úterý 27. května 2014

season 14 episode 7 insider videos

Transcript by dpena and SurvivorFever.net

Tribal Voting

Rocky (Lisi): Sorry to send you home baby, its just I got no choice. Bye honey.

Alex (Rocky): Sorry buddy, I'm just thinking about long-term, what's going to happen after these next few challenges. It's nothing personal. Best of luck.

Mookie (Lisi): You're the reason we lost today.

Lisi (Rocky): Cause that's the way it's gotta go.

Edgardo (Rocky): Sorry man, but this is my alliance.

Dreamz (Rocky): I wanted her to go, not you.

*My note: guess what Dreamz, if you "wanted" Lisi to go, why didn't you vote for Lisi? Or do you have some homeless-man street logic I don't understand?*

Rocky's Final Words

Rocky: You know um, I just got voted off. To be honest with you, I smelt (?) it a little today, but I'm just pretty much in shock right now. Obviously didn't see it coming too much. Wish everybody the best of luck. Wish you get a little farther. You know you guys got me. I'm proud of ya. Good luck man, you did a great job. I still can't believe it. But you know. Do your thing, win the money. I'll be at the jury waiting for ya. So see ya soon, boys and girls, huh.

Uh, I don't really think they're idiots, but they probably smelt maybe the merge was coming, maybe it was individual things I don't really know. I'm out of the game right now but they made their decisions for the reasons why they made them and now they gotta live with 'em, just like me.

I think it came down to a numbers thing. I think Mookie stuck by me and he knew. He just decided he wasn't going to put my name down but I don't know. They're going for the numbers thing right now. They probably figured the old Moto tribe numbers were probably more solid than one of my numbers, so I was the one to go.

I'm extremely pissed off, I'm angry. But you know what, sportsmanship on their part. They got me good man, they got me really good. I didn't see anything coming until I was up at tribal council tonight. They just kind of swide-swiped me. And I smelt it a little bit, just the way you know tribal council was going a little too quick, didn't really feel the rhythm tonight, and then all of a sudden, BOOM. Ya get smacked in the mouth with a cinderblock. 

Doesn't feel too good. Nothing I can do it about it right now. So I'm gonna drink a beer. Maybe track down some of those brownies. I'm gonna go sleep. On a bed. Like that huh, on a BED!

Now I get to be on the jury, and hopefully none of those cats get the million bucks thanks to me.... Maybe Mookie, he's got a good heart. Maybe not though. 

Lisi's Return: Lisi returns from Exile Island, talks about her tribe and what not.

Lisi: I do like being at Ravu a lot because I don't feel comfortable. I don't feel like its a plush life. I really feel like I'm in the game now. It's not as rough as maybe some people think it is and it has a lot to do with the company. I love the guys. Being with them, being around that kind of male energy to me makes me very happy. It's very protective for me. I like the boys, I like the way they cut up. Just boy lingo to me, I adore. 

I really feel like I'm in it. I feel like I'm into it. And I wasn't feeling like that before. Okay we were going to all these challenges and we were winning and it was like Fantasy Land. We would win effortlessly. Everything was beautiful. Things were handed to us. Our rice was cooked with Cajun spices. I mean it was like there was this veil over everything and I really couldn't penetrate. And once that veil was lifted I really feel like this is Survivor. I feel better here than I did at Moto, ironically enough.

All the rewards that I got a Moto... I really haven't felt like I've been playing the game. Having stuff like a couch, a bed, toothpaste, toothbrush, soap. I didn't feel like I was on Survivor. It wasn't until I felt the pain of going to Exile Island, of stripping myself of my riches, did I really feel like this is the game.

What is going on. Before, I felt like I was having some kind of cmaping vacation. All I was missing at Moto were walls, and it was home. We had a latrine with a toilet seat for God's sakes. That's not Survivor. I really didn't feel like I was playing the game until I found myself sleeping on the floor, huddling next to a very small campfire, really stripping it down. All of a sudden it hit me like, this is the game.

After being two days and two nights at EI, you kind of feel like you can do it. To be by yourself and get deep into who you are and the core of yourself, you just kind of feel like you can do anything. So when we got to Ravu, I knew that Alex and Edgardo were here, two guys that I dig. Once I got here, it just like I can do this. Especially after going to Exile Island, I knew I could do this. I didn't have a moment of trepidation like, "Oh geez. Where's the bed? Where's the couch? Where am I going to sleep?" The first thing Edgardo said was, "Hey it's not so bad sleeping on the floor. It's a lot more comfortable than it looks." That... little words like that, go a long way. 

So it was exciting. I felt like I had reached yet another level.
Exile Island was a certain plain I had reached and when I got here I felt like I had reached another level. From the beginning this game has felt for me like a very strong hallucinogen. You get into this trip and it doesn't let it go unless the effects are over. So you go through these different phases of "Oh wow, I'm going through this now" and then another level of "Oh, this is happening," and you roll with the punches. And that's exactly how I felt when I got to Ravu, I was like "Okay, we're going to do this now."

I'm cool with all the guys here. I'm more cool with the people here then I was at Moto. And I'm more cool with the people here now then the people now at Moto. If I was at Moto, I would just be like, swimming, walking away. Moto right now to me would be the situation that I dread the most about Survivor. And that would be surrounded by a bunch of people that I didn't like and would just irritate me. 

