středa 2. dubna 2014

season 11 episode 1 insider videos

Tribal Council Voting
Transcribed by James Barber

BLAKE: Jim, you're an amazing man. If I had half the energy and zeal you have at 63, what more could I ask for? We all got a little sick; hopefully dehydration is something I and others can bounce back from. Well, it's not a bone sticking out of your skin. I think that bicep is debilitating enough that I don't know how effective you'll be. I think our team is strong enough that we have a chance of winning every single event. I think today we just stumbled because of what happened yesterday. As great a man as you are, I know you're hurting real bad and wouldn't say anything about it, that was impressive. We're all gonna miss you.

DANNI: Man, why did you have to go get yourself hurt. You were the wisest one of the bunch and one tough dude. If it wasn't for you, there's no way we'd be in the place we're in right now with our camp.

BOBBY JON: Jim, you've got a lot of heart, perseverance, a ton of character - you're more of what the world needs today. Hope your arm gets better.

BROOKE: Jim, thanks for helping us through the jungle, and i know you're a fighter. I know you don't want to quit, but I have to make this vote thinking of the team long-term.

BRANDON: I'm sorry, Jim, I can see in your eyes how much you wanted this, and you're one of the toughest guys I ever met. I'll talk to you later.

MARGARET: Jim, you're a great fellow, and a great player, and you gave so much to our team. I know you understand exactly why we're doing this. Thank you for everything. God bless and good health, OK?

CINDY: Tonight my vote's for Jim. We kinda talked about this before we left to come here tonight, so I think we all understand why. I just hope you get better so you can enjoy all the adventures life has in store for you. Thanks for playing the game with us, and leading us through the jungle.

JIM: Margaret, I love you like a sister. You're a tough competitor, you're intelligent, you're a wonderful leader. If I'm able to stay in this game i know you're gonna be my greatest competition. Love ya.

Jim's Final Words
Transcribed by angela8675

Jim: Well, I'm not particularly surprised by the outcome of all this, given the difficulty of this game and you know an older guy, if you got an older guy operating at 50% in the challenges are absolutely enormous. I don't blame the guys for voting me out, all I really want to say is I wish them good luck and I hope nobody gets hurt.

Well, it was something that I guess I didn't fully believe when they talked about the difficulty of this whole thing and it really came to fruition. It's just that I was able to, and I think I had some help in doing this, but you know to take that many people through a difficult jungle situation for 24 hours and over 11 miles I think it's a credit to me and certainly a credit to the kids but I think I did well for what I had to work with.

Well, I learned that I'm probably not as strong as I thought I was, compared to these challenges, you know everyone has, maybe overestimates their abilities and as we get older, you know, mother nature turning down those thumb screws on us every day, sometimes we don't like to admit that, but this kind of brings it all out. It's realistic.

Well, I knew that I had strengths in, you know, people management, group dynamics, being able to work with people in a democratic kind of way. Weaknesses? Eh, it's the half (???) thing, the body's starting to fall apart, you know running 12 miles a day doesn't compare to this, on a flat mountain road, is nothing like this. So, weaknesses? They came out.

I'm proud of what I did at my age. I like to motivate people my age to do things, not necessarily this, but, you know, get off your couch, quit bitching into a coffee cup about some political issue and do something for yourself.

Challenges... I didn't fully, I don't think anybody, any of the survivors fully realized, you know, how tough this, and it's not just the toughness of the evolution that you're expected to do, but to compete under the circumstances of the humidity and the heat and the beating sun and, really, the lack of resources that you have is, it's really grueling.

I have no regrets. I'd do it again in a minute if everything was healed up, but that's probably not gonna happen, I did it once, and it was fun and something I'm never ever gonna forget.

