that, she hasn't won anything. She doesn't do anything in any competition. Before the merge, she sat out every one she could, so it's really hard for me, because I feel like I'm out there like hauling ass trying to do whatever, I'm not a strong swimmer, and I'm competing against these guys, and she gets to sit and eat a cheeseburger. It's just frustrating, it's hard for me because I can relate to the story of her life, and having 2 boys, that side of it for me, but the actual game part of it, I don't know, it's frustrating, because I don't feel like she's had to do anything.
I think all of us, whoever the 7 jury members are, are gonna look at what we can relate to. I can look at Terry - if Terry and Cirie were the last two people standing, there's a portion of me that can really relate to Cirie being this woman, coming in from the older women tribe, being on the outside, and like socially working her way into this group of 6, then keeping her along and showing her value. But they haven't had to vote anybody out, so I don't know if she'll still be here, I don't know what will happen with the alliance. Then I can look at Terry, and socially he can kinda suck sometimes, but he wins competitions and there's a competitive side of me that really respects that.
Courtney, I feel like she's playing a pretty good mental game. She is an actress out there. She's just humorous. She honestly wasn't warm to me until I made the jury. She was not really nice to me until I was one of the final 9, and then I was a goddess, and she loved me, but she's good. I can respect the fact that she's playing the game. Danielle - I have a really hard time at this point imagining ever giving a million dollars to Danielle, just because I feel like...I don't know, like she's a lucky little girl who got in a good tribe and hasn't had to do much. Kind of the princess of the group. Shane's playing a really good game mentally. Aras, I don't know. He is either a really good player, or he's the most frustrating player, because he just acts like he doesn't care. He's just like, 'Whatever's gonna happen is gonna happen, and I can't control it.' That just drives me batty, because I'm like care about it, it's a big deal. You're still still in this game to do something about it. Be passionate about it, and he's like, 'I'm just gonna go meditate.' I don't know if that's really his personality or if he's just kind of playing that up, like he doesn't care. But to me, I'm not gonna give you the million dollars because you feel like the universe put you here and you don't care the whole time. That's gonna drive me crazy, because I care about a million dollars. So I don't know, I look at the people like Shane and Courtney that are playing the game, and even if it's frustrating that they're beating you - like Shane dominates. He makes statements that make other people in his group terrified to make a move, and I think he's the kind of guy that if you make a move against him, he's gonna make your life miserable out there. But at least he's playing it and he cares about it and he's passionate about it. He'll make these statements like, 'Nobody is talking about alliances in the 6,' or, 'No conversations in the 6,' and it's like you know there are, and you know he's probably had them, but he puts these statements over, he brings all the girls in, makes them feel safe, but it's almost like (mimics wringing a neck). So I don't know. It's gonna be really interesting. That's just like my perspective.
Clip Description: Although Sally really wants to stay, she urges Terry, who won immunity, not to save her by giving her the hidden Immunity Idol.
Clip Description: Although Sally really wants to stay, she urges Terry, who won immunity, not to save her by giving her the hidden Immunity Idol.
Sally: If Terry felt like it was in his best strategic move to get me
the immunity idol, he would do it. I know he would, it just doesn't seem to be
the right time for that, unless some other people at Casaya does change and
that can still happen.
TERRY: Guaranteed final three. Last call for immunity is right now.
COURTNEY: Final three of who?
TERRY: Guaranteed final three. You, Sally and me. I need the answer.
COURTNEY: I can't be pressured like this.
TERRY: You're gonna be crazy if you turn it down.
COURTNEY: Come on, gimme a break! Don't be like that to me.
TERRY: Bruce is definitely in. She hasn't committed yet, but I'm gonna have to
pull the thing [Hidden Immunity Idol] out. She says she'll be on our team.
SALLY: Is that worth it to you?
TERRY: Well, it gives us numbers.
SALLY: If it isn't, I understand. You know what I'm saying?
TERRY: I don't want you to go home.
SALLY: If it comes to that, and she she says, right before we leave, "I
can't do this", don't pull it out for me. Don't do it.
Sally (solo): Terry need Casayas to make this to work. Giving up a idol
is a kind of joke call a respect to him, because he found it and he needs gets
sparks sneaking gaps.
Clip Description: Cirie weighs in on her tribemates and
reveals a bit of her strategy at this point in the game. Sounds like Terry had
better keep winning immunity.
CIRIE (solo):
"I don't know if I have a chance to win. I don't know what it is. I've played putt-putt, if it has something to do with golf and putt-putt comes into play, maybe. It's never what we think it is. If it's a physical challenge, no, I don't have a chance. I don't know. It all depends on what the challenge is.