Michelle is enough to drive me nuts. And I could just see myself getting completely irritated by her constantly. Earl is another one that I just wanna be like "Dude, take this coconut and like hit yourself with it a couple of times and just shut up." He's just annoying to me. And I don't feel that kind of annoyance here. I'd rather be here than anywhere. 

It's because of the man power. There's no question about that. Look what's going on at Moto. You've got Cassandra, Stacy, Michelle. Yau-Man, he's practically a chick. So you have Earl and Boo. Those are two guys. We have Dreamz. We have Rocky. We have Alex, we have Edgardo, we have Mookie. FIVE GUYS.
 (holds palm up, illustrating five with her fingers) 

I mean, if I can keep their spirits up, keep them happy, keep them well-fed, it's like what they said to me last night, "We can carry you over to the next level." And that's true. Just the man power alone can get Ravu on a winning streak.

So let's see what happens.

Rocky, the Day After

The whole idea and the aspect of the Survivor game was probably the hardest thing that I've ever done.  No idea, no idea it was going to be that difficult.  It just was.  For some reason, I think, in the back of your mind, you're like, 'oh, they're not going to let you die.'  Well, they won't let you die but you can come pretty damn close.  It's very intense and I don't think anybody realized how crazy it was actually going to be.


The things that went wrong for me in the game was basically the day I got kicked off.  The day I got kicked off and also a combination of the new people that we got in the tribe.  Alex, he seemed like a good kid.  I don't really, there's something I don't like, we just don't really mesh well.  He's more PC than I am.  Politically correct, if no one knows what PC means.  I just learned it the other day.  Basically he's more the business man.  Mookie's really smart.  He's down to Earth.  I like him.  Dreamz, very similar person.  We kind of clashed.  I can see why he wouldn't have all the loyalty to me.  Edgardo, he's probably the closest to my personality traits.  Lisi's just crazy.  She's absolutely insane.  She's a pretty cool girl to hang out with but she's nuts.


When I look at those cats on my team, I thought we were unstoppable, that it was a done deal.  I thought we were going to smoke everybody in the challenges then we were just going to hang out.  You know, just relax.  Didn't work out that way, we kept losing.  Then Alex and Lisi and everybody came to the realization, 'this aint easy'.  Especially living in the dire straits that we're living in.  They were coming from The Wizard of Oz, follow the yellow brick road, candy everywhere, food, whatever.  It wasn't like that over there so they realized how tough it is on the other side and so once that happened and we kept losing they stuck together and they voted me off, bro.  They just told me basically they lied to my face.  I smelt it.  You know, I smelt it a little bit.  I'm like, "Hey, it's Lisi now, huh?"  "Oh, yeah, sure, kewl. Alright."


The hardest thing for me basically was, after the hunger thing, after you get used to the hunger, you get used to realizing, this is how you're living right now.  It's the down time.  You're running around all day and you do some things.  You get a little lethargic.  You're still laying around from time to time.  Then your mind just goes.  It just keeps racing.  Your body might not be able to move but your mind is just going 150 miles an hour.  Thinking about everything from what's going on, who's talking about me, this and that to anything.  How many crabs can I possibly eat without getting sick.  Whatever you think about goes through your mind.  It's ridiculous.


This game has taught me a lot of things about myself.  I'd say pretty much all positive.  It's a learning experience of meeting more personalities.  I did a little bit of that in the Navy but this is a little more intense.  Sleeping and eating and struggling together.  It actually showed me what I'm actually capable of.  Just getting through the 14 days with absolutely no food.  Just how much I can really take.  My threshold for hunger and pain and just keep on going.  It taught me a lot about my mind and things of that nature.  That I could actually overcome things like this.  Never in my life did I go 14 days without eating and just absolutely go crazy.  You have no idea.  You lose your mind, everyday.  Everyday you lose your mind and then you gotta go one more day.  One more day, Jimmy.  Tomorrow's day four.  You'll be alright.


Lying to myself.  Concentrating on my breathing.  Just trying to separate myself from either the people or the game.  Because I don't care who you are, I don't care if you've got nine best friends and you all go on vacation.  You're with the same nine people for 14, 20 days straight.  You're gonna go crazy.  People have all these little mannerisms or like little idiosyncrasies that they do.  At the end of the day would you be all grumpy and hungry?  You're gonna want to shoot everybody in the face, all day, or beat 'em with a rock.  Whatever you can do.  So you have to separate yourself and take a little personal time, a little James time.  That's basically how I got through it.  Between the breathing and the separation and just like lying to myself and talking myself into just relaxing.


I think, from beginning to end it's always chaotic.  It might be a little rhythm in between cause everyone, you get comfortable a little bit and then they switch it up on ya.  But uh, yeah, it's chaotic, man.  The thing that people go through, especially when you're losing, like I did obviously.  Basically like, I don't want it to be me, anybody but me is good.  And who can I use to vote?  Who can I just sit here and go, alright, who can I count on to agree with me or better yet, have them make the decision that I want?  If you go up and go, "Oh, this person's going home", they get a little pissed off about that after awhile.  Nobody wants to be told what to do all the time but if you make it seem like it's their idea, "Oh, really, that's a great idea.  We'll vote off her.  Cool, cool, good one.  Everyone agree?"  Now they feel like they have a little bit of control.  It's good for their ego and they feel like they're actually doing something.  But lo and behold, they're just playing with the strings.  Little puppet master things going on.  But that's what you have to do.

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