Jim - The Day After
Transcribed by DCReads56


Jim: Well I’m out of the game primarily from an injury that I suffered during the second challenge. It was a challenge of pulling these huge weighty boats up a hill, and you had to row out and go out through these buoys, pick up a torch. For four or five revolutions it had to be boom boom boom. But on picking up that canoe, first thing off the beach, picked it up a split second before anyone else did with this left arm and I could just hear it snap. It snapped and went right on through the rest of the challenge. But you know, you’re operating at 50% and you know darn well you just are holding everybody back when you’re like that.


Well when I was originally injured we started back home, I’m tearing up, everybody’s tearing up. We lost for a reason. It wasn’t just something that fell out of the sky. Just like Probst said. It was something we did. Some faux pas we made. Some tactical error that we made. My estimation it was not going on the outside of those buoys, not going on the outside. We were trying to hit the center. Who cares about the center? I was against it, everyone was for it, I said, “Okay we’ll do what you want to do.”

The point is, when we got back to our tribal area, I knew that probably I’m going to drag these kids down. I knew when this thing snapped, I said, “I am screwed.” I’m not going to screw these guys along with me. I want to see them do well. If they can do better without me, fine. I’m not going to have these kids waiting on me, having them running challenges with me, sit on my butt. That’s not me. That’s not in my character. And I talked to them. Each and every one I pulled aside. I said, “You do what you got to do.” And it was tough. It was very tough.


Now the guys got sick. For whatever reason, I don’t know. The girls – they were relentless. And I was so proud of them. And I’m puking myself. Myself and some of the other guys have perceived themselves as being tough. That bug somehow got into us. What happened? Beats me.


Yeah, I think had I continued they would have perceived me as a father figure. Not so much father, but an uncle kind of guy that’s going to help take care of them. Hopefully in that short time I was on - I did get them out of the jungle. I did help them spend the night safely in the jungle and got them back out. And ended up winning that challenge. So it was big for them and I think they appreciated that.


I think overall my Survivor experience was not really what I expected. I knew it was going to be tough. I knew it was going to be grueling. But I didn’t expect the conditions – the humidity, the heat. Just the toughness and the intensity of that long trek specifically. It was stifling.

Well the way I’m feeling is today, to put it in a couple of words is somebody’s got to go first. But it’s still bittersweet. You get – you leave that game that you worked so hard to get in. You’ve come all those miles. It seems like it went quick. It seems like it was long and grueling – you think like you’ve been out there a week. So like I said, it is bittersweet. I wish I could have gone farther, but injuries happen. It would have happened to anybody.

Bobby Jon’s Scared
Transcribed by DCReads56


Description: How tough does Bobby Jon think he really is? Find out as he describes the difficulties of surviving the Guatemalan environment.

Bobby Jon (Confessional): I’m feeling like I just got through having a seizure. I’ve never had one, but if you’ve ever had a seizure, I had one up there a little while ago. I didn’t, but it was just severely, severely dehydration. I’ve heard people talk about it before but I think I’m a badass and that kind of thing never happens to me. And it did, and it whipped me like a little girl, a little boy, whatever you want to call it. Just right in front of everybody. Just go ahead, day 2, and show them my weakness. I was really mad at myself. I really couldn’t move. When I say I couldn’t move, I mean, I was that far from biting my tongue. I didn’t know what was going on.


I was very surprised with the conditions that I’m in right now. For me, I just never thought that type of thing would ever happen to me, and it did. And it hit me head on. It’s still going on some now, but we have a lot of water up there, and luckily the girls have been pulling more than their weight. Brandon’s definitely been pulling his weight, and so has Jim. So knock on wood. Those guys are really carrying the tribe right now. I’m still hanging in there.


This thing is – it’s a nightmare, sort of (laughs). It really is. I didn’t plan on it being like this. I think that on Day 1, I was like, okay, go go go go go go as hard as you can. And that’s what I did. I carried two bags of corn all day yesterday and I got up this morning and I was feeling it.


Right now I’m feeling pretty exhausted. Pretty winded. And I know if I’m going to contribute to this team that I’d better tighten up quick or I’ll be home. That’s it.