Everything! I want everything! I want anything. (laughs) I don't even have anything in particular. Anything besides beans and snails, would be 10 steps up for me. It could be one M&M and we could all 4 split it. I would be happy. (laughs) I don't care. Just something other than this.
Oh, Aras told me if he won an individual challenge, like we've seen on the show before, that he'd take me. He also told Shane the same thing, but now he's getting kind of leery about taking me and Shane together because people are gonna think stuff. Well, they're gonna think stuff already. I told him I don't care what he does with Shane, we had an agreement (laughs), and he's taking me, and I don't care what anybody thinks. If I can't win it myself, and he has to win it and take me, I don't care, as long as I get to go. He was just saying he can't take Shane. Fine, don't take Shane. Take me. Please. (laughs)
Oh, God. Shane and Aras can't hold water. I shouldn't have - not that it was any big information, but just the thought that Terry thought I could be somewhat loyal to him, you never know who down the line you may need. Well, I told Aras that Terry told me he was a retired naval fighter pilot, and of course he runs right to Terry with it. Stupid! Stupid! Like, why do you have to tell him everything? Him and Shane tell Terry EVERYTHING. Like puppets. All he does is pull the strings and they talk, like 'blahblahblah'. And I'm like, 'Aras, you don't have to tell everybody everything.' 'Oh, well, I just wanted him to know that I knew.' Why? What did that get you? All it got was me outed that I told you. Well, possibly Danielle, cause he told Danielle too. I'm hoping he didn't say who told him. Courtney, Danielle and I were saying, Terry's like a huge threat. We want Terry gone, so, so, so, so bad. (02:37 – 04:36 missing transcript)
CIRIE (solo):
"I don't know if I have a chance to win. I don't know what it is. I've played putt-putt, if it has something to do with golf and putt-putt comes into play, maybe. It's never what we think it is. If it's a physical challenge, no, I don't have a chance. I don't know. It all depends on what the challenge is.
Everything! I want everything! I want anything. (laughs) I don't even have anything in particular. Anything besides beans and snails, would be 10 steps up for me. It could be one M&M and we could all 4 split it. I would be happy. (laughs) I don't care. Just something other than this.
Oh, Aras told me if he won an individual challenge, like we've seen on the show before, that he'd take me. He also told Shane the same thing, but now he's getting kind of leery about taking me and Shane together because people are gonna think stuff. Well, they're gonna think stuff already. I told him I don't care what he does with Shane, we had an agreement (laughs), and he's taking me, and I don't care what anybody thinks. If I can't win it myself, and he has to win it and take me, I don't care, as long as I get to go. He was just saying he can't take Shane. Fine, don't take Shane. Take me. Please. (laughs)
Oh, God. Shane and Aras can't hold water. I shouldn't have - not that it was any big information, but just the thought that Terry thought I could be somewhat loyal to him, you never know who down the line you may need. Well, I told Aras that Terry told me he was a retired naval fighter pilot, and of course he runs right to Terry with it. Stupid! Stupid! Like, why do you have to tell him everything? Him and Shane tell Terry EVERYTHING. Like puppets. All he does is pull the strings and they talk, like 'blahblahblah'. And I'm like, 'Aras, you don't have to tell everybody everything.' 'Oh, well, I just wanted him to know that I knew.' Why? What did that get you? All it got was me outed that I told you. Well, possibly Danielle, cause he told Danielle too. I'm hoping he didn't say who told him. Courtney, Danielle and I were saying, Terry's like a huge threat. We want Terry gone, so, so, so, so bad. (02:37 – 04:36 missing transcript)
Clip Description: Watch Terry, Courtney, Sally and Bruce enjoy their Reward, which is a snack and videotapes from their loved ones. Have a hanky handy for this one.
(Terry/Courtney/Sally/Bruce ooh and ah over the milk and sandwiches)
JEFF : Dig in, it's your feast.
SALLY (solo): Terry, Bruce, Courtney and myself won our reward challenge and were treated to getting to see the rest of our family videos, and eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and drink milk. Which was unbelievable.
(the four eat and drink)
COURTNEY : Wow, this is so good.
BRUCE : So good.
JEFF : Wanna get started? In no particular order, we'll start with Sally's videotape.
SALLY (mouthful of food): Oh my gosh, I'm so dirty.
(Sally's video begins, they all watch)
SALLY (solo): My video absolutely floored me. My relationship with my family has really been hinged upon the fact that I went through a divorce. It's been very hard for them, because they're very Christian, and divorce is not an option. The depths of communication are not what they used to be right now. The conversations are few and far between, so this was huge.
(Sally's boyfriend appears on the video, wearing a Speedo and doing a celebration dance in the kitchen)
SALLY (solo): My boyfriend was on there in a Speedo, and that was the funniest thing I've ever seen.