Stephanie is Positive
Transcribed by Groundeeoso


Stephenie (Confessional): I think the difference between Ulong and Yaxha is we lost today but we gave it everything we had, and we still lost. So there's always a winner and a loser, and our time will come, and we will win. And our heads are still up, and we're still really positive, and we're so excited to still play this game, and come out you know as a winning tribe. Whereas you know when I was on Ulong, people were like, oh well, no big deal. It's totally different this time.


I'm going to be honest, I don't blame anybody for losing this race. Gary and I decided to take the direction into our own hands in the beginning, and it took us a little while to get it down, and then we had it down pat. And then when we caught up to them, there were a couple people who were slow. So it was kind of a team thing. And we were handing the compasses off, it wasn't just us leading the whole time. So I'm not going to blame just one person. I'm not. I mean, there's clearly, there's people who are more physically fit then others, who can run with bags of corn, 30 pounds, and who can't.

And we're just going to have to work with that, and if that doesn't work, then we may eventually have to start getting rid of the weakest first obviously.


I think possibly the weakest is a cross between Amy and Lydia. And I think the laziest is Jamie. I just think his head's not in it. I don't know.

Thirsty And Tired
Transcribed by DCReads56


Description: Check out never before seen footage of life at camp as the Yaxha tribe struggles in their new home.

? female: Our priorities are fire, boiling water.
Cindy: I’ll do the fire.
? female: I’m ready to
Brandon: ???
? female: Want to wash the dishes?
? female: Yeah
(Margaret examining Blake’s back)
Blake: Ow!
Margaret: Oh, sorry. I’m just going to pull it.
Cindy: It’s a fricken big one.
Margaret: It’s going to fester its way out.
Cindy: Oh!
Margaret: Just leave it. Let’s get some clean water. You okay?
Blake: Yeah.

Brooke: We should take everybody’s clothes down and rinse out like all the fruit that got on people’s stuff.
? Guy: Yeah, I guess we can do that.
Brooke: All right ya’ll!
Danni: We’re going to get water too and bring it back up here.
(Shots of guys going out holding something?)

Margaret (Confessional): We won the challenge so we got the better camp, which is great.

(Danni, Brooke, Brandon and ? are walking in the jungle)
? male: You two should be carrying this, and we should get the jugs, man.
Brandon: What the hell’s that one?

Margaret (Confessional): But at that point, Blake, he was nauseated and in a lot of pain.

Blake: (Grimacing, to Danni) My whole body’s just vibrating right now.
Danni: Just stay here, okay? Just rest.
Judd: Why don’t you just sit there for a little bit –
Blake: (Vomits) Oh god.

Margaret (Confessional): The combination of going through the jungle yesterday and trying to get here today dehydrated so many of us.

Cindy: They’re going to bring water back.
Blake: Aw shit. Ahh. Ahh.
Cindy: Where’s the blanket? Let’s put the blanket on him.

Margaret (Confessional in a different location): Blake got hit on the shoulder, and the combination of the pain and desperation –

? female: Just breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Margaret (Confessional) Blake is so dehydrated that he’s cramped up. We’ve been drinking water, but it’s just not enough water. I’ve been a trauma nurse for a lot of years. Now I’m a nurse practitioner.

Margaret: (By Blake) Right up my alley! If we get some fluid in us, we should be okay. I think they’re doing pretty well back at camp with fire.

(Shots of guys working on fire)
Jim: Dammit.

Brandon: (Filling pot with water and handing it to Judd) Got it?
Judd: (Grunting) Oh yeah! (He drops the pot) The pot just broke.
Brandon: Aw man! That sucks, man!

(Danni and Brooke walking back)
Brooke: Hey Judd, Brandon.
Judd: The pot just broke. Cheaply made, man.
Danni: Oh…
Brandon: The whole bottom!

(Margaret helping Blake up)
Margaret: One, two, three. Walk slow.

Judd: What’s up with him, man?
Brandon: Yeah, how is he? Is he ? or what?
Judd: I mean, I’m 240 pounds and I carry my own damn weight, man.
? female: Well he –
Judd: I mean, he’s a nice guy and all –
? female: He was tired in the boat, remember?
Judd: Yeah, but still –
? female: And he – on his shoulder -
Judd: Listen, I’m not knocking the guy by any means. I’m just saying – I hope he doesn’t get sick every day.

(Margaret and Blake in jungle joined by Brooke and Brandon, who give Blake a wet buff to put on his neck)
Brandon: How you doin’ man?
Brooke: Better?

Judd (Confessional): I did the wash, I hung out by the water. Everybody had a little chore to do, but the dehydration is just kicking in. I know tomorrow’s going to be a big day, so hell, I want to rest up.

(Guys making fire)
? female: Put sticks on it.
Guys: Yeah.

Jim Reveals All

Transcribed by BlackjackMan

Jim (Confessional): Well we lost the immunity challenge, probably for a couple of reasons, if uh, you looked at what we did when we went after the torch, we got a little bit messed up on the turn, and it cost seconds in that, in that critical time, we got up on the beach, and made a couple of blunders, uh I got ran over, you know, and then from the very get-go I heard my arm, putting the canoe in the water, so I'm like 50% it's those little things, those little nuances, that's what'll kill ya.


The whole problem happened initially when we were putting that boat in the water. I picked up, I thought everybody we were all on cue, I picked up before everybody else did with my left, and my bicep just literally snapped, you could hear it snap. So I pretty much did the entire challenge, from the very get-go, with you know, a pulled bicep muscle. Coupled with the things that happened, uh, the glitches that happened, you know. But the thing spasmed the whole time, so I was in pain and it's still spasming.


This challenge, is everything. It's your whole lifeblood in this game. When you go to tribal council, and you've lost, you didn't win that immunity idol, and you've lost, somebody is going to go home. One of your tribe is going to go home, while the other tribe sits in camp, and let's face it, they gloat. It doesn't take much because these teams are evenly matched. You know, that's just the way it is.

Blake Talks Back
Transcribed by Groundeeoso


Clip Description: Blake reveals the combination of reasons why his shoulder has been in pain.

Blake (Confessional): I think with our group so far, there's been some maternal leadership from Margaret, just because she's a nurse, and she is older than most of our mothers, but a strong woman. And obviously Bobby Jon because you know the position he's held in the past. I think the rest of us have all kind of had our own perspective and nobody's really stepped forward.

We hit that 1.2 miles in the jungle and that was hands down the most grueling part. Traveling with our flag was so intense, just trying to get it through every vine.


We were walking through maybe the first .12 miles of the journey through the jungle, heading up a hill. I was middle of the group, Jim kind of walked around a tree, and everyone pointed out that it had thorns on it. Somehow the base snapped and this entire tree fell. I guess I'm kind of lucky it didn't hit me in the face or the top of the head and embed me with giant thorns. I've had surgery on the shoulder in the past, and I was favoring it the day or two before I came here. I wasn't looking forward to hauling that load.

All of a sudden, this branch collapses, and it didn't just deflect off me, it snapped over my shoulder. And you know three or four thorns went in. Margaret started pulling them out, there's still a few stuck in there I can't get out. It slowed me down, it was startling enough that it took my breath away. It kind of put that fear in me, because the one thing I was afraid of here was that. I don't want to come in here with a shoulder injury and re-irritate it and all of a sudden not be able to compete. It was numb for a good while, and it jammed me up pretty good. There was a throbbing sensation from the needles in there, cause they went in so deep. I mean, we all brushed them, I've got scrapes and stuff all over my body from just catching the thorns. But these got shoved all the way in there, I mean, Margaret couldn't even get them out today. Probably going to have to take tweezers to get them out. Not only that, but it just knocked my shoulder down. My problem in the past has been it displacing out the back, and it got hit right there. Again, I've got to favor it for awhile, carry water bottles on my right shoulder, throw everything around my neck.

Rope Swing

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