(Sally's boyfriend tells her he loves her and misses her; Terry cheers for her after the video ends)
SALLY : That was so funny.
JEFF : How big is her smile right now?
(Jeff puts Bruce's video in, Bruce's daughter sits on the couch and says she has been thinking about how much she misses him)
BRUCE (solo): For all the misery and hardships that we're going through, when I saw that videotape, I just knew I could win. That was all I need.
(Bruce's wife says she has been wondering where her husband is and what he's doing, she misses him, whatever he does, he should return with honor. Courtney/Terry/Sally praise him and encourage him as he tears up)
JEFF : Alright, Courtney, ready for a little love from home?
(Courtney's father appears and tells her he loves her and can't wait to see her when she gets home)
COURTNEY (solo): I was a little bit apprehensive, because my parents really aren't into being on video and they were SO serious, and like so straight up.
(Courtney's parents tell her they can't wait to hear all her stories when she gets home)
JEFF : Looking from the outside in, your parents don't seem to fit with you. You're the firewalker.
COURTNEY : I know. Yeah, they're a little more conservative than I am, but they love me all the same.
JEFF : Ready for the last video?
(Terry's daughter says she misses him, his wife talks about all the food she'll cook when he gets back)
TERRY (solo): There's total welling up in my eyes, I'm just trying to hold back from letting it all go. I miss my wife and kids tremendously. It gives me strength. I'm here to make them proud, and come home a Survivor. It was really, really heartwarming.
(Terry's wife tearily says they can't wait to see him and they love him)
TERRY : That was awesome. Oh, man.
SALLY : Can I just say that for however long we watched that, I was so not aware we were even playing this game?
BRUCE (toasts everyone): Here's to our battle, here's to our loved ones, here's to our special afternoon. It's special, and only us four shared it.
Clip Description: Watch Terry, Courtney, Sally and Bruce enjoy their Reward, which is a snack and videotapes from their loved ones. Have a hanky handy for this one.
(Terry/Courtney/Sally/Bruce ooh and ah over the milk and sandwiches)
JEFF : Dig in, it's your feast.
SALLY (solo): Terry, Bruce, Courtney and myself won our reward challenge and were treated to getting to see the rest of our family videos, and eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and drink milk. Which was unbelievable.
(the four eat and drink)
COURTNEY : Wow, this is so good.
BRUCE : So good.
JEFF : Wanna get started? In no particular order, we'll start with Sally's videotape.
SALLY (mouthful of food): Oh my gosh, I'm so dirty.
(Sally's video begins, they all watch)
SALLY (solo): My video absolutely floored me. My relationship with my family has really been hinged upon the fact that I went through a divorce. It's been very hard for them, because they're very Christian, and divorce is not an option. The depths of communication are not what they used to be right now. The conversations are few and far between, so this was huge.
(Sally's boyfriend appears on the video, wearing a Speedo and doing a celebration dance in the kitchen)
SALLY (solo): My boyfriend was on there in a Speedo, and that was the funniest thing I've ever seen.
(Sally's boyfriend tells her he loves her and misses her; Terry cheers for her after the video ends)
SALLY : That was so funny.
JEFF : How big is her smile right now?
(Jeff puts Bruce's video in, Bruce's daughter sits on the couch and says she has been thinking about how much she misses him)
BRUCE (solo): For all the misery and hardships that we're going through, when I saw that videotape, I just knew I could win. That was all I need.
(Bruce's wife says she has been wondering where her husband is and what he's doing, she misses him, whatever he does, he should return with honor. Courtney/Terry/Sally praise him and encourage him as he tears up)
JEFF : Alright, Courtney, ready for a little love from home?
(Courtney's father appears and tells her he loves her and can't wait to see her when she gets home)
COURTNEY (solo): I was a little bit apprehensive, because my parents really aren't into being on video and they were SO serious, and like so straight up.
(Courtney's parents tell her they can't wait to hear all her stories when she gets home)
JEFF : Looking from the outside in, your parents don't seem to fit with you. You're the firewalker.
COURTNEY : I know. Yeah, they're a little more conservative than I am, but they love me all the same.
JEFF : Ready for the last video?
(Terry's daughter says she misses him, his wife talks about all the food she'll cook when he gets back)
TERRY (solo): There's total welling up in my eyes, I'm just trying to hold back from letting it all go. I miss my wife and kids tremendously. It gives me strength. I'm here to make them proud, and come home a Survivor. It was really, really heartwarming.
(Terry's wife tearily says they can't wait to see him and they love him)
TERRY : That was awesome. Oh, man.
SALLY : Can I just say that for however long we watched that, I was so not aware we were even playing this game?
BRUCE (toasts everyone): Here's to our battle, here's to our loved ones, here's to our special afternoon. It's special, and only us four shared it.